Discuss the relationship between the associative mind endorsed by the behavioural psychologists

Discuss the relationship between the associative mind endorsed by the behavioural psychologists

  1. Discuss the relationship between the “associative mind” endorsed by the behavioural psychologists and the “cognitive mind” endorsed by cognitive psychologists. Offer a characterization of each, noting their strengths and weaknesses. Does one capture human behaviour better than the other or do we need both? Begin your readings with Chapters 4 and 5 from Goel’s Reason and Less (Topics 1 & 2) and then follow up with other sources.
  2. Compare and contrast Tversky and Kahneman’s program of heuristics and biases in decision-making with Gigerenzer’s program of “simple heuristics.” Start with the lecture material and then follow up with other sources. There was an interesting exchange that occurred between the two camps in 1996 in Psychological Review (Volume 103, No. 3) that is worth looking up. Clearly explain both programs with examples before comparing and contrasting.
  3. What is the case to be made for and against multiple memory systems? How has neuropsychological data informed this issue over the past several decades? You might want to begin by listening to the memory lecture and doing the associated readings, and then follow up with other sources. The Memory chapter in Gazzaniga, Ivry, and Magnan textbook “Cognitive Neuroscience: The Biology of the Mind” has some good relevant material.
  4. How has neuropsychological data informed cognitive theories of reasoning over the past several decades? Begin your readings with the Goel and Waechter (2019) Chapter in Topic 7 and then follow up with other sources.
  5. What does cognitive psychology have to say about creativity? What are the basic models? What are the strengths and weaknesses of these models? Start with the Goel reading on creativity in Topic 9 and then follow up with other sources.