Mystic Monk Coffee (Case study)

Mystic Monk Coffee
Discussion Questions

  1. Has Father Daniel Mary established a future direction for the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming? What is his vision for the monastery? What is his vision for Mystic Monk Coffee? What is the mission of the Carmelite Monks of Wyoming?
  2. Does it appear that Father Daniel Mary has set definite objectives and performance targets for achieving his vision?
  3. What is Father Prior’s strategy for achieving his vision? What competitive advantage might Mystic Monk Coffee’s strategy produce?
  4. Is Mystic Monk Coffee’s strategy a money-maker? What is MMC’s business model? What is your assessment of Mystic Monk Coffee’s customer value proposition? its profit formula? its resources that enable it to create and deliver value to customers?
  5. Does the strategy qualify as a winning strategy? Why or why not?
  6. What recommendations would you make to Father Daniel Mary in terms of crafting and executing strategy for the monastery’s coffee operations? Are changed needed in its long-term direction? its objectives? Its strategy? its approach to strategy execution? Explain.

Organizational Changes at CISCO Corporation (Case study)

Read the case and discuss how CISCO Corporation managed to carry out successful organizational change (1,200 words).

Case Study-Electrolux

  • Introduction (150 words)
  • VRIO Analysis (250 words)
  • Electrolux and Competencies (200 words)
  • Fragmented and Consolidated Industries (250 words)
  • Porter’s Generic Strategies (300 words)
  • Corporate Culture of Electrolux (350 words)

Staffing Evaluation (Case study)

For this assignment, you will analyze the case study titled “Staffing Evaluation at Hallmark” on
page 380 of your textbook.
Phillips, J. M., & Gully, S. M. (2015). Strategic staffing (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.
Read the case study and answer the following questions. Note: you will not answer the questions
following the case study in the textbook, only the questions below. Explain your responses using
what you learned through this unit.
Critically evaluate Hallmark’s staffing index. What are its pros and cons How can Hallmark use technology for tracking applicants and on-boarding its new hires to
include improving efficiency and effectiveness of staffing functions?
How can Hallmark use the system to track:
company turnover,
downsizing, and
How should these be measured? Be sure to explain the different staffing metrics and how each
is used.
Your completed case study must be a minimum of two pages in length, and you must use at least
your textbook as a reference. Other references may be used if necessary. Any information from a
resource must be cited and referenced in APA format.

Case Study Vignette : alcohol dependency

Case Study Vignette
A 42-year-old homeless man, Wan DeRer, with a long history of severe alcohol dependency is being treated at a drug abuse treatment program. His family history reveals that he and his siblings were severely neglected and punished physically and emotionally as children. Both parents passed away long ago. When family issues are raised during individual counseling sessions, he shrugs them off and avoids commenting on the issues raised.
At one time, the client was a highly paid welder and is very proud of his craft. He still gets occasional jobs through his union hall because of his skills and often gets quickly promoted and given more responsibility. After a couple of months on the job, he goes off on another bender of drinking.
He has been coming to the treatment program for several months and sometimes remains sober for several weeks. Despite the program’s best efforts, he continues to relapse. It is not unusual for him to come to group under the influence. On most occasions, he simply smells of alcohol and engages in limited dialogue. At other times, he is severely drunk and comes to treatment activities tearful, repentant, and pleading for help. The clinical staff sets limits and allows him to attend group only when he is sober and able to take part in the process.
Last month, the client was twice found passed out in the alley next to the treatment center. Police and the Emergency Medical Team took him to the county hospital on these occasions. For several months, the clinical staff tried, unsuccessfully, to get the client into an inpatient residential program, or inpatient hospital detoxification program. He either refuses to go because “he has to maintain his standing at the Union hall to pay for his tools in storage” or he does not show up for the appointments made for him at the programs.
He has been a frustrating client to work with. First, he agrees to go into a detoxification, residential or hospital program and then he ducks out at the last minute with a lame excuse for why it would not work for him.
The only positive is his connection to the program. Despite numerous, relapses he continues to come back asking for help.
Reflections in Preparation for Case Studies
The above Case Study presents a disruptive, chronic relapsing client who challenges the compassion of program staff. Before responding to the assessment questions below, review the How to Approach a Case Study and Case Study Instructions and Template documents for detailed instructions pertaining to the assignment.
Identify the following information in your review of the above case study.

