Health Care Career Paper

Health Care Career Paper Instructions
The purpose of this paper is for students to research, learn and write about specific elements of a
health care worker’s career. Students are recommended to choose the health care worker in the
field they are planning to enter. Examples of paper topics include: Registered Nurse; Diagnostic
Medical Sonographer; Physician Assistant; Pharmacy Technician; Massage Therapist or
Radiographic Technologist. The Miami Dade College Campus’s (Medical Campus) Library has
resources dedicated to these careers. Do not choose physicians or dentists as a topic as this paper
is not designed for those careers.
 The required format is APA 6th ed.
o Using MS Word, the paper is to be neat, and well organized using correct spelling
and grammar,
o Students need to use the information and resources located
MDC Learning Resources Website at There you will
at Search Resources, go to the Subject Guide, on the dropdown menu select
Health and Medicine, then scroll down to HSC 0003 Health Care Career Paper.
There is an APA 6th ed style Microsoft Word Template for you to use for this
 A Cover Page
o In APA 6th ed. format
o All pages are numbered
 Body of the Report
o In APA 6th ed. format
o No abstract or introduction
o The body length is three to five pages. No less than 3 and not to exceed 5 pages.
o New Times Roman, 12-point font
o One inch margins
o Double spaced
o Left justification
o No lists, bullets, graphics, tables or pictures
o Work is to be expressed in paragraph form only
HSC 0003, Health Care Career Paper (Rev. 2014, PL)
 References Page
o The title is References not Works Cited or Bibliography
o Indicate the exact source of the specific information used in the paper by citing all
references on the reference page.
o Only references cited in the paper with in text citations are to be included on the
reference page.
o Include a minimum of six different sources of information (books, professional
journal articles, electronic sources, websites, etc.).
o Wikipedia is not acceptable as a reference

Global Warming in Public Health: Can We Stop It?

1. Research Paper
There should be a minimum of five references from an independent technical expert listed in your bibliography, three of these references must
come from peer-reviewed sources. An independent scholarly source could be a technical book from the library or a scientific journal article.
Reports by partisan advocates are not independent or scholarly, even if they use expository writing.
2. Essay Format: APA Style
a. Your writing should be a minimum of 5 full pages (NOT including Title and Reference pages)
b. Use a 12-point font
c. Use Times New Roman font
d. Use normal margins (1 inch top, bottom, and sides)
e. Use double-spaced lines
f. Include the Title and Reference pages
g. DO NOT add extra spaces between paragraphs
h. Use APA citation style.
i. List your sources on a reference page (also in APA style). You should have a minimum of five references, in which three must be peerreviewed (APA citation style). You may use legitimate government websites (EPA, NIEHS, etc.) for non-peer-reviewed references.
3. Research Paper Topic
The argumentative research paper consists of an introduction in which the writer clearly introduces the topic and informs his audience exactly which stance he/she intends to take; this stance is often identified as the thesis statement. In this case global warming impacts in public health, why it is bad in the public health field. An important goal of the argumentative research paper is persuasion, which means the topic chosen should be debatable or controversial. Please Write a 5 page paper in which you critically analyze the arguments of both sides of the issue and try to persuade the reader one way as for opposed to another. Your argument should be logical (you should consider the big picture, including social/cultural context, economics, feasibility, etc.) You must discuss the application and implication of your view (global warming impacts) on the public health.
4. Writing Your Essay: Simply information on how to write an essay.
Begin your essay with an introduction paragraph that identifies the theme of your paper. This theme, also called a “thesis” or “purpose”
statement, is a generalization that you have gleaned from reading the variety of sources that you have researched. The introduction paragraph needs to be fairly short to leave space for the main arguments and evidence to follow.
a. Your introduction should:
i. attract and hold the reader’s attention
ii. indicate the subject matter of the paper (a thesis/purpose statement)
iii. reveal in some way the writer’s attitude toward the subject
b. Thesis/Purpose Statement.
You can usually write an effective introduction only after you have formulated your thesis statement. So, compose a thesis statement. Here is a quote from The Heath Handbook (1995): The thesis [statement] must be specific and unambiguous, for it establishes a kind of contract between
writer and reader, a promise about the content of the paper that is to follow. Typically, a thesis contains two elements: the precise subject of the essay and a word or phrase that even further limits this subject (p. 63).
c. Main paragraphs
Your main paragraphs (main arguments) should provide supporting claims and specific fact, and other forms of evidence backing up your
thesis/purpose statement. This section should comprise the main portion of your research paper. Make sure your ideas flow well in the paper. Since this is a short paper, try not to use direct quotes. A paper with many direct quotes will be penalized. In your essay, use citations from your
sources to back up facts and examples you state based on your sources. Please use APA style citation in both text and references. Research
paper lacking adequate citations and citation formatting will be penalized.
In your body paragraphs, make sure:
iv. points are developed and “tied-in” with the paper’s thesis statement
v. structure of the writer’s paragraphs is organized, clear, and easy to follow
vi. content and purpose of the writing are persuasive
d. Conclusion
Conclude your essay with a conclusion paragraph that summarizes what you have explained to substantiate your thesis/purpose statement.
Your conclusion should be a summary of your position and rationale. It should also include implications, applications, or ramifications of your thesis on our public health as we go forward from here. You must also discuss the application and implication of your view (on your specific topic) on the public health (currently or in the future).
5. What Makes a Superior Essay?
An excellent essay is one that addresses the topic clearly, demonstrates a thorough critical understanding of the material, and explores the
issue thoughtfully and in depth within the allotted space. It is coherently organized with ideas supported by apt reasons and well-chosen
examples, has an effective, fluent style marked by syntactic variety and a clear command of language, and is generally free from errors in
grammar, usage, and mechanics.

