Business Transformation and Change

Business Transformation and Change

There are 8 questions in total, and each requirement must be written clearly. At least 200 words per question.
Analyse the dimensions of leadership and their relationship to change and the challenges inherent in implementing change.
Evaluate the methods of measuring the progress and success of change programmes.


1. Identify and explore in detail, four (4) core skills of an organisation development practitioner or change leader. (each skill listed – 1 mark; explain each skills – 3 marks each)

2. Identify and illustrate five (5) challenges that organisations face when implementing a change. (identify each challenge – 1 mark; explain each challenge – 3 marks each)

3. Explain, using four (4) examples each of the advantages and disadvantages of employing internal versus external change management consultants. (internal consultants – Advantages 4 marks / Disadvantages 4 marks; external consultants – Advantages 4 marks / Disadvantages 4 marks)

4. Describe with the use of examples, two (2) methods of measuring/evaluating the success of a particular change process. (identify each method -1 mark; explain each method – 2 marks)

5. Using a relevant example, define and discuss resistance to change and how you would you overcome it as a change leader. (definition – 2 marks; discussion – 4 marks)

6. Energising, inclusive, resolute and commanding are four dimensions of leadership. Define them and explain with examples, their relationship to change management. (each definition – 2 marks; each discussion – 4 marks)

7. With the aid of an example, apply Force-Field Analysis in relation to change management. (definition – 2 marks; discussion – 4 marks)

8. With the aid of an example, apply the concept of discontinuous change? (definition – 2 marks; discussion – 4 marks)