  • What evidence, if any, is there that the client in this case study has alcohol dependency?
  • Did this client’s family and social history contribute to the development of his alcohol use disorder?
  • Consider the impact that the chronic relapsing behavior is having on both staff and other clients in the program. Would there be valid cause to discharge the client from treatment?
  • What considerations favor retaining the client in treatment and under what conditions should treatment continue?
  • Prioritize the clinical interventions that need to occur with this client.

Conflict Resolution Case Study (APN Nurse Role)

At times the needs of our families conflict with our work responsibilities. Could this possibly be the underlying issue here?
Explain the conflict resolution skills displayed by the leader in the scenario. On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate those of the leader.
How might earlier collaboration have been beneficial? What other leadership skills should be used?
Case Scenario
“Thank you for agreeing to talk to me about the discussion we had the other day about assigning patient load. As I started to say in the meeting but got interrupted, it is that I really don’t like the new plan that we have. I like the old one better and I don’t understand why we need to change.
I think that they expressed one concern about visiting patients in Iron Ridge. And that is the key as they were with high crime rate. We all recognize this issue. I do understand, but the new patient assignment scheme is meant to match you with a patient who will most benefit from your specialty and not where you live geographically.
There are many patients in Iron Ridge who have diabetes that need your expertise. [BLANK_AUDIO] Well, I really do love my patients, and I don’t hold it against them that they live in a bad part of town. But frankly, I’m afraid. Every night when I watch the news, there’s somebody that’s been involved in a shooting or a carjacking.
I talked to my husband about it, and he said that if you insist I go over there, he wants me to quit because it’s not safe. [BLANK_AUDIO] I have an idea I would like to explore with you. What if we sent an escort to accompany you on your visit?
Would this help you feel safer in that neighborhood? Sure it would, but do you think that’s realistic? The last I heard, we didn’t have any money to give us nurses raises and bonuses. I mean, do we even have the budget for something like security? It’s realistic as long as I can justify the safety of our nurses.
Let’s say the cost is a barrier to this scheme. What do you think? [BLANK_AUDIO] Well let me think about it. I need to talk to my husband too. I can’t decide right now. But you’ve given me something to consider.”

Case Brief (Employee Discrimination Case)

Format for Your Brief:
Case Citation:

Prosecution / Plaintiff / Appellant: Accused / Defendant / Respondent:
Citation: Date:

Body Of Your Brief:
Facts of the caseOutline the pertinent facts in the case highlighting those with bearing on or leading up to issues in the analysis and decision.  What is the nature of the litigation was the case an appeal?  What happened in the lower court prior to this appeal?  On what grounds has the case been appealed?
IssuesOutline the specific legal question(s) that was before the court.  If the court addressed multiple issues address each separately.  Your issues should be concisely stated and specific, mot generalizations.
Ratio Dicidendi: Outline the court’s reasoning behind its decision.  The ratio must address the issues cited in the previous section in order.
Court Holding: Outline the final decision of the court in this case.  What was the result of the dispute?  What is the new “rule of the case”?
Analysis: Your brief should conclude with your analysis and interpretation of the case and the decisions made by the court.  Here is where you would question the assumptions and values of the Judiciary involved in the case, the “rightness” of the decision and the logic used by the court to apply any pre-existing rules to key facts of the case.
What is the significance of the case?  What impact has this case had on the Court, its processes, litigants, government, or society? This analysis is your interpretation and not a summary.

Risk Assessment Case Study (Project Management)

Perform a risk assessment for an organization of your choice. The organization must be handling projects such as construction projects.

Leadership and Organizations (Case studies)

Read the case studies and answer the questions in Part 1 and Part 2 (1,500 words each).

Leadership and Organizations (Case studies)

Read the case studies and answer the questions in Part 1 and Part 2 (1,500 words each).