Treatment of Women In The Middle East

The paper should be at least 7 pages in length, double spaced using the APA format. The paper is based on scholarly books, legitimate
websites and e-books. You need to have at least a minimum of 8 sources listed on your References page and use at least 4-5 of those sources inside the paper. Please try not to repeat a single source several times and make it a nice blend. The paper can either be about one specific region of the middle east’s treatment of women or a broad view of the middle east’s treatment of women whichever works best for you.

Ethical and Spiritual Decision Making in Health Care

Ethical and Spiritual Decision Making in Health Care
What aspects of the topic readings do you find the most interesting?
What is your view of the analysis of disease and healing in the readings?
Explain. Please this discussion question DOES NOT need an APA format.
Research the answers to the questions and answer them in the sequence.
Be detail and answer all the parts/segments of the question.
Use the information below and you are also free to use other credible websites like CDC etc.
You are required to have at least 2 references and with intext citation for each DQs

Chronic Bronchitis vs Pneumonia

Chronic Bronchitis vs Pneumonia, Required
In 500-600 words, compare and contrast these two diseases.

How to Prevent Heart Disease in Elderly

Preventing Heart Disease in Elderly 
1 •Abstract ( Details)
-it appears in 2 page, length: 150-250 words, 1 paragraph; not indented, summary of all your
paper!, keywords: entered immediately below the abstract text; 5 keywords.
– structure of the abstract: Background on the problem, purpose/objective of the study, method,
interpretation of results and conclusions and recommendations for future research.
4•Limitations & Implications
5• Conclusion

Health Care Supervision and Human Services

 Health Care Supervision and Human Services
Conduct an interview of manager who has only been in his or her position for less than a year.
Ask questions related to the transition to management.
A manager in any healthcare related role would be a great pick.

