Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Business Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility

Please use single-spaced, Times New Roman, 12 pt. font.

  1. Why do you think it is so hard for organizations to institutionalize ethics and to get people to behave ethically in the workplace? What types of individual differences (specific personality traits, experiences, attitudes, etc.) make it difficult to enforce ethical standards? Are there any individual differences that make it easier to enforce ethical standards?
  2. Watch the following videos, what are the main takeaways for each topic (Workplace Deviance and Bullying, Dark Triad, Narcissism, Psychopathy, Machiavellianism, Sociopathy, Other Individual Differences)? Is any of this information relevant to how it is difficult to enforce standards of ethics due to individual differences, and, if so, in what way(s)?


  1. A) Outcomes – Workplace Deviance and Bullying
  • Deviant Workplace Behavior Negative Effects on an Organization (5:15 minutes)

  • Workplace Bullying (2:45 minutes)

  1. B) Individual Causes – The Dark Triad
  • 3 Dark Psychological Traits All Humans Are Born With (5:32 minutes)

  • Loving the Dark Triad – Why Jerks Will Always Be with Us, by Chris Weiss (5:06 minutes)

  1. C) Individual Causes – Narcissism
  • Four Types of Narcissism (3:08 minutes)

  • What Is Narcissism? (4:47 minutes)

  • Narcissism: A Double-Edged Sword – Two Minute Tuesdays (1:50 minutes)

  • Is There a Dark Side to People Who Post Selfies? (3:01 minutes)

  • Narcissism: Are Millennials More Narcissistic (2:45 minutes)

  1. D) Individual Causes – Psychopathy
  • Workplace Psychopath (12:56 minutes)

  • Robert Hare – Psychopath/Sociopath – The Difference (8:11 minutes)

  1. E) Machiavellianism
  • Machiavelli’s Advice For Nice Guys (5:16 minutes)

  1. F) Other Individual Differences (Sociopathy, Socio-Economic Differences)
  • How do you Engage with a Sociopath in the Workplace? By Donald Rheem

  • The Science of Greed, by Paul K. Piff (16:52 minutes)

  1. Complete the following self-assessments. What are your results and what do you think about them?
  • How Dark is Your Personality? (Quiz) – The Dark Triad

  • Levenson Self-Report Psychopathy Scale

  • Machiavellianism

  1. Think of people you have encountered in life whom you consider to be the most unethical based on their behavior. Share that example without identifying the person (by name or in any other way that would make it possible to identify them). What do you think it was about them that caused them to behave unethically? Was it their (lack of . . . or messed up) personal values? Was it simply opportunity and lack of self control? Was it necessity? Was it a feeling of victimhood and a desire to get even or to get what they thought they deserved? Was it lack of thought about the ramifications of what they were doing? Maybe it was none of these, maybe it is something else. You tell me.