Health Assessment

Health Assessment

This week’s assignment is to write up a history and physical assessment and patient centered
plan of care for the respiratory, cardiovascular and peripheral-vascular systems. Then video and
upload an assessment of respiratory, cardiovascular and peripheral-vascular systems. Use the
assessment templates below to guide your work. Please perform assessments on a significant
other. Listen carefully to how the findings in the videos are described, this will help you write your
assessment. Do not write in complete sentences, but document like writing nurses notes:for
example: Skin, warm, dry and smooth. Instant recoil.
Please upload your video here first and then the document below. Be sure to practice before
taping. Be sure to stay within this week’s allotted time—total video time 5-10 minutes.
Please use this as a template only please write out your findings on a separate Word document:
NSG 310 Resp CV Template.docPreview the document

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)

Catheter-associated urinary tract infection (CAUTI)

This is a Capstone project, this is just for the 1st draft of the paper which is just an introduction
and a literature review of the topic/issue. There needs to be 2 source and I will need the direct
links for those articles. I am attaching the instructions as well as the rubric for the first draft.
There is also a sample of the 1st draft that I have included. I will need to complete more for this
project at another time and I am hoping to have the same writer for the entire project, How do I
ensure that? The last attachment is the instructions for the entire paper but currently I just need
the 1st draft. Thank, please let me know if you have questions

Opportunities in Health Informatics

Opportunities in Health Informatics

Based upon your analysis, what are the most critical opportunities for the field of Health
Informatics to improve the current state of US healthcare delivery in the next year? What
are the most critical opportunities over the next 5 years?

International Health System Paper

International Health System Paper

Health Systems Paper Format (minimum four references)
1) Description of Health Care System
a. Does it include universal coverage or not?
b. Different health care services offered
c. How is the system set up?
d. What roles do nurses and advanced practice nurses play in the system?
e. Is the system based on a preventative care model?
f. Provide a detailed description of the health care system.
2) Costs of Health Care System
a. How is the healthcare system paid for?
b. What is the responsibility of the individual, state, local, and government?
c. How do patients without insurance or ability to pay access health care?
d. Are there differences in coverage based on an income?
e. Is there a private system, public system, or combination of both?
3) Outcomes/Satisfaction of the health care system (minimum three references)
a. Describe the positive and negative aspects of this health care system as documented in the literature.
b. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this system?
c. Are the residents of this country satisfied with this system?
4) Differences with US Healthcare System
a. Describe how this healthcare system is different than the US healthcare
b. Compare and contrast the health care system you have chosen with the US health care system.
c. Identify the pros and cons of each system as well as similarities and differences.
NURS 365 International Health System Paper Grading Criteria
The international health care system paper is worth 20% of your total grade or20 points. This paper should be 2- 3 pages (excluding Title page and References page). Explanation for grading this paper follows:
Grading Components:
1) Content: (17 points)
a. Summarized and discussed an international health care system (3 points)
b. Provided a basic description of the country’s health care system (3 points)
c. Discussed how the country pays for their health care system (3 points)
d. Discussed if citizens and residents of the country are satisfied with their
health care system (provide statistics) (3 points)
e. Described the differences between the US and the international health care
system (5 points)
2) APA (3 points)
All papers must meet standards for scholarly writing and graduate level work. Your paper should be well written (clarity), have the appropriate type and number of references, if applicable, and meet APA style and formatting standards.
Clarity: (1.5 points)
Mechanics: Correct sentence structure, grammar, and appropriate capitalization. Correct punctuation and style, no spelling errors, no run-on sentences, no sentence fragments, no incomplete thoughts, and dangling participles. NO QUOTES ALLOWED – PARAPHRASE
Language: No medical jargon, no colloquialisms (slang and informal ways of speaking) unless using this language for a reason (repeating a
conversation or giving an example).
Clarity Summary
1. Paper was organized in a logical manner
2. Ideas were clearly presented
3. Correct usage of grammar and style
4. Medical jargon not used or explained
5. Complete sentences used and correct spelling
References: (1 point)
Adequacy of references used in the paper as well as an appropriate number of references used to support the paper and the discussion.
References must be current (no references more than 5 years old unless a seminal work or limited research in this area).
References Summary
1. Paper had appropriate number of references (minimum 5 references)
2. References were appropriate
a. PEER reviewed reputable journals
b. Only 1-2 each of the following

i. Reputable website only (e.g. CDC)
ii. Reputable newspaper article only (e.g. New York Times).
iii. Research findings from primary sources (this is considered original research)
1. Do not use review articles of someone else’s research
2. Textbooks can only be used if current
i. Limited use of country’s website to describe their health care system
ii. If not clear about this, please see your instructor
3. References were cited correctly
a. In-text
b. References list
c. References (word) centered
d. Hanging indent used
e. Doi used or Journal URL
APA format (0.5 points)
Paper followed the correct APA style and format:
1. Correct APA format was used
a. Title page
b. Margins
c. Headers and Footers (as applicable)
d. Numbers in-text
e. Capitalizations
f. Headings
g. Paragraph indents (0.5)
h. Left justification
i. Double spaced
j. Page numbers in HEADER
k. Running head: TITLE in HEADER

Describe how opportunity costs rates are established and why an investment may have an opportunity cost rate when the employed funds have no explicit cost