Non Hodgkins Lympoma and Hodgkins Lymphoma

Non-Hodgkins Lympoma and Hodgkins Lymphoma
– Discuss the global capstone topic in terms of a pathophysiologic condition or health state/event
that arises as a result.
– Examine the condition utilizing the concepts of the natural history of disease.
– Compare and contrast principles of epidemiology for the condition in the United States versus
– Each student will use the topic initiated in the Fall 2019 semester in the Foundations of Nursing
– From that topic, students will identify a pathophysiologic condition or health state/event that is a
direct outcome of the topic.
– Students will write a research-based paper on: 1) how this condition connects to the global
topic, 2) the history of the condition and 3) epidemiological characteristics of distribution,
determinants and specific populations.
– This paper requires the utilization of at least 4 quality research articles from reliable sources.
APA formatting is critical in terms of proper in-text citation and a reference page. Paper should
be between 5 and 7 pages (not counting reference page).
– This project will continue next year to a community perspective in NURS 425 with an
experiential component and from a global perspective in NURS 445.
Section 1: Introduction to the Health State/Event (20%)
– Introduce the disease/health state/event in terms of the global topic selected in semester one.
– Clearly state the selected disease and where it is found globally: Explain why this was chosen,
How does it connect to the global issue
– Use scholarly articles to support your ideas
Section 2: Natural History of Disease (30%)
– Discuss the course of disease from susceptibility to recovery/disability/death
– Susceptibility: who is at risk, precipitating events
Subclinical stage: what is happening at the cellular level, pathogenicity
– Clinical stage: manifestations of disease, sequela
– Recovery, disability or death: discuss prognosis and the most common end point
– use the CDC guidelines for this
Section 3: Epidemiological Characteristics (40%)
– Discuss the epidemiologic data about the disease/health state/event. Present findings on
distribution, determinants and specialized populations.
– Compare and contrast the U.S. data to that of either another country or worldwide. Include the
– Distribution: include incidence, prevalence, morbidity and mortality rates. What is the level of
disease (endemic, epidemic, pandemic, sporadic)
– Determinants: discuss etiological sources
– Specialized populations: who are the people reflected in the data? Be as specific as possible.
– Remember to compare and contrast to another area of the world
– Use scholarly, reputable resources to support your work- either CDC or WHO
Section 4: APA Usage and grammar and selected articles (10%)
– Use APA (6th ed.) formatting throughout this paper,
– At least 4 scholarly articles will be used
– APA Checklist- make sure to include the following, which will affect your grade (see APA book):
– Title page with running head
– Appropriate pagination
– Paraphrasing with in-text citation (you are limited to 2 direct quotes in the entire paper with
appropriate citation)
– Properly formatted reference (works cited) page

Death with Dignity. Mercy Killing. Euthanasia

Death with Dignity. Mercy Killing. Euthanasia
On March 25, 2019 in New Jersey, a death with dignity bill passed both the Assembly and
Senate with votes of 41-33-4 and 21-16, respectively. Less than an hour after passage in both
houses, Governor Phil Murphy issued a statement that he would sign the bill, which he did on
April 12, 2019. New Jersey now the eighth jurisdiction to enact death with dignity legislation. The
measure, A1504, took effect August 1, 2019
This morning when you report to your work as a senior consultant with Acme Health Strategies,
your in-box and voice mail are filled with inquiries from the New Jersey Hospice and Palliative
Care Organization, the Catholic Archdiocese of Newark, network news outlets in Philadelphia
and New York, and your managing partner at Acme.
Prepare a 3-5 page analysis (not including title page and references), that would be the basis for
talking points, examining the public health, legal, ethical, and policy issues involved with these
deliberations and the possible outcomes of this legislation.


Papers on the different imaging modalities MRI, NUCLEAR MEDICINE, & ULTRASOUND), are
required for graduation. For the writing thereof you may select any sources you wish: textbooks,
published articles, or journals from print, or accessed online. All sources must be identified, and
properly referenced by footnotes and credit given in the bibliography. For online sources it is
required that the dates of site access be indicated in the bibliography. For text sources exact
page numbers must be indicated in the bibliography. Any exact quotes from articles must be in
quotations and properly referenced to the bibliographic source.
The paper should be 5 to a maximum of 8 pages plus the bibliography, and will be due no later than 2 weeks following the completion of your rotation in the modality. Papers are to be typed
double spaced in 12 point font.
Each paper should have:
5 points—-An introduction asserting the subject you are about to address
25 points—A description of the imaging modality inclusive of: the equipment involved,
pharmaceutical agents used, preparations for studies, specificity and sensitivity for certain
diseases, and the advantages of the modality as compared to others.
15 points— Advancements in the modality since it came into use.
10 points— A conclusion
15 points— All sources used for the paper are properly cited, as in footnoted.
20 points— A summary statement of your observations while rotating in the modality, what you
learned about it, and the implications as regards your work as a future radiologic technologist.
10 points— A bibliography citing all references used in writing the paper.
All papers will be graded on completeness, inclusion of all aspects noted above, and overall
organization and presentation of the paper. The papers will each be counted as a written exam of
100 points. Any papers receiving a grade of less than 75 will be returned for re-writing.