Markus is a supervisor at a call center he is responsible for a team of 20 employees

Markus is a supervisor at a call center he is responsible for a team of 20 employees 

Employment law scenarios with a special challenge — I know you can do this!

For each of the following scenarios, please identify:

  1. Can the employee make a prima facie case (McDonnell-Douglas Test)?
  2. What employment law would the employee likely use to file a complaint of discrimination?
  3. If applicable based on case, could a reasonable accommodation be made–why or why not?

This assignment is due on  December 16, 2028 by 11:59 pm


Markus is a supervisor at a call center, he is responsible for a team of 20 employees. Jenn is a fairly new employee at the call center. She enjoyed having Markus help her during her training period; however, lately she has been uncomfortable with his attention. He tells her that her sweaters “show off her best assets” and comments on how “long and beautiful” her legs are. Jenn is considering leaving her job because of these comments, which are now occurring on a near daily basis. Could Jenn meet the tests above?