Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence

Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence

Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence

A 36-year-old pregnant Orthodox Jewish woman who has ten children visits her female gynecologist, a Reform Jew, because she has large and painful vulvar varicose veins. The women’s husband remains in the room during the examination and answers the physician’s questions for the woman. At length, the woman asks what she can do to prevent this problem in the future. The physician responds that the reason she has the varicose veins is that the hormones of pregnancy cause increased blood to the region. The problem will go away when the patient is no longer pregnant. The husband becomes enraged and tells the physician she has no right telling them how many children to have.

What are the known facts in the scenario? What else may be going on? What cultural differences might explain the misunderstandings in this case?
What organizational behavior problems does this case illustrate?
What ethical dilemmas, if any, does this case illustrate?
Was the physician insensitive to the pregnant woman and her husband? How could she have managed the situation differently? What should she do now?
What principles of power and influence, if any, are at play here?