5Cs of analysis customer company collaborators competitors and context

5Cs of analysis customer company collaborators competitors and context

Dolan (2014) identifies the five Cs of analysis: customers, company, collaborators, competitors, and context.

Dolan (2014) identifies the five Cs of analysis: customers, company, collaborators, competitors, and context. This represents a simplified yet integrated approach to undertaking a strategic assessment of the capabilities and the readiness of an organization’s marketing success.

Over time, many great ideas and models are developed, only to be replaced by something newer (and perhaps better). This week’s Learning Resources present the traditional situational analysis (McGraw-Hill, 2012), a more current perspective (Dolan, 2014), and a somewhat more narrow focus (Dass & Kumar, 2014).

To remain current (and relevant), marketers need to understand the implications and possible new learning that can be extracted from being aware of new perspectives.

Post by Day 3 an assessment of the five Cs based on the following questions:

How do these fit within the Marketing Plan Coach’s (2012) description of situational analysis?

How does the Dass & Kumar (2014) article affect your perspective?

In what ways are these internal analysis models similar? In what ways are they different?

Saudi Oger Collapse  Saudi Oger Case Study Essay Help

Saudi Oger Collapse  Saudi Oger Case Study Essay Help

Saudi Oger was one of the largest contractors in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Saudi Oger was also one of the most successful contractors. In this paper, you are required to use online and other resources to summarize the causes of the collapse of Saudi Oger. You are required to present 1,500-1,750 word paper in APA or Harvard referencing format. You are required to add scholarly supporting sources.  If you were appointed to be the new CEO of Saudi Oger, what will you do differently to avoid collapse of the company?

Effects of contemporary management issues on organizations

Effects of contemporary management issues on organizations

Identifying, explaining and illustrating managerial or organisational responses to a contemporary business management issue and challenges, how these impact on organisations and managerial practice,
1) Identify a contemporary management issue of business significance; describe, and explore how this poses challenges for managing individuals and organizations in question. This should draw upon ideas and weekly lecture topics from across the module.
2) Research and illustrating with evidences; you need to show both how organizations/managers are actually responding to the challenges, and theoretical frameworks and concepts from the academic sources, as resulted from literature study and your wider reading.
3) Contextualising your discussion with the real life examples; suggesting on how organizations and managers should deal with the issue, and relate your recommendations to existing theories or ideas.
(1900 words)

Change Management Position Paper

Change Management Position Paper

You will write a Change Management Position Paper that is worth 220 points toward your final grade. This assignment is due in Module 7. You will select a large organization, profit or nonprofit, that has recently gone through significant change. Choose an organization that you can find substantial written material documenting the change effort. Analyze the organization on the basis of the readings covered in this course and write a 5–6 page paper discussing the change effort.

Requirements Management and Process and Product Quality Assurance

Requirements Management and Process and Product Quality Assurance

Requirements Management REQM and Process and Product Quality Assurance PPQA

Using the scenario/business model of developing an online marketplace for an online craft brewing service that will allow customers to create and experiment with customizing their beer flavors using a website or a mobile application.
Research Capability Maturity Model—Integrated (CMMI), then summarize and describe each as outlined below.
Requirements Management (REQM):
In 2–3 paragraphs, summarize how the practice area is supposed to help teams.
Describe 2 things that your team should do (based on this standard) in your project to promote quality requirements (1–2 paragraphs each).
Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA):
Within 2–3 paragraphs, summarize how the practice area is supposed to help teams.
Describe 2 things that your team should do (based on this standard) in your project to promote quality requirements (1–2 paragraphs each).

Disaster Press Release Disaster Management 

Disaster Press Release Disaster Management 
Create a video press release as the PIO in the immediate aftermath of the Bobsville University graduation disaster using the communication theory that you feel is most appropriate.
Also submit a short reflection describing your rationale on the theory you followed, the information you shared, and the decisions you made. How was your Crisis Communications Plan helpful? Submit your reflection as a Word document.
In your video press release:
Give statements and inform the community as to what happened in the event,
What the community’s current status is, and
Any current instructions to the community from the Incident Command Team and community leadership.
Record your video press release using the “Record Video” button. Here is information on how to record a video in MyClassroom.
Tips on how to record a good video can be found here: https://wistia.com/learn/production/how-to-look-good-on-a-webcam
You may also consider using a tripod-mounted video camera or cell phone if you have that equipment available. Wear appropriate clothing and have an appropriate background. Your visual presentation is part of your message and credibility

