Business Process Management process innovation benefit from big data and data analytics

Business Process Management process innovation benefit from big data and data analytics

Learning Objectives:
• Better understand the role of (big) data and data analytics in process innovation
• Get hands-on experience in Business Process Management
• Present how process innovation can benefit from (big) data and data analytics


As of recent, you have learned the key concepts, frameworks, and principles about data analytics. Now, in this homework, you will investigate how (big) data analytics can improve a particular business process. In order to determine the impact of (big) data analytics, you will provide a visualization of a specific business process using BPMN 2.0 on Lucid Chart ( and then explain how (big) data and data analytics can improve your business process. Reminder: a business process is a network of activities used to accomplish a business function.

Ok, let’s kick off the assignment.

Read through the business process scenarios and select one of them as the business process you will focus on for this assignment.

1. Online Shopping: Recently, you purchased your textbook from an online vendor (e.g. Half Price Books). Now, model the sales process of the selected vendor. Focus on a specific vendor and provide the steps in the sales process (e.g. begin with receiving orders to successful delivery).
2. Credit Card Application: Recall your recent credit card application process with a particular bank – either a physical location or online. Model the credit card process. Note, the credit card may not always be approved. Focus on the back-end application process (e.g. credit check – begin with receiving the application request to application approved/denied).
3. Hotel Reservations: Recall your recent experience with reserving a hotel online. Model the hotel reservation process (e.g. begin with receiving a request to a successful reservation).
4. Pizza Order: Recall your recent pizza order experience, either by phone or online. Model the pizza sales process (e.g. begin with the order to the delivery).
5. Any other business processes: Create your own case and then model a specific business process. Remember, you only need to focus on accomplishing one business function (e.g. purchasing materials, customer service).

In the above scenarios, you are required to model each process from the vendor’s perspective (e.g. a retail store, a restaurant, or a hotel).


• Before you draw the business process model be sure to focus on the process associated with a specific company/organization (e.g. REI, Dominos, Ritz Carlton).
• Think about what happens behind each process mentioned above.
• Be sure to visualize the business process using the correct notations.
• Your business model should be graphical and easy to see and understand the key activities, flows, and data/database needed in this business process.
• Be sure to use, BPMN 2.0 at Lucid Chart ( Details about using Lucid Chart and BPMN 2.0 are included in the Appendix.
• Think about the role of (big) data and the impact of (big) data analytics in your process.


1. The visualization of a business process using BPMN 2.0 on Lucid Chart.
a. Save and submit as a PDF or MS WORD format
2. Write a memo to your boss to describe briefly the business process, discuss the role of (big) data in the business process, and present the impact of (big) data analytics in process innovation.
a. The memo must be properly formatted as a business memo, written using proper business writing (see sample).
b. Single space.