Gail Industries Case Study

Read the Gail Industries Case Study.
Review the preliminary findings you identified in the Week 4 assignment. Assume all of your findings were identified by the auditors and any identified by your instructor are included in the final audit report.
Write a 2- to 4-page summary to executive leadership on the results of the audit. Include your management response to each finding (how it will be resolved). This may include creating new policies, procedures, and controls. You may consider if you will accept the finding and choose not to act because it is a single incident and not likely to recur. Justify each response in relation to reducing associated risks.

Sustaining Operations Case Study Analysis – Nissan Case Study

Sustaining Operations Case Study Analysis – Nissan Case Study 
Overview: You will submit a sustaining operations case study analysis that will discuss the emerging concepts of sustainability in business management,
specifically the topics of corporate responsibility and environmental compliance. This case study analysis will be incorporated into the final summative analysis.
This milestone is due in Module Five.
Prompt: Refer to the Nissan case study and the course materials to answer the following items. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Theories and Techniques
A. Summarize the following theories: just in time (JIT), Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean. How are these concepts related? Describe the advantages and disadvantages for using each of these concepts at the company presented in the case study.
II. Sustainability
A. Describe how the emerging concept of the triple bottom line can be used to enhance operations management at the company. Be sure to address each component of the triple bottom line.
B. Explain how the company integrates ISO 14000 standards in its manufacturing plants. Support your explanation with citations from your textbook or outside sources.
C. Describe ways by which the company can integrate corporate responsibility principles into their operations. Which of these do you believe to be the most effective? Why? Support your opinions with citations from your textbook or outside sources.
Guidelines for Submission:
The format for this assignment will be a Word document using a business writing format of your choice. There is no minimum page
length requirement, but the submission should be double spaced, and no more than four pages in total. Copy and paste any data analysis from Excel into your Word document for submission. You may include your original Excel documents as supplementary material if you believe this will strengthen your contribution.

Sustaining Operations Case Study Analysis – Nissan Case Study

Sustaining Operations Case Study Analysis – Nissan Case Study 
Overview: You will submit a sustaining operations case study analysis that will discuss the emerging concepts of sustainability in business management,
specifically the topics of corporate responsibility and environmental compliance. This case study analysis will be incorporated into the final summative analysis.
This milestone is due in Module Five.
Prompt: Refer to the Nissan case study and the course materials to answer the following items. Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Theories and Techniques
A. Summarize the following theories: just in time (JIT), Toyota Production System (TPS), and Lean. How are these concepts related? Describe the advantages and disadvantages for using each of these concepts at the company presented in the case study.
II. Sustainability
A. Describe how the emerging concept of the triple bottom line can be used to enhance operations management at the company. Be sure to address each component of the triple bottom line.
B. Explain how the company integrates ISO 14000 standards in its manufacturing plants. Support your explanation with citations from your textbook or outside sources.
C. Describe ways by which the company can integrate corporate responsibility principles into their operations. Which of these do you believe to be the most effective? Why? Support your opinions with citations from your textbook or outside sources.
Guidelines for Submission:
The format for this assignment will be a Word document using a business writing format of your choice. There is no minimum page
length requirement, but the submission should be double spaced, and no more than four pages in total. Copy and paste any data analysis from Excel into your Word document for submission. You may include your original Excel documents as supplementary material if you believe this will strengthen your contribution.

Eron Case Study Essay

Begin your work on the Enron Case study that will be submitted during Week 3 – Do some research on the whistleblowers in the Enron case – utilize the library and stick to quality resources. There are also some great documentaries on this story. Read through the Seven Signs of Ethical Collapse (this reading is in Chapter 3 beginning on page 118) In light of your reading, present how Enron displayed signs of “Ethical Collapse”. You may choose to work with your group (assigned for the class discussions) to share resources, ideas, and discussion. However, the paper will be presented as an individual paper. (5 page maximum – not including title/references) APA format per University guidelines. (there is a lot of help with APA on the library website) (100 points)

Conduct SWOT Analysis On Self

Assignments should be typewritten (1-inch margins/12 pt. font/double-spaced), grammatically correct, and of college quality.  At the top of each assignment include the date, your name, and the topic. MLA format
*Conduct SWOT Analysis on Self (5 pages) Analyze your strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats/barriers to your professional development.
First, consider the following:
Strengths What sets you apart (knowledge, skills, certifications, education)?
What do you excel in? What do others see as your strengths? What achievements are you most proud of?
Weaknesses What tasks do you avoid because you don’t feel confident doing them? What do others see as your weaknesses?
What are your negative work habits (late, disorganized, temper, stress, etc.)?
Personality traits that will hold you back. Knowledge, skills, or abilities you lack?
Opportunities What connections do you have that could help you?
Can you fill a need others can’t?
Also, what supports do you have for reaching your goals?
This might include supportive people (e.g., mentors, supervisors, faculty, family, etc.), character strengths, financial resources etc.
Threats What obstacles/barriers do you face in your current path?
What is the competition like? Are there financial, chronological, or geographical obstacles?
*Then, discuss the following in your written response.
• What terms did you list based on the prompt questions you considered above? • What did you learn from this exercise? What surprised you?
• What would you like to improve?
• What goals or ideas do you have to grow professionally?

