Health The Difference Between the Rich and Poor in Healthcare

Health The Difference Between the Rich and Poor in Healthcare

Can wealth secures health?

Thesis statement- America’s healthcare inequality requires that the gap between the rich and poor must be bridged because low-income households tend to have adults with lower education levels, more stress, and negative health behaviors. (Use this thesis statement in the paper)
1. Attached are the 3 sources that must be used, Draft of my paper, instructor’s notes regarding the draft to adhere to, and expand upon. (12- font, indented para., Double-spaced, APA format, at least 6 paragraphs 1100 words+)
2. Describe real-life instances of the above social issues in a personal or professional setting. Discuss your perspective on the selected social issues, including reasons for your viewpoint.
3. Discuss how core values inform or influence your perspective on the selected social issues.
4. Introductory paragraph needs to clearly outline a real-life instance of the above social issues and give the above thesis statement that indicates your perspective.