Entries by Bernard

Biochemical Process Design (Carbon Dioxide Capture in Coal Fired Power Plants)

Technical Report on Biochemical Process Design Topic Capture and Use of Greenhouse Gases Carbon Dioxide Capture in Coal Fired Power Plants Bio/Electro/Catalytic Conversion of CO2 to Chemicals or Fuels Report Format Title Page Executive Summary (~ 200-500 words) Introduction (3 pages) Brief Background Why is the subject important? Relate topic to current energy prices and energy […]

Transformational Leadership In Real World

Requirements Choose a leader in business or politics whom you believe he/she was transformational or employed transformational leadership skills. Discuss evolution of the leader’s transformational skills. Discuss how the leader applied transformational leadership style for organizational success (2,200 words, MLA style, 5-7 sources).

Professional Etiquette in Counseling (Psychology)

Choose one of the four areas of psychology of most interest to you and answer the following questions as they relate to your chosen field: What is professional etiquette? What results in a breakdown of etiquette between or among professionals? Explain “risky individuals” and some of the best tools for dealing with a difficult associate […]

Ethical and Gender in Sports

Areas to be addressed: Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 Case of Gender Discrimination in Sports Improving Perceptions of Women Employment in Sports. Promoting Equal Participation