Analytical Report – Organisational Strategies in a COVID 19 World

Analytical Report – Organisational Strategies in a COVID 19 World

The Module is: Global Business Challenges
On the basis of this new global business environment, you are required to submit an analytical report (AR) (5,000 words max) which evaluates the “Strategies for a Large Consumer Goods Company in Hong Kong to Ensure Business Continuity under the Covid-19 Epidemic Situation”

This report must address the following (although it is not limited to these).

1. Company background (It should include ownership, the company’s history in Hong Kong, the cost and revenue structure, and industry competition)
2. The company’s business performance amid the economic disruption due to the COVID-19 outbreak
3. Analyse the potential challenges the company is facing. Propose how you would overcome them.

Note: please find the details of “Formatting and Layoujvzt” as per attached file