Aligning Talent Development with Business Operations

Aligning Talent Development with Business Operations

A core theme in our readings this week is the importance of a close relationship between HR and the operation of the business. In The Talent Masters, Conaty and Charan illustrate this with the example how GE dealt with the unexpected resignation of a senior executive. In Powerful, McCord emphasizes that every single employee has to understand the business.
• Does your organization have any practices similar to “C Sessions” to support succession planning and strategy execution? If so, explain how these are implemented and what is and is not working well. If not, what value would such sessions add?
• How can companies with talent development practices that are significantly different from the C-Session model ensure strong alignment between the HR function and the Mission, Values, and Strategy of the business?


Conaty, B.l & Charan, R. (2010). Talent Masters: Why Smart Leaders Put People Before Numbers. Crown Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-307-46026-4*

McCord, P. (2017). Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility. Silicon Guild. ISBN 978-1-939714-09-01