Describe how opportunity costs rates are established and why an investment may have an opportunity cost rate when the employed funds have no explicit cost

Question 1:
Describe the purpose and origins of Medicare and Medicaid and how each are administered. Include how physicians are reimbursed for providing services to Medicare and Medicaid patients. Provide hypothetical examples of each using both the IPPS and OPPS payment systems.
Question 2:
Describe how opportunity costs rates are established and why an investment may have an opportunity cost rate when the employed funds have no explicit cost. Consider whether the source of investment funds impact the opportunity cost rate. Provide an example in each of your descriptions.
Please use a minimum of two outside sources to craft your answer, and cite them in APA format at the end of each response. The response to each question should be approximately two pages, double-spaced, 12- point font.
Health care in the United States today is undergoing a major transformation. Utilizing the source listed below, describe the three financial considerations that may assist in this transition for health care organizations. Go beyond summarizing this article and provide your own analysis of the opportunities and threats that exist with this new health care transformation. What considerations are not included in the article? Utilize at least three additional outside sources to support your analysis.
Respond to question below in 3 APA formatted pages, double-spaced, 12- point font.
Please use this link for the last question
if you have any questions, please a

Describe the purpose and origins of Medicare and Medicaid and how each are administered

Describe the purpose and origins of Medicare and Medicaid and how each are administered

Question 1:
Describe the purpose and origins of Medicare and Medicaid and how each are administered. Include how physicians are reimbursed for providing services to Medicare and Medicaid patients. Provide hypothetical examples of each using both the IPPS and OPPS payment systems.
Question 2:
Describe how opportunity costs rates are established and why an investment may have an opportunity cost rate when the employed funds have no explicit cost. Consider whether the source of investment funds impact the opportunity cost rate. Provide an example in each of your descriptions.
Please use a minimum of two outside sources to craft your answer, and cite them in APA format at the end of each response. The response to each question should be approximately two pages, double-spaced, 12- point font.
Health care in the United States today is undergoing a major transformation. Utilizing the source listed below, describe the three financial considerations that may assist in this transition for health care organizations. Go beyond summarizing this article and provide your own analysis of the opportunities and threats that exist with this new health care transformation. What considerations are not included in the article? Utilize at least three additional outside sources to support your analysis.
Respond to question below in 3 APA formatted pages, double-spaced, 12- point font.
Please use this link for the last question
if you have any questions, please ask 🙂

Drug Trafficking Essay

Drug Trafficking Essay

Discuss drug trafficking within and to the US. Include who traffics drugs into the US, where the drugs originate (cultivated), how much drugs are seized within the US and domestic production. Also, touch on the current domestic drug use.

Cardiovascular Diseases

Cardiovascular Diseases

Double-spaced, 12 size formal font. words doc format
-included graph, images and information that you find interesting and helpful when researching the topic.
-must included references cites , sources on the last page of the paper.

Health Systems Health Policy and Politics

Health Systems Health Policy and Politics

Using 6 slides
Describe and discuss the role of the US Dept of Health and Human services, etc. Explain the different contribution of governmental and nongovernmental structures in public health systems in different countries

Public Health Interventions

Public Health Interventions

You are a public health official at the NJDHHS and you have been asked to come up with an intervention to address a public health issue. In a 4 to 6-page essay paper, apply the P.E.R.I. approach to address the problem. Identify, analyze, and address a public health issue of your choosing. You must provide a reason for choosing this health issue and why it is important to address it. Now, using data from the CDC, peer-reviewed articles, or other credible sources (and cite them), describe the PROBLEM in general (ie. How prevalent is a health issue? What is the incidence? What population(s) are affected? Is one population affected more or at higher risk than others? Are there major consequences of the health issue? (Why is this something public health should address?) Discuss the ETIOLOGY of the health issue (i.e. causes, associations) identify which health determinants (BIG GEMS) are responsible for the health problem, and/or make it worse using at least one scientific peer-reviewed journal article (cite article). Identify at least four scientific peer-reviewed journal articles evaluating a specific intervention/program (i.e. IMPLEMENTATION and EVALUATION) that attempts to fix the health problem using either engineering, enforcement, or education* (cite the articles). Describe the approaches each program uses to reduce the problem. Was it primary, secondary, or tertiary intervention? What were the methods used? What were the populations studied and why were they chosen? What were the outcomes of the interventions (i.e. were they successful)? What did the articles identify as future research, or steps to be taken to address the problem? (Use the suggestions in the articles, but also try to think of additional solutions and questions that need to be answered). Based on your research (eg. etiology, interventions methods, the populations, the outcomes, and the strengths and weaknesses of the studies) how successful do you think these interventions how successful do you think these interventions would be for the populations you are targeting? Using your research as justification (eg. the description of the problem, the etiology, the intervention programs you reviewed taking into consideration the population studied, the outcomes, and the strengths and weaknesses of the studies), make a RECOMMENDATION for a future course of action on how to reduce the health issue in your target population. Describe the type of programming you recommend and why? You must be able to justify your recommendation with your research (*Note: If research is sparse, use, and apply articles about a similar health problem or similar populations. If research is really scarce, you can base your recommendation on ETIOLOGY studies. Regardless, you must be able to justify your recommendation.)