Capstone in Public Health

Capstone in Public Health

Paper Outline and Due Dates


You will choose a public health problem of significance and a specific population

that is impacted by that problem and compose a thorough review of the problem via a 25 page

paper.  You will use knowledge gained in this course and others you have taken to develop a

problem statement, include descriptive epidemiological data, analytical epidemiological data, a

program analysis and conclusion. The paper should be thought of as a means of going to a

community group to increase awareness of an issue in your community, while gaining buy-in

and proposing evidence-based solutions or promising practices.  You are also looking to get your

local governmental board to buy-in to this, so the paper should also include supporting policies

and examples of environmental and systems level changes as appropriate. Your paper should

utilize 12 point font, 1” margins, double spaced and in APA form

Part 2

Analytical Epidemiology

  1. What is the distribution of the public health issue you have chosen? 
  1. What social determinants of health could be contributing to the issue you have selected?
  2. Socioeconomic status
  3. Education
  4. Employment
  5. Housing


  1. What prevention efforts are currently being promoted related to the issue you selected?


  1. Are there screening efforts or recommendations?


  1. What surveillance efforts are being conducted related to the issue you selected?


  1. Research your issues and provide examples of different types of studies that have been conducted to inform work around your issue. Provide examples of what these studies have found related to your issue and the population you are focusing on:
  2. Case-control studies
  3. Meta-analysis
  4. Cohort study
  5. Are there any areas of additional research that need to be conducted to provide us with more information about this issue and the population you’ve selected?