Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Health Records
Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Health Records
Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Health Records
Health Disparities and COVID-19 Applying the Socio-Ecological Model
Ecosocial theory provides health professionals with an opportunity to understand why populations react
biologically to a social condition. It is these interactions between biology and social conditions that can
contribute to an inequitable distribution of ill health and disease. Following the principles of ecosocial theory,
health professionals have developed a framework to which health issues can be applied that is beneficial in
devising new approaches for promoting positive health outcomes called the Socio-Ecological Model (SEM).
The SEM is an organizing framework that health professionals can use to understand health issues and in
planning effective interventions. Although multiple versions of the SEM have been developed, they have in
common the concept of multilevel systems of mutual influence and interaction, moving from the individual
level through linkages to larger social networks that include the family, community, environment, social
institutions, and government.
In this course, you will be introduced to the formulation of the model as proposed by McLeroy, Bibeau,
Steckler, & Glanz, 1988). This model is organized around five hierarchical levels of influence: 1) individual
factors, 2) interpersonal processes and relations with primary social groups, 3) institutional/organizational
factors, 4) community/environment factors, and 5) public policy.
What will you do?
1. Research current news articles to answer the questions below. You must use at least 5 different news
sources for the entire paper (not for each question). You just need one main article to answer each
question. You can use articles more than once if they answer the question (but not more than 2 times).
You must have a total of 5 articles for the entire assignment. Some places to look are The New York
Times, The Atlantic, The Root, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal…or, you can just do a
google search and click on the link for news. You can use any articles from 2020.
2. Once you find the answers to the question based on current news sources, you will support what you
write with references to the course textbook, lecture notes, and other relevant sources. For each
question, you must use evidence from the specific textbook chapters listed next to the question. You
must list the exact textbook page number where you obtained the information (see sample below).
COVID-19 impacts so many areas of people’s lives that numerous sections of the textbook are relevant.
Again, each answer must be supported with at least one reference to the course textbook unless it is
stated otherwise. You can use APA or MLA citation.
3. If you use the course lecture notes as an additional source, you would cite: (Tettey, 2020, and the title
of the lecture slides).
4. Your answers for each question should be at least 100 to 150 words minimum, but can be longer. You
are numbering the questions, including the question, then providing your answers. Do not just submit
the answer without the question.
a. You are uploading a word document. Do not just submit your answers to the assignment text
box. Assignments submitted this way will receive a zero. You must upload a word or pdf
b. Do not just copy and paste your answers from the internet articles or textbook. You must
summarize in your own words. Copying and pasting is considered plagiarism, and you will
receive a zero if you do this.
c. Provide the titles and links to the internet current event article sources, textbook, and where
relevant, lecture notes you use to answer the question at the end of each answer for each
question and in text. Do not use personal pronouns like I, we..and make sure to proof-read.
So, a sample answer would look like:
Sample Question: Why has coronavirus impacted the United States so much?
Sample Answer: Health disparities are large differences in health based on the social determinants of health (Tettey,
2020). The United States has been impacted by the coronavirus in such a dramatic way because the country was not
prepared to handle such a public health crisis. In addition, policies were not put in place soon enough to slow the spread
of the disease (Johnson, 2020). One factor that created many issues is the lack of strong public policy regarding public
health. Public health policies are essential to properly handling pandemics (Levy, 2019, pg. 21).
Johnson, L. (2020). Coronavirus Pandemic in the US. New York Times. Article
Levy, B. (2019). Social Injustice and Public Health. Oxford University Press: New York.
Tettey, N. (2020). Lecture: Health Disparities, Race, and Ethnicity.
For the paper you will answer each question below using the guidelines above. You are not writing in paper/essay
format, you are just numbering and writing the question, then answering it.
1. Why is COVID-19 a social justice issue? (You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines above),
summarize what you find, and support it with information form the course lecture notes and the textbook) (Relevant
Levy text chapter, Chapter 1)
2. How are health disparities based on race being demonstrated through the coronavirus pandemic specifically in
the African American and Hispanic communities, compared to other racial groups? What are some of the current
rates/statistics that show this disparity? (You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines above),
summarize what you find, and support it with information form the course lecture notes and the textbook) (Relevant
Levy text chapters, Chapter 2 and 3).
