Intersectionality Nursing

Intersectionality Nursing

1) Intersectionality has become a “buzz word” that is often used as a definition but not operationalized into practice. Reflecting on your
increased understanding from last week’s readings, discuss how Sarah Jama’s perspectives relate to women’s experiences within the article.
How can applying an intersectional lens improve women with disabilities’ experiences in this article?
Here is the video link

This is a student discussion from the forum please read the article and watch the video and respond to this by answering the question above.
After Sarah Jama’s interviews, I have come to realize what her perspective is related to women’s experiences within the article. As discussed,
some healthcare services are not designed for people with disabilities, as it was shown that Sarah was not able to get into the ambulance due to
it not being accessible. These perspectives are related to the article’s theme of inaccessible care settings as shown in the shower room in the
labour and delivery unit, which was not designed for women with disabilities (Tarasoff, 2017). By applying the intersectional lens, nurses would
be able to recognize the different oppression that each woman with disabilities has faced and all other parts of identities that they hold. Having
the ability to recognize injustice, the nurses need to advocate for the client based on the need for each individual to attain the quality of care.
Most importantly, healthcare workers need to constantly reflect on their stigma, their values towards females with disabilities, and the need for
continued education in the area of care for disabled patients. In addition, more funding is needed to do more research in this area of healthcare
as there are numerous obstacles that are depicted in the article.
please use APA style 7th edition
cite video link as well