Treatment Plan Assignment

Treatment Plan Assignment

Module 6: Treatment Plan Assignment

TREATMENT PLAN ASSIGNMENT: (Complete the Following Instructions)

For every person we see we must create a service or treatment plan that specifically addresses that person’s needs. In addition, this plan must specifically address the direction the individual states he/she wants to go. No two plans should be exactly alike because people can have the same problems but react to them differently.

When creating plans, always involve the client as well as the client’s family when appropriate. Plans without client input are not acceptable. As people discuss their problems and the issues they feel should be addressed, you can generate general goals for them that will become part of the plan. Once you have some ideas about goals, share your ideas with them and always ask for their opinions and additions.

The client represents an individual from case management with children and their families. Remember the ecological model, the child’s point of view, respect for children, prevention efforts and recognize children are one of our most vulnerable populations – careful attention must be paid to their protection.

For the following client, complete the following:

1) Create a new referral/inquiry sheet (note: you may need to create information such as address, phone, etc for the client). I’m attaching an example of what a referral sheet looks like, but in the end you can submit any referral form you have.

2) Create a list of items that will be included on the clients formal service plan.

3. Create a service/treatment plan and submit a document similar to the one in your textbook for your client and include the items in the instructions (again, you can use any treatment plan form you have within your own agency or one you find online, or simply follow the sample given in your textbook).

4. Make sure your submission has at least 450 words.