3. Based on what we have learned so far this semester, use the terms health disparity, social justice, social
determinants of health, poverty, excess death, wealth health gradient, and pile-up effect to explain these racial
differences in the coronavirus. You can either explain each of these concepts separately as they pertain to the
coronavirus or write a paragraph. Either way, you should link the terms to what we are seeing in the news about
these disparities. (This section is based on your lecture notes. Using the textbook to support this answer is optional)
4. What are some reasons that are being given to explain the racial disparities in the coronavirus in the United
States? Provide at least three reasons that have been given. (You will first research this in current news (follow the
guidelines above), summarize what you find, and support it with information form the course lecture notes and the
textbook) (Relevant Levy text chapters, Chapter 2, 3, and 9)
5. How are gender differences being demonstrated through the coronavirus and what are some explanations that
have been given for these differences? (You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines above),
summarize what you find, and support it with information form the course lecture notes and the textbook) (Relevant
Levy text chapters, Chapter 4 and 7)
6. How are issues of mental health, domestic violence, and addiction being impacted at this time of increased
unemployment and orders to stay at home? (You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines
above), summarize what you find, and support it with information form the course lecture notes and the textbook)
(Relevant Levy text chapter, Chapter 16)
7. How is racism a contributing factor in the coronavirus health disparities that African Americans are experiencing?
What are some short term and long-term solutions for improving these health disparities? Provide at least 3
solutions. (You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines above), summarize what you find, and
support it with information form the course lecture notes and the textbook) (Relevant Levy text chapters, Chapters
23 and 24)
8. In our lecture on poverty, we explored the concepts of income inequality, the working poor, living wage, and the
digital divide. How are these concepts being demonstrated through the coronavirus pandemic in regards to:
a. Who is able to work from home (what kind of workers are able to work from home and what kind are
not? What are the racial and economic characteristics of these groups.?)
b. How does the type of job a person has impact the likelihood of contracting the virus? Who is more likely
to have a position as a frontline worker?
(You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines above), summarize what you find, and
support it with information form the course lecture notes and the textbook) (Relevant Levy text chapter,
Chapter 16)
9. What challenges are students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds facing as it pertains to online or remote
learning/online classes?
(You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines above), summarize what you find, and support it with
information form the course lecture notes and the textbook) (Relevant Levy text chapters, Chapters 1, 2)
10. How are incarcerated people being impacted by the coronavirus and what steps are being taken to make
(You will first research this in current news (follow the guidelines above), summarize what you find, and support
it with information form the course lecture notes and the textbook) (Relevant Levy text chapters, Chapters 9, 1,
11. What steps are being taken to improve health equity regarding COVID-19? (You can support this with the lecture
notes and other scholarly sources. You do not have to use the textbook for this question unless you would like to).
12. APA or MLA Reference Page
Genetic Health Risk Assessment
Genetic Health Risk Assessment – Part 3: Ideal Diet, analysis and summary. Worth 50 points. See rubric for grading details.
Objective: This assignment combines what you have learned about your health goals, your current diet, your ideal diet, and your genetic health risks within
your family (from the chart you completed for part 2), in a summary and as a plan on what you can do to prevent or reduce your chances of getting certain
diseases. IT HAS TWO PARTS and both parts are required.
A. IDEAL DIET FOOD LOG. You will create a one day ideal day’s food log (intake) including foods you can add to help reduce your risk of your family’s genetic
health risks. As you did when you tracked your current diet, USE Cronometer to create an ideal food log that meets your AMDR macronutrient needs, as well
as adding both macro and micronutrients to help with your genetic health risk. This is your ideal or “perfect” diet. I am looking for a variety of veggies,
fruits, whole grains, healthy fats, lean proteins, low fat dairy, etc. Remember all the things that we have learned in class.
In Cronmeter, search for the food item; choose the proper meal, serving size, and any add-ons. Then click the add button. Repeat for each food until you
have your “perfect” one-day menu. The objective is to get within 50 calories above or below your budgeted calorie amount for the day (the first AMDR assignment
you completed this semester for this course). Therefore, you may need to ‘play around’ with the foods to get your ideal totals.
You can adjust the foods in your ideal diet to help you get closer to 100% of your macro and micro nutrient needs. For example, you may have added green
beans as your vegetable, but if you have a risk for cancer, you may want to include a vegetable that is higher in antioxidants (remember the Cancer and
Antioxidants assignment?) When you are satisfied with the foods you have added for your one-day ideal menu, use the “snipping tool” to capture the food
log and nutrient targets reports (as you did in an earlier assignment). Make sure to print off both for submission.