Leader as a Problem Solver – A case of failed leadership lessons to be learned 

Leader as a Problem Solver – A case of failed leadership lessons to be learned

Read this case study: https://www-proquest-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/docview/1768629413/7A5AC762E06A4AFCPQ/2?accountid=8289
Consider the leadership theories presented in Weeks 1 and 2. Summarize this case and describe which leadership theory (or theories) best describes Ron Johnson’s leadership approach.
Select an additional leadership approach you think could be effective in resolving some of the errors made by JC Penney’s CEO. Explain that approach, why it would be effective, and how it should be applied.
This paper is required to be approximately 4 -6 pages in length, not including the title page and the reference page. Double-space your work, cite your sources, limit quotes, and edit your work well! Your work will automatically be reviewed by Turnitin upon submission.

Acme corporation has had recent problems with increased turnover of employees

Acme corporation has had recent problems with increased turnover of employees

Managing Organizational Change

Assignment Overview
For this assignment, first, do a thorough review of the required background materials and read up on each author’s discussion about Kotter’s eight-step model of change, Lewin’s three-step model, and the five phases of Action Research. There are also some videos on some of these models that might help as well.
Case Assignment
When you are done reviewing these models of organizational change, take a look at the following scenario, determine which of the three models of change would be most appropriate, and answer the questions below. You are required to use APA style of writing, cite at least three of the scholarly sources from the background readings (required and optional), and write 4 full pages (excluding title and references pages).
Acme corporation has had recent problems with increased turnover of employees and decreased profitability. However, leadership is not sure exactly what the problem is or what to do about it. Senior managers have been arguing for many months about what to do, but it is clear that leadership does not have a strategy to get the company back on track. The company (prior to organizational changes) had 24 sales associates that averaged $423,000 in combined sales each month with a profit margin of 32%. This breaks down to a monthly sales average of $17, 625 per sales associate.
Since the changeover, the employees are stretched thin and have become demoralized as management has been slow to respond to the turnover and has increased pressure to exceed monthly goals. The average monthly sales have steadily decreased for six months after the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) replaced the vice president of sales, two sales directors, and six sales managers with employees from another organization. The Vice President, directors, and managers have yet to establish relationships, are not very engaging or motivating, have more of a transactional style of leadership, and micro-manage every detail of the sales associates performance. The following table shows company sales performance since January of this year and includes month, number of staff, average sales, profit percentage and total profit.
Month Sales Staff Sales Profit % Profit $
January 20 $322,800 32% $103,296
February 19 $321,100 32% $102,752
March 18 $318,500 32% $101,920
April 18 $267,900 32% $85,728
May 15 $260,500 32% $83,360
June 12 $247,700 32% $79,264
Please use the scenario and the table above to answer the following questions (support each section with sources from the required and optional readings list):
Introduce your paper with your thoughts on the scenario and why it happened.
Explain which organizational change model (Kotter’s Eight-Step, Lewin’s Three-Step, or the Stages of an Action Research Project) would be most suited for this scenario supporting your decision and response with a source from the required or optional readings list.
Provide a solution to the scenario and build a plan of action for this organization using the individual steps of your chosen change model.
Use and fill in the table below with your expected forecast potential to show growth in sales staff, sales, and total profit from July through December. Use the formula below the table (New Month Sales x 32% = ______), to calculate expected sales and profit percent for an increase in profit dollars for Acme Corporation.
Provide a discussion on how your proposed change model associates with your completed monthly table below.
Table 1: Expected Sales and Profit Forecast
Month Sales Staff Sales Profit % Total Profit $
July 32%
August 32%
September 32%
October 32%
November 32%
December 32%
New Monthly Sales X Profit Percentage = Total profit
Conclude your paper to align with your introduction, a summary of findings from each section, and wrap up in a final thought.
Assignment Expectations
Case Assignments are to be prepared in Microsoft Word 12 pt font, be at least 4 pages in length (excluding title and references pages) and include 3
scholarly sources from the required or optional readings list.
The paper should include the following:
Title Page formatted per APA.
An Introduction, Body of Work, and Conclusion.
Report content should include a brief introduction to the assignment, background information about the organization being studied, and your discussion of
organizational structure in terms of the concepts or theories being applied in the assignment. Use subtitles, bullets, and tables to improve presentation
References page (double-spaced, 12 pt. type, Times New Roman font) should be formatted par APA Style- See APAstyle.org.

Managing Change at Sony Japan Case Study

Managing Change at Sony Japan Case Study
Organisational change can affect practically all aspects of organisational functioning. The following Case looks at challenges that the techno-digital Japanese organisation, Sony