Direct Practice Assessment Assignment

Direct Practice Assessment Assignment

Please also include the following information on your report:

• Name of the movie you chose

• (hypothetical) Date you conducted the interview with the fictional character you choose

• (hypothetical) Start and stop time of interview

Brief Summary = brief summary of the client’s presenting problem including subjective client report (e.g., onset of the presenting problem; ancillary concerns; family background; significant medical/counseling history; substance use/abuse history; educational/vocational history; bio-psycho-social information; biological/medical concerns; environment; systems information; cultural contexts; previous mental health history if known; strengths; and psychosocial deficits).

Objective Information = including mental status evaluation.

Assessment = including main symptoms, diagnosis, differential diagnosis (if applicable), DSM-5 (if applicable).

Plan = a brief plan to address the problem situation including the theoretical approach, reasons for selecting the theoretical approach, techniques, and evidence supporting effectiveness.

Overall Quality =

o Double-spaced, 12-point Times New Roman font, use of headings

o Quality, substance, organization, flow, clarity, and originality

o Proper grammar, spelling, writing style, and punctuation

o Page length (client report – 1 page) (clinical report – 5-6 pages)

o Professional citations at least 5 from professional journal articles and textbook(s).

Several citations from the textbook will be considered one.