B. ANALYSIS & SUMMARY. You will write a summary about all of these assignment components—
1. analyze your current diet and health risks (3-day food log and genetic risk chart)
2. identify your most important health risk==you may have found you have more than one risk. Choose the health condition that received the most ‘checks’
or if you have a tie, choose the one that you also have or is closer to you (you parents or siblings have the risk)
3. discuss what you found for your calorie, physical activity and macronutrient goals
4. explain what you need to eat (nutrients and FOODS) ideally to help minimize future risks (your ideal diet) in general terms and specially including
a discussion about which foods you included and why.
5. compare/contrast your current diet and your ideal diet. Take into account what you learned in class and the effects of what you are eating to either
increase or decrease your risk of developing the particular chronic condition you are most at risk. You should include information about your current diet
and how it is helping or hindering your efforts to achieve long-term health.
6. Finally, set a goal or few goals for yourself now that you have the information you need to contribute to healthy behaviors to reduce your risks in
getting certain diseases.
This summary should be a clearly written into a one- to two-page typed paper using black ink, 12-point font, Times New Roman or Arial font, and double-spaced.
Please note the summary should be at least one full page in length not including the header. A reference page should be included as well.
Spelling and grammar count so make sure you review your work and maybe even ask someone else to read through your paper before submitting it. If you use
facts from the textbook or a website, you must cite those in text and include a reference page.
C. SUBMISSION. Upload the images of your food log and nutrient analysis into the GHRA Risk Assessment and summary Dropbox in Brightspace D2L, along with
your one- to two-page summary. You may put all the informatijvzon into one word document, if desired.
Literature Review
Write a literature review of at least 6 research articles related to your chosen PICO topic. Include
the completed PICOT worksheet as an addendum.
I have attached my PICO document /topic and the PICOT worksheet
In today’s fast paced, fluid, and complex health care environment, master’s-prepared advance
practice nurses use leadership skills and strategies to collaborate and to build and manage
effective teams. In this assignment, students will explore leadership strategies that promote
collaboration and teamwork. As an advanced practice leader you are tasked with developing an
interdisciplinary approach to a health promotion project in your facility or within your community.
Ideas for health promotion activities could be: burnout prevention strategies, cardiovascular
health and healthy lifestyle choices. Choose a topic based on the needs of your facility or
Medical Insurance should cover art and music therapy (Persuasive speech)
Persuasive speech on: Art and music therapy should be Be covered by basic medical
Need a source cited reference page (app format)
Here is a grading rubric :
Persuasive Speech (Detailed)
Criteria Ratings Pts
Clear and effective introduction; creative attention-getter, clear reveal of topic, strong credibility
and relating to the audience, clear thesis (main points previewed).
15.0 pts
Clear transitions (signposts, internal previews and summaries) used section-to-section and pointto-point.
5.0 pts
Clear and effective conclusion; clear signal of ending, brief review of main points, impactful and
creative concluding statement. Conclusion is brief and concise.
10.0 pts
Time requirement of 8 minutes(10 second buffer) met. 1 point will be deducted for being under or
over the time limit and for every 30 seconds before or after. Students will be cut off if they go up
to 2 minutes past the time requirement and will receive a zero for this criteria.
5.0 pts
Problem is clearly described and explained, effects of which are discussed. 2-3 reasons are
provided which support the problem. Strong evidence (examples, statistics, testimony,
definitions) are cited from credible, unbiased sources. Problem is one of relevance to the
30.0 pts
A practical solution is provided. A clear and detailed explanation is provided which discusses
how the solution will work to solve the problem. Strong evidence is provided to support the
solution. Information is cited from credible, unbiased sources. Major objections are discussed
and refuted.
25.0 pts
A practical solution is provided. A clear and detailed explanation is provided which discusses
how the solution will work to solve the problem. Strong evidence is provided to support the
solution. Information is cited from credible, unbiased sources. Major objections are discussed
and refuted.
25.0 pts
Ethos, Pathos, Logos
Speaker demonstrates strong credibility, strong logic and reasoning is used to support the
speaker’s argument (avoiding logical fallacies), appropriate emotional appeals are provided.
10.0 pts
Language is clear, vivid, appropriate, and inclusive. Words and names are pronounced
accurately. Important terms are clearly defined.
15.0 pts
Speaker uses their voice and body to enhance the clarity and impact of their message; strong
eye contact (scanning), confident and not distracting posture, clear projection and vocal variety,
speaking with conviction and enthusiasm for the topic. Speaker cites all 6 resources verbally.
25.0 pts
Visual Aid
A multimedia type visual is provided which clarifies and enhances the message of the speaker.
At least 2 different types of visual aids are included. Guidelines for preparing and presenting
multimedia visual aids are followed. Visual aid is professional, yet visually interesting. Sources
are cited on visual aids.
