Undertake a cursory overview of Healthy People 2020 Topics and Objectives

Undertake a cursory overview of Healthy People 2020 Topics and Objectives

Discussion Questions:
1. Identify at least 2 vulnerable groups as observed from your community assessment project.
Choose one Healthy People 2020 objective pertinent to each group. Discuss access to care
and health care disparities in your community as related to each vulnerable group. Identify in
your community available resources: where the resources are located, how easily accessible
are they, and what outreach services they provide.
2. Undertake a cursory overview of Healthy People:2020 – Topics and Objectives. Select a
2020 objective that focus on the needs of a particular population in your community with a
specific health related concern. (e.g., children with asthma; at risk for domestic violence; obese
middle-aged women; home bound frail elderly, cancer survivors, etc.). Propose primary,
secondary and tertiary prevention strategies that are tailored to the needs of this population.