Entries by Bernard

Social Change and Community Planning (Annottated Bibliography)

Write annottated bibliography: Social Change and Community Planning Nicholls, L., Maller, C., & Phelan, K. (2017). Planning for community: understanding diversity in resident experiences and expectations of social connections in a new urban fringe housing estate, Australia. Community, work & family, 20(4), 405-423. Shevellar, L., Johnson, L., & Lyons, K. (2015). Re-imagining the practices of town, social […]

Systems Thinking (Summary)

Summarize the following articles Marchildon, G. P., & Fletcher, A. J. (2016). Systems thinking and the leadership conundrum in health care. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate and Practice, 12(4), 559-573. Basile, G., & Caputo, F. (2017). Theories and challenges for systems thinking in practice. Journal of Organizational Transformation & Social Change, 14, 1, 1-3,

Behavior Modification Assignment

Behavior Modification Target Behavior Definition   /10 clearly specify the target behavior (4) state whether you want to increase (strengthen) or decrease (weaken) the behavior (2) Describe why you want to change the behavior (2) Describe what benefits the change will bring (2) Baseline    /10 Specify the unit of measurement (1) Specify the time-frame (length) of […]

Community Health Assignment

Community Health Instructions 7-9 page report 3 current professional references Please answer all parts of the following 5: Explain the factors that contribute to a critical health care issues within a specific community, and clearly illustrate how the factors affect the critical health care issue Describe current interventions to target a critical health care issues […]