Assignment: Assessing and Documenting Eating Disorders in Older Persons

Assignment: Assessing and Documenting Eating Disorders in Older Persons

Read the DSM-5 information on “Feeding and Eating Disorders”.
Read Chapter 11 of Mental Health in Social Work.
Watch the following two videos for background:
Older Australians Are Also Suffering From Eating Disorders (No CC)
Eating Disorders in Older Women
For your assignment:
Watch the video: Eating and Feeding Issues in Older Adults with Dementia
Use The Edinburgh Feeding Evaluation in Dementia Scale to record the feeding and eating disorder symptoms of “Mrs. Sunshine” that is portrayed in the video. The scale is on the 7th page of the PDF.
Read the Clinical Documentation document that describes and provides examples for session documentation.
Review the Clinical Terminology definitions.
Using the information from the video, complete a SOAP session note where you document the presenting symptoms, and conclude with a referral to treatment.
In the Subjective section, include quotes from the “client”.
In the Objective section, document your cognitive, affective, and behavioral observations using clinical terminology.
Be sure to include your DSM-5 diagnosis in the Assessment section.
Include a specific referral to a treatment center in the Plan section. Locate a facility that specializes in eating disorders.
Remember, the Subjective, Objective, and Assessment sections MUST support your Plan.