Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Assignment (Solved)

Quality Improvement and Patient Safety Assignment 
The goal of this activity is to allow the student to integrate concepts discussed
throughout the semester related to quality, safety and health IT. The paper will
provide a platform for the student to discuss ideas and observations from past or
current work environments related to quality improvement.
From your work or residency environment, discuss an area where you witnessed
or assisted with quality improvement to improve overall safety. Integrate
concepts discussed or learned throughout your experience and education to
develop the discussion and formulate quality improvement outcomes.
The paper should be no more than 5 pages in length (not including references), be
fully referenced by relevant sources, and include at least the following sections:
I. Introduction
II. History of the problem
III. Discussion of the solution
IV. Relevance to Quality and Safety in a Healthcare Environment
V. References

Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Health and Medicine

Magnetic Nanoparticles in Human Health and Medicine
Introduction (2 pages and 25 references) don’t go much into detail and must include:
– Materials (iron oxides, metal alloys, …)
– Synthesis methods (most common MNPs synthesis methods)
– Nanoparticles functionalization
-• Magnetic hyperthermia
-• Theory of magnetic hyperthermia
– State of the art
Also a summary of Magnetic nanoparticles in human health and medicine.
History must be 4 pages and 50 references and must contain:
Magnetic nanoparticles hyperthermia: the past, the present, and the future.
Magnetic Hyperthermia will be 10 pages and is approximately 20 references. This must contain:
-Heating Mechanism
Hysteresis Loss
Brownian motion
Neel Relaxation
-In vitro/in vivo experiments
-Preclinical Studies


Explain the risk factors for osteoporosis. What can a nurse do to help manage this health condition to restore the patient to optimal health?

Musculoskeletal, Metabolic, and Multisystem Health Dysfunctions

Describe some of the more common pathophysiological changes and abnormal findings associated with musculoskeletal, metabolic, and multisystem health dysfunctions. Explain what symptoms are associated with the findings and how these affect patient function.

Barriers to Healthy Behaviors

Review the article below for this assignment:
Zhai, Z. W., Yip, W. S., Steinberg, M. A., Wampler, J., Hoff, R. A., Krishnan-Sarin, S., & Potenza,
M. N. (2017). Relationships between perceived family gambling and peer gambling and
adolescent problem gambling and binge-drinking. Journal of Gambling Studies, 33(44), 1169-
185. doi: 10.1007/s10899-017-9670-x Retrieved from
Families play an important role in influencing individuals’ health behaviors. Reflecting on the
article and your additional literature research, write a paper (2-3 pages) responding to the
What associations between excessive gambling and severe high-frequency binge drinking are
suggested in the article?
Identify at least 3 barriers to reducing the problem of pathological gambling.
Identify two specific strategies (family related) you would use to plan a program to prevent
problem gambling. Include evidence-based information as to why you believe these strategies
best apply

Health Behaviors

According to Mokdad & Remington (2010), “health behaviors are a leading cause of illness and
death in the United States” (p. 1). Reflecting on this statement, write a paper (3 pages)
discussing the importance of being able to measure health behaviors and describing methods to
assess health behaviors in a target population.
The following items in particular will be assessed:
Discuss reasons for measuring health behaviors.
Identify at least two methods to assess/measure smoking behaviors among adolescents in your
In your opinion, do you agree or disagree that measurement of health behavior is useful for
program planning. Defend your position by providing empirical evidence.

Strategic Planning in Healthcare Organizations

Choose a healthcare organization and discuss its strategic plans. choose an organization you can easily obtain materials about strategic plans.

Corona Virus in China and the Global Economy

Corona Virus in China and the Global Economy.
Where did it start? How did start?  How many people have been impacted so far? How have China, UK, United States, and the international community responding? What has been the economic impact of the Corona Virus on the global economy?

Health and Society

Social Factors and Health Outcomes 
Health plays a major role in the functioning of society. Define the relationship between social behavior and health. Justify your answer using examples and reasoning. What are the social factors that play a critical role in improving health? What are the social factors that are the greatest threat to health? How can sociology help health practitioners better understand their patients and provide improved forms of health care?

Role of evolution in the development of genetic noninfectious diseases in humans

The goal of this Literature Review is to examine what the current state of the research is and identify gaps in the current knowledge that could be further studied.
There should be an emphasis on the evolution aspect as it is for a senior-level evolution class.
Some potential sources: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/20860684-the-origins-and-evolution-of-genetic-disease-risk-in-modern-humans/ https://genomebiology.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s13059-016-1093-y