Career exploration and planning

Career exploration and planning

Career exploration and planning is a continuing theme in our curriculum. Please select the best starting point for this assignment, complete appropriate activities, and prepare a one page report, single-spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs.

1. What is your experience with the UMUC Career Services?

2. Explore the web site as your initial visit or to prepare for this assignment as an update

3. If you are not a job seeker, highlight UMUC Career Quest resources to recommend to others

4. Explain how our course, ACCT 321 Cost Accounting, relates to your academic and career goals, including certifications such as the CMA, CFE, CIA, and / or CPA exam.

Completion of this report illustrates your goals as they relate to our class, in the framework of career exploration and planning.
Course objectives:

• apply cost-accounting concepts to analyze business and financial data
• effectively use technology to prepare concise financial deliverables
• effectively communicate key financial information to financial and non-financial stakeholders
• evaluate business and financial data to make profit-maximizing decisions while considering corporate social responsibility
• analyze, and evaluate the cost and value added of each organizational unit’s impact on the end product

Your report should specifically include our course name and may refer to your experience completing a similar assignment in other courses.