10.0 pts
The Bleeding Edge” Netflix documentary review
1. Give a short synopsis of what the documentary was about.
2. How do you feel about the whole process and business of medical devices?
3. Given what you now know about Quality Improvement and the process to change – how would
you begin to bring about a change in the pre-market approval process?
Kaltura Health Policy Analysis
Due Nov 22 by 11:59pm Points 200 Submitting a text entry box, a media recording, or a file upload
This assignment will focus on developing a health policy analysis presentation that includes a
problem statement, background, landscape, options and recommendations from the week’s
readings. The health policy analysis presentation is based upon an identified healthcare issue in
one’s local community.
Activity Learning Outcomes
Through this assignment, the student will demonstrate the ability to:
Employ strategies to impact the development, implementation, and consequences of holistic
healthcare policies using evidence-based practice principles (CO1)
Critically analyze how healthcare systems and APRN practice are organized and influenced by
ethical, legal, economic and political factors (CO2)
Analyze social, historical, ethical and political contexts of healthcare policies and advanced
practice leadership (CO4)
Advocate for institutional, local, national and international policies that fosters person-centered
healthcare and nursing practice (CO5)
Due Date: Sunday by 11:59pm MT of week 4.
Students are expected to submit assignments by the time they are due. Assignments submitted
after the due date and time will receive a deduction of 10% of the total points possible for that
assignment for each day the assignment is late. Assignments will be accepted, with penalty as
described, up to a maximum of three days late, after which point a zero will be recorded for the
assignment. Quizzes and discussions are not considered assignments and are not part of the late
assignment policy.
Total Points Possible: 200
Research healthcare issues that have been identified in your local community. Develop a power
point presentation with speaker notes. You will then use the power point during your Kaltura
recording. Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics
particular to your health problem.
Problem Statement
Next, record your Kaltura presentation showing your power point and yourself speaking. Upload
your power point with speaker notes AND your Kaltura presentation into the week 4 assignment.
How to use Kaltura resources are in Home/Resources/Technology Resources.
Posting your recording:
Go to the week four assignment tab and hit Submit Assignment
Use the Text Entry Tab. You will have the option of selecting the Kaltura icon
It will take you to your My Media Gallery and upload it from there, example below
Structure a health policy analysis presentation that addresses the following topics particular to your
health problem.
Problem Statement
Research healthcare issues that are present in one’s local community.
8-10 Pages recommended length. Double spaced, typed/printed, legible font. Hard copy
requested. Citation format may be MLA, APA, or any clear & consistent format. You will be
submitting online through Canvas (DOC, PDF, or RTF). Cover page, bibliography.
You will only be allowed to resubmit the paper once if you make some mistake with submission.
It will be checked for plagiarism through TurnItIn.
For your term paper, as a topic, you should choose either a plant/substance (it is acceptable to
do your term paper on a synthetic substance not of biological origin) and focus on that, or on a
more general topic, such as “the use of hallucinogens in religious movements,” “hallucinogens
and the origins of religion,” “drug interdiction policy and hallucinogens,” “the use of psychotropics
in psychotherapy,” etc., etc. So your term paper could be on ayahuasca/DMT, bufo
toads/bufotenine, a synthetic (MDMA, katamine, etc.), or on a general topic covering
hallucinogens. Discuss cultural, medical, religious, therapeutic, recreational, and other uses of
the substance; also discovery, historical usage, isolation of active ingredients, etc. This paper is
a formal essay and should have a cover page and bibliography, containing at least 3 academic
sources, other than your textbook or lectures. Do not cite 3 Wikipedia articles (only) unless you
want to fail. Use a consistent referencing format that is clear, style is up to you. It will be
evaluated for both content and mechanics. 10 pts for mechanics, 40 for content, 50 points total
Health Assessment
This week’s assignment is to write up a history and physical assessment and patient centered
plan of care for the musculoskeletal and nervous systems. Then video and upload an
assessment of the musculoskeletal and nervous systems systems. Use the assessment template
below to guide your work. Please perform assessments on a significant other. Listen carefully to
how the findings in the videos are described, this will help you write your assessment. Do not
write in complete sentences, but document like writing nurses notes:for example: Skin, warm, dry
and smooth. Instant recoil.
Please upload your video here first and then the document below. Be sure to practice before
taping. Be sure to stay within this week’s allotted time—total video time 10-15 minutes.
Please use this as a template only please write out your findings on a separate Word document:
NSG310 Template MS and Neuro Assessment-1.docPreview the document