1. Briefly discuss the history of aviation beginning with the era of the Wright Brothers
  2. Discuss the difference between low cost carriers (LCC)  and full service carriers (FSC)
  3. Discuss the social, environmental, and economic impacts of airports
  4. An aircraft was involved in an accident in a densely forested area during a story weather. The wreckage has been found and you are provided with some information including photos and communication before the incident occurred. There is also information from eye witness. You are appointed as a lead investigator. Describe how you will conduct the investigation.

Aviation And Climate Change

In this assignment, you are expected to complete a 25-page paper about Aviation and Climate Change. You will address various issues that are relevant to the topic. Subdivide your paper into sections. Use at least 30 sources, and follow APA guidelines throughout the paper. In your sources, 75% should be peer reviewed journals, while the rest should be credible websites and books.