Examples of Outsourcing Determinants of Income Differences

Examples of Outsourcing Determinants of Income Differences

Page 1 initial discussion
Page 2: Answer to follow up question from instructor (3-5 Sentences) and 2 responses to classmates (3-5 sentences each).
The first page will be for the intrusions down below.
Select one topic, then post and concisely defend your view. You may post to both topics, but are required to only select one for your initial post.
Be careful to identify the positive reasons for your normative position. Read and respond to your fellow student’s postings at will. The topics to choose from are:
1. Examples of Outsourcing. Identify one example of outsourcing that you have observed or desire to research. Be certain to apply the economic analysis of Chapter 28 in your post and tell us what you believe was the most significant economic factor in the outsourcing you described. Examine the labor and product markets involved. Lastly, should there be any changes you would favor to any laws or regulations that accommodated the outsourcing?
2. Determinants of Income Differences. Identify one of the determinants of income differences as enumerated in Chapter 30 which you have personally observed or desire to research. Be certain to tell us what you believe was the most significant economic factor in determining the wages for the labor market you selected. Lastly, should there be any changes you would favor to income policies and why?
Note: A post that merely recites an example, without offering economic analysis or responding to the questions assigned, garners few points.
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Once you submit the first page to me the second page will come from a follow up question from the professor regarding the submission (3-5 sentences) and a response to a fellow student’s postings (3 -5 sentences). Once you get the first page complete I can get you the follow up question as well as the fellow students posting to respond to.
Use this source: Miller, Roger LeRoy. Economics Today with access to MyEconLab. 19th ed, New Jersey: Pearson, 2017.