CASE STUDY: Audit of Purchase and Payments Cycle
CASE STUDY: Audit of Purchase and Payments Cycle
Explain the Purchase and Payments cycle and discuss the typical audit procedures employed in this area of audit
CASE STUDY: Audit of Purchase and Payments Cycle
Explain the Purchase and Payments cycle and discuss the typical audit procedures employed in this area of audit
CASE STUDY: Audit of Purchase and Payments Cycle
Explain the Purchase and Payments cycle and discuss the typical audit procedures employed in this area of audit
CASE STUDY: Audit of Purchase and Payments Cycle
Explain the Purchase and Payments cycle and discuss the typical audit procedures employed in this area of audit
Case Study of Delta Air Lines, Inc.
External Analysis of of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (SWOT Analysis, Porters Five Forces Analysis)
Guidelines for the Final Individual Case Assignment
Case Study of Delta Air Lines, Inc.
External Analysis of of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (SWOT Analysis, Porters Five Forces Analysis)
Guidelines for the Final Individual Case Assignment
Case Study of Delta Air Lines, Inc.
External Analysis of of Delta Air Lines, Inc. (SWOT Analysis, Porters Five Forces Analysis)
Guidelines for the Final Individual Case Assignment
MGT 542 Individual In-Depth Case Study
Undergraduate Requirement
50 Points per Weekly Submission
SECTION 1 – 50 Points
Kapuscinski, R., Zhang, R.Q., Carbonneau, P., Moore, R., & Reeves, B. (2004). Inventory Decisions in Dell’s Supply Chain, Interfaces 34(3), 191-205.
SECTION 2 – 50 Points
Kapuscinski, R., Zhang, R.Q., Carbonneau, P., Moore, R., & Reeves, B. (2004). Inventory Decisions in Dell’s Supply Chain, Interfaces 34(3), 191-205.
Section 3 – 50 Points
Fugate, B.S., Mentzer, J.T. (2004). Dell’s Supply Chain DNA, Supply Chain Management Review; October 20-24.
Section 4 – 50 Points
Final Questions
You will select One Case Study from the following the three and answer all the questions at the end of the case study you selected from the Case Study folder under Content:
6 pages !!!!
Rubrics: You Case Analysis paper will be evaluated based on the following criteria mentioned in the syllabus:
Practical Case Study
The purpose of this case study is to create an opportunity to apply the ideas and concepts discussed in class and the readings in the analysis of a real organizational situation. The situation may be drawn from your own experience or from public information found in newspapers, books, reports, etc. Your choice of organization and situation will be an important one and will call for considerable judgment and discretion in deciding whether it is feasible to use it for the purposes of the case study.
You will examine a number of different ways of viewing organizations through the lens of
metaphor. Please choose what you feel to be the four most important metaphors for the
organization in its evolution towards a more viable, vital and innovative condition. In this part you should demonstrate your understanding of the metaphor: For this reason, even if aspects of the metaphor are missing, describe what these would look like in your focal organization.
Your paper will conclude with recommendations that actively enhance the organization’s capacities to learn and innovate, to become a wiser, more proactive, organization and, at the same time, a good citizen in society. Your recommendations should include not only the metaphors but also insights from the leadership practices within The Wise Company.
Be sure to maintain a professional stance in relation to matters which are sensitive and confidential and disguise the source of your project (unless it is drawn from public records) through use of appropriate pseudonyms. Confidentiality and the general conduct of the project are entirely your responsibility, so proceed with caution and an ethical sense.
You may choose any complex, real life organization, described in a detailed case study or written about in multiple sources in the press (for example in Fortune, the Economist, Sloane Management Review, Wall Street Journal, or through a case clearing house such as the Harvard Business School Press. It should not be a case that you have studied in another course and must be a unique submission with minimal similarity (less than 10%) to other cases or papers you have submitted. (You will find a Turnitin link under Assignments in Blackboard for your case study.)
Successful organizational analysis rests in an ability to examine any given organizational situation so that its fundamental characteristics are made clear. It is not simply a question of spotting problems and applying appropriate solutions. Rather, it hinges on questions such as:
(1) Summary: Introduction to Your Organization (Approximately 500 words) Here first
describe your organization as a machine and as a living system. A brief account of the
situation being investigated, providing enough information for the reader to understand the nature of the organization and its context. This section should include relevant background information as well as a clear statement of the focus of your case study. For example, it is appropriate to provide information on the age, size, and history of the organization, the product or services it provides, and the general nature of its environment. The purpose of this is to orient the reader, so that he or she can acquire an understanding of the industry or sector with which you are dealing, and the general trends it is facing. Following a general introduction, you should focus in on the specific situation of the organization that demands—or did demand– attention.
(2) An Analysis of the Organization using four key metaphors (leading toward
informed/wise business practices.) Using at least four “organizational” metaphors
from the course, apply/explore how these are relevant to the organization. (Approx., 1500 words)
The analysis section must include analysis based on four of the metaphors used in the course.
To summarize, here you are challenged to demonstrate your understanding and usage of the four metaphors to describe your focal organization, Present the organization in terms of the language of the metaphors, applying these also to bring out the critical issues and challenges of the situation. All of the above means that your choice of organization is critical! — You must be able to find sufficient actual information that allows you to discuss the metaphors and the application of the leadership practices.
3) Using the analysis via Morgan’s metaphors and the leadership practices from The
Wise Organization as a basis, make recommendations for your focal organization (1500
words). Give specific examples and make good use of the various insights and all of the
six main leadership practices found in The Wise Company. If you see that some essential practice or attitude is not present, imagine how it might be within your focal organization. This should result in your clear recommendations.
Your analysis should address the problems you see but also, through the application of
the leadership practices, areas where opportunities exist which may be enhanced. The
goal is to encourage a more proactive, innovative organization that holds to a standard
of continuous innovation with regard to quality products and services that contribute
to rather than take away from the common good and well being of society.
The following criteria will be used to evaluate the case study
necessarily earn a high grade).
related to these, as they are used to explain and analyze the case situation;
Drawing on the past 15 weeks, use what you learned to create a security assessment plan for your company. The plan must include the following information / section headers.
Note: All students will write about the same company. The company is called ABC Manufacturing. They make widgets. ABC Manufacturing sells widgets in person at their main location in Boise, Idaho. They also sell their products at a national hardware store throughout the United States. They receive bulk orders for their product from this hardware store. They also have a website that they use to sell their widgets. The website is hosted by Microsoft Azure using a SaaS platform.
Section headers:
Security Architecture – define the overarching security architecture you recommend for ABC Manufacturing.
Enterprise Architecture – describe the enterprise architecture you would presume ABC Manufacturing has established. Identify at least 3 departments and specific tools they use.
Risk assessments (risk, threats, vulnerabilities, credible attack vectors) – identify at least five risks (and their corresponding threats/vulnerabilities) for each platform – cloud, network, supply chain. Identify the credible attack vectors for each.
Security recommendations – identify at least five security recommendations you would make to the owner of ABC Manufacturing about security and what they can do to improve their overall posture.