Training Needs Analysis (Step-by-Step Worked Sample)

Training Needs Analysis

Assignment 1: Analyze Training Needs
Select or create an organization for the authentic assessment. In this first assignment, you will begin to develop a training needs analysis (TNA) for your chosen organization. Note: It is recommended that you choose your own organization (where you are currently employed). If you are not employed, reach out to the professor to help with selection of an organization. DO NOT use Walmart, Target, or Starbucks as your organization. For this assignment, you will work on items 1-5 only.
NOTE: you will include a summary of assignment one as the intro to assignment two!
1. Provide information about the organization and its needs regarding the training issue:
a. This should include general, high level information about the company in terms of product/services, size, geography, workforce attributes, etc. The training issue is the problem or challenge (could be deficiency OR need based on a predicted change in the operation, workforce, etc.). Here this should be “high level”, focused on the organization (not specifically the individual workers yet).
2. Determine the group or individuals who will receive the training:
a. This should include information about the target audience as it will impact the training developed – including demographic information, type of work, location of work, etc.
3. Identify the training issue:
a. This is a continuation from item 1. Here you will focus more on the individual workers and/or teams.
b. NOTE: the training issue should NOT be that they lack training. It should be tied to a performance deficiency or need.
4. Provide a training needs assessment questionnaire:
a. The questionnaire should provide insight into the training need/gap; therefore it should focus on the training issue itself – choose questions that provide insight to the issue. In a sense, the questionnaire helps you identify and analyze the “why” (e.g., if you are addressing a performance issue, the questionnaire would help you hone in on the real issue).
b. SUGGESTION: think hard about using questions that ask how the audience “feels” about something – you want to obtain the most tangible and useful information.
c. NOTE: you will NOT administer the questionnaire!
d. Your questionnaire should be included as an appendix to your paper – inserting questions within the narrative of your paper does not suffice.
5. Explain how the questionnaire will be utilized and will lead to the development of training outcomes/learning objectives within your written report:
a. Here you will essentially validate the questions posed in your questionnaire – if you can’t do that, you should probably revisit your questions.
i. You will probably not have the time or resources to implement the questionnaire or compile all the organizational and training-specific information necessary to complete the TNA. (If you are able to get real data and results, great! Otherwise, be creative and fabricate results.) The goal is to understand how a TNA is done effectively and to practice completing one.

Assignment 2: Determine Training Outcomes
Use the TNA to identify performance gaps and to establish specific training outcomes. This assignment builds on the previous one and will complete your TNA. Use at least three classroom resources in this assignment.
For this assignment, you will work on items 6 – 8 only (below)
NOTE: you will include a summary of assignment one as the intro!
6. Include at least three training outcomes, based on the TNA
Think of training outcomes in a larger context: how will the training solve the problem (or, address the need) at an organizational level? Think of this as a justification for your training. How you would “sell” the training to the organization’s leadership team. Why should they invest in the training. What’s in it for them (AKA, the organization)?
Remember, this should be as tangible as possible!
7. Identify the expected performance of the group or individuals as a result of the training
This is where you will focus more on the individual level. Think in terms of learning objectives. As a result of the training, what will the target audience do (or not do) that will improve their performance?
8. Identify performance gaps and detail how training can help close those gaps
Here you will essentially validate your proposed training . What performance gaps (or needs) is the training intended to address and how do your training recommendations achieve this? There needs to be a clear connection between what you are proposing and what you are trying to address.

Assignment 3: Design the Training Plan; Use ADDIE Model
Using the ADDIE model, design a training plan based on the findings and training outcomes revealed in your TNA. The training plan should include the following, at a minimum:
The Analysis section is a summary of your TNA ( assignments 1 and 2).
Include a paragraph describing the organization and training issue.
Discuss organizational and training goals and objectives, the target group, and the KSAs that should be expected of learners, which the training will address.
Determine program format, length of training, and method of delivery.
What will be the costs, and what resources will be needed from the organization? A training plan budget is important because an organization needs to anticipate, plan and pay for the training costs. In the section, you will develop a spending plan that breaks down the costs of your proposed training plan. Consider the following cost categories for your budget table and report: Direct Costs, Indirect Costs, Preparation Costs, Developmental Costs, Participant compensation, Evaluation costs, Total Training Costs. Your budget will have two components, a formal report and a budget table.
Prepare a table with a proposal for your training.
Prepare a written budget report Describe in detail each the costs associated for your organization training needs as it applies to your training plan. Explain all of the costs included in your budget table.
Describe what will be included in the program materials and activities. Consider communication tools, modules, learning aids, and assessment/evaluation tools.
Give specifics on how you will implement and deliver training. Include any “train-the-trainer” pilots and plans for training.
In this section, you will develop a post-training evaluation plan. Evaluation is necessary for determining the overall effectiveness of a training program. Your evaluation plan should aim to measure learner performance. Evaluation will describe the success of the training program and lead to a plan for continuous improvement. You plan should include both a written report and the evaluation tool you would use for assessment.
Prepare an evaluation report Describe in detail how you will evaluate this training in terms of effectiveness. Explain how training will be assessed and evaluated. Describe the purpose of the evaluation tool. Address how overall training will be evaluated. List short- and long-term methods that ensure your training plan has translated into desired performance. Explain how it will bridge the organizational gaps identified in the TNA.
Include at least one evaluation tool together with your written evaluation plan. The tool should look professional and ready for your intended audience to complete.
Make sure you have an introduction and summary to your report.
Use APA 7.0 Edition formal report formatting for your Training Plan. Label each section with the following headings: Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. Use and cite a minimum of three classroom resources to help you create your training plan. Include a cover page, citations page and in-text citations. Submit everything together as one document. Save your work as described in the syllabus and submit to the course link by the due date.