Case Study Burger Boy

Case Study Burger Boy

Read the Your Turn Exercise at the end of Chapter 9 of your text (attached). Read the case
study. In a 3-page analysis, including any actionable recommendations, address the issues in
questions 1-4 below. The central objective of this assignment is to understand the management
of the restaurant, identify the discrepancies, and analyze the best possible compensation
package(s) to motivate the employees at Burger Boy, recognizing that problems may have a
“solution,” or actionable recommendation, other than cash compensation.
The four questions that follow the case study raise the following issues:
1.What appear to be the problems at this Burger Boy?

2.How many of these problems could be explained by compensation issues?
3.How many other problems could be lessened with diligent use of rewards other than pay?
4.Are hours of work a reward? What might explain why I was happy to be working 20 hours per
week, but Chuck was unhappy with 30 hours per week? How might schedules be used as a
Support your opinions with 2 scholarly references. Compose your analysis in APA format with a
title page, introduction, discussion and analysis, and conclusion.
Text Reference:
Gerhart, B. & Newman, J.M. (2020). Compensation (13th ed.). McGraw-Hill.