Unique health benefits of exercise training for American football (NFL) players
Unique health benefits of exercise training for American football (NFL) players
Students will be required to complete a final project on the unique health benefits of exercise
training for a select population. Students will create a 3-5-page report, citing scientific (peer-reviewed)
resources, that investigate the benefits and appropriate recommendations of flexibility, resistance training, or
cardiovascular exercise for their select population.
1) You must approve your population with me (through email) by September 24 @11:59 PM
2) Your final paper should be 3-5 pages long (excluding cover page and bibliography)
3, Your paper must be double-spaced and written in
Times New Roman 12 pt. font
4.) You must have AT LEAST 3 scientific (peer-reviewed) sources
5., Sources can be cited in whichever format you
would prefer, but it must be consistent throughout the entire paper.