Ethics in Justice Administration

Our criminal courtroom is designed to have two parties, the prosecutor and the defense, along
with a jury in most trials, with a judge overseeing everything. This design is set up with different
duties and responsibilities. The prosecutor is seeking justice for the victim and for the rule of law,
the defense is trying to provide a solid legal representation for the accused, the jury (if
appropriate, not all trials will have a jury) will decide guilt or innocence, and the judge makes sure
all legal policies and procedures are followed, as well as decides the sentence if there is a guilty
plea. This structure is set up to include checks and balances but sometimes (not often) one or
more of the parties involved has their own agenda and unethical (and even illegal) decisions are
made. What is the attorney-client privilege? What are the exceptions to this rule? How does it
function in the criminal justice system? Do you think it is honored more often than not by
attorneys and the court system? Why or why not? Give examples to support your position

Ethics In Justice Administration

Misconduct while interrogating issues revolve around the ethical ambiguity that is often used by
government agents on the frontlines of the war on terror. Issues also revolve around possible
responses to unethical behaviors that arise from that ethical ambiguity. What are the differences
and similarities between utilitarianism and the human rights-based model of policing? Provide
examples. Which model do you feel is more effective? Why? Is there a model that you find even
more effective than the two provided? Support your position with concrete examples and details.

Ethical Dilemma (Case Study)

Describe the ethical dilemma faced by the participants. As you explain the ethical issues provide
possible resolutions and your opinion on the scenario.
Make sure you apply the ethical decision making principles, process or theories discussed in this course so far.You are required to use at
least your textbook as source material for your response.
All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying

Nurse Ethics and Legal Issues in Leadership

Nurse Ethics and Legal Issues in Leadership ,
The hospital where you work is at maximum capacity; every bed is occupied on every unit.
The emergency department (ED) is full, and patients awaiting admission are being held in the hallways.
You have just left a Director’s meeting where everyone has been informed that the ED is not able to go on diversion.
Therefore, patients awaiting admission from the ED will be sent to the nursing units within the next three hours.
You have been asked to admit patients to your unit and place them in the alcoves at the end of each hallway.
Rental beds and privacy screens will be delivered within the hour.
You are the nurse manager of a progressive care unit where all patients are monitored for their cardiac rhythms.

Personal vs Professional Ethics

Personal vs Professional Ethics 
Read the case and answer ethical question regarding employee workplace sexual harassment.

Global Trends and Ethics

Global Trends and Ethics 

  • Ethics in trading/commerce 
  • Normative ethical theories 
  • Corporate social responsibility 

A comprehensive report about global trends in ethics with examples (8-10 pages).

Ethics Project – Business Law & Ethics

Ethics Project:  mandatory project and must be completed to pass this course. The project requirements are outlined below:
Ethics Project – Business Law & Ethics
Select a professional organization in your field of study, a professional organization that you would be a member of, not a company that you would go to work for. It is recommended that you confirm with your instructor the organization that you have chosen if not one of the following:
Business Management Retail Trade Association or specific industry management
Marketing: American Marketing Association or
Accounting: American Institute of CPA’s or Institute of Management Accountants or Institute of Management Accountants
Finance:  Association for Finance Professionals
Human Resources Management:  Society for Human Resource Management
Administrative Office Technologies: International Association of Administrative Professionals

Culinary:  American Culinary Federation

Others please check with instructor to verify that you are selecting the correct association.

Grading Rubric for the Ethics Project:

Obtain a copy of the code of professional ethics or professional conduct for this organization and address the following:

  1. Indicate why did you choose the organization you chose? How does it relate to your field of study or your professional field? 10 Points
  2. Summarize IN YOUR OWN WORDS the code of ethics and/or conduct. Do not rewrite the code and do not simply list the code. Be complete and thorough in your summary, including as much of the code in your discussion as possible. Include reasons why these points are important to a company and meaningful to your profession. This is the bulk of the points of your report, so you should be writing at least ½ of your report in this section. Attach documentation of the Code of Ethics to your report. 50 Points.
  3. After analyzing the code and points within that code, please discuss which point or points within the code are the most important in your opinion and why you feel those are the most important. This should be a separate paragraph summarizing the analysis of the code. 10 Points
  4. Research and discuss two examples of how the standards within the code were violated Find these violations of specific points of your code of ethics in professional publications or in newspapers by searching the internet for general violations (ie accounting fraud, marketing schemes, breach of confidentiality, etc.). Explain the violation, the results and effects, and the punishment given. To get your full points on this section, you must show specifically which points of your code were violated by the offender. Attach documentation of your violation to your report. 20 Points
  5. Appendix – Copy of the Code & Violation Documentation or functioning link. In text citations are not necessary 10 Points

Grammar & Length & presentation:  The paper should be double spaced with 1 inch margins & 12 point Font.  There should be no grammar or spelling mistakes and it should be professionally written. The paper must be 5 – 7 pages NOT including the appendix.  20 Points

Ethics Application Form: Student Research

Ethics Application Form: Student Research, Required
Fill the attached form  and submit. It is a template.

Ethics at Lockheed Martin

Read the case about ethics at Lockheed Martin and answer the four questions about ethics.

Ethics at Lockheed Martin

Read the case about ethics at Lockheed Martin and answer the four questions about ethics.