Conduct SWOT Analysis On Self

Assignments should be typewritten (1-inch margins/12 pt. font/double-spaced), grammatically correct, and of college quality.  At the top of each assignment include the date, your name, and the topic. MLA format
*Conduct SWOT Analysis on Self (5 pages) Analyze your strengths, weakness, opportunities, and threats/barriers to your professional development.
First, consider the following:
Strengths What sets you apart (knowledge, skills, certifications, education)?
What do you excel in? What do others see as your strengths? What achievements are you most proud of?
Weaknesses What tasks do you avoid because you don’t feel confident doing them? What do others see as your weaknesses?
What are your negative work habits (late, disorganized, temper, stress, etc.)?
Personality traits that will hold you back. Knowledge, skills, or abilities you lack?
Opportunities What connections do you have that could help you?
Can you fill a need others can’t?
Also, what supports do you have for reaching your goals?
This might include supportive people (e.g., mentors, supervisors, faculty, family, etc.), character strengths, financial resources etc.
Threats What obstacles/barriers do you face in your current path?
What is the competition like? Are there financial, chronological, or geographical obstacles?
*Then, discuss the following in your written response.
• What terms did you list based on the prompt questions you considered above? • What did you learn from this exercise? What surprised you?
• What would you like to improve?
• What goals or ideas do you have to grow professionally?

International Foods Case Study

Read the Innovation at International Foods Case Study on pages 234-238 in the textbook. Answer the Discussion Questions at the end of the Case Study. Your responses must be complete, detailed and in APA format. See the sample assignment for expected format and length. The grading rubric is included below.

case study-The Best Intentions

Carefully read the case study-The Best Intentions.
Answer the following questions about the case study. Note that there is no need to write a formal essay for these questions, but rather record the main ideas of your responses in a “readable” manner (please do so in a separate document).
Is there evidence of discrimination here? Why or why not?
Who are the key stakeholders in this situation?
What assumptions is Peter making about AgFund’s customer base?
Should Cynthia hire Steve? What role should perceived customer preferences play in selection?
What is the most ethical thing to do in this situation?

case study-The Best Intentions

Carefully read the case study-The Best Intentions.
Answer the following questions about the case study. Note that there is no need to write a formal essay for these questions, but rather record the main ideas of your responses in a “readable” manner (please do so in a separate document).
Is there evidence of discrimination here? Why or why not?
Who are the key stakeholders in this situation?
What assumptions is Peter making about AgFund’s customer base?
Should Cynthia hire Steve? What role should perceived customer preferences play in selection?
What is the most ethical thing to do in this situation?

Human Resource Management, Case Study 2

Human Resource Management, Case Study 2
Please read the Case study in the textbook titled ‘The Hotel Paris’ New Ethics, Justice and Fair Treatment
Process’ (p.451). Then, respond to the questions below. (You do not need to answer questions 14-31, 14-32 or 14-33 in the textbook.)
A fully-developed response of approximately 250 words is expected for each question.
Paragraph breaks are highly recommended. As before, a reasonable amount of bold and italics is suggested to make
your responses more readable and impactful. Please keep special formatting to 10-20% of total words.
Limited use of bullet points is suggested for one question of your choice.
You should upload your file via Canvas -> Assignments -> Case Submission -> Case 2 Submission
* Due Sunday, April 12, 2020 by end of day (Central time), submitted via Canvas
Question 1: Results of surveys “indicate a significant upward movement in the employees’ perception of ‘consistent and
equitable treatment of all employees’” at the Hotel Paris. In your own words, please give a comprehensive summary of
their new process. (If you use more than 2-3 words in-a-row from the case, be sure to use quotation marks in order to
avoid any potential plagiarism issues.)
Then, provide an explanation of why you think these positive results occurred at Hotel Paris. [20 points]
Question 2: Taking this one step further, please consider whether your current (or previous) place of employment offers
“consistent and equitable treatment of all employees.”
If not, please explain why you feel this way. Be sure to apply the terminology and concepts presented in our textbook:
procedural justice and distributive justice as part of your response.
If you believe that your current (or previous) company/organization is always fair, then please support your answer by
giving a detailed answer with several specific and relevant examples. Please do your best to make your response
informative, interesting and comprehensive. ALL RESPONSES WILL BE KEPT PRIVATE AND CONFIDENTIAL. [40 points]
Question 3: Please read the following hypothetical scenario related to performance evaluations and answer the
following questions.
“John,” said supervisor Stacy Krause, “could you stop by my office about 15 minutes before you clock out? I want
to give you your annual performance appraisal. It won’t take long, and I know you’ll want to leave by five o’clock, since
it’s Friday.”
John had forgotten that it was “that time of year” again, but he was looking forward to the meeting because he
wanted to discuss some possible new performance standards for his job. Nevertheless, John was slightly worried about
the appraisal because he didn’t think his performance had been up to par over the past year.
Promptly at 4:45, John knocked on Ms. Krause’s office door and was asked to come in. As he entered, John
found his supervisor rushing to get some last-minute orders prepared in order to be filled by the late shift. As John sat
down, Stacy began, “I’ve filled out your performance appraisal, so why don’t you look it over and sign it. You’ll see that
I’ve given you excellent ratings on all the factors. I was really impressed with how everyone pitched in to get the Seattle
order out this month, so everyone in the crew got ‘excellent’ ratings this year. I’m sure that you all realize how
important this account is to the company. Well, I don’t have anything else to add; just keep up the good work, and I’ll
try to get you a good raise.”
John looked the appraisal over and signed it. He could tell that Stacy was really busy, so he thought he had better
leave. Besides, he didn’t want to ruin his chances for a salary increase. However, as John left Stacy’s office and went to
clock out, he felt disappointed with his annual performance appraisal.
What is your opinion/analysis of Stacy’s handling of John’s performance appraisal? Please discuss how Stacy should
conduct performance appraisals in the future in order to be more effective.
Furthermore, please consider your current (or previous) employer. What is (or was) being done with regard to
performance appraisals? PLEASE GIVE A LOT OF DETAILS ON THIS POINT. Also, be sure to include some suggestions how
that organization could improve the process of evaluating employees. [40 points]