Microeconomics and Macroeconomics In US Economy
Discuss macroeconomic factors that are at play in the US economy. Focus on:
- aggregate output,
- employment rates and prices, and
- monetary and fiscal policies.
Discuss macroeconomic factors that are at play in the US economy. Focus on:
Discuss macroeconomic factors that are at play in the US economy. Focus on:
This is a logistics paper
How does the transportation system benefit or hurt the economy?
Given limited transportation investment dollars, how do we really know the extent to which a transportation project will benefit the economy?
What are the fundamental economic concepts we use to analyze the transportation system? (4-5 pages)
Briefly (250 words maximum) explain the following theories of economic growth. Which theory do you think is the most correct? Why?
Select an article from the news of the past week that illustrates one or two of the concepts that are discussed in chapters 1 and 2.
In a paper of no more than two pages (double spaced, one inch margins, 12 point type) briefly summarize the article and discuss the underlying economic concept(s) of the article.
This is what we are learning this week. Welcome to Week 1, The Economic Problem.
The basic economic problem that drives the study of economic is the fact that we are all limited human beings with limited resources.
We usually feel the problem of limited resources in terms of our time and money.
We only have 24 hours in a day, and we only have so much money in our accounts.
As a result of our limits, we cannot buy or do everything we want to do.
As a result of our limited resources, we have to make choices.
Economics is all about the choices we make because our personal resources are limited.
Or, if you want to put the same idea in terms of a business, any business cannot invest in all of the potential projects it wants to invest in because its resources are limited or finite.
This is the economic problem, and the discussion of that problem and its implications are the subject for week one.
Write a 700 to 1,000 word paper using at least three outside sources in APA style format. The paper should include brief background on the economist, their school of thought, and their contributions to the field of economics.
Be sure throughout to use in-text citations, placing the following at the end of the sentence where you paraphrase a source:
(Author’s Last Name, Year of Publication, Page # if direct quote)
If it’s a general webpage:
(webpage title, web site) ex. (Adam Smith, Wikipedia)
Also include a reference section. WRITE ABOUT THE ECONOMIST WITTEN BELOW
Name: Adam Smith
Lifetime: June 16th, 1723 – July 17th, 1790
Nationality: Scottish
School of Thought: Classical Economics
Major Contributions / Notable Ideas: Modern free market, division of labour, the ‘invisible hand’
Major Works: The Theory of Moral Sentiments (1759) and An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations (1776) <Commonly abbreviated as Wealth of Nations>
An analysis of the housing market crash leading to the Great Recession of 2008 (12-15 pages). 10-15 sources. APA style.
Define circular economy.
What are the objectives of circular economy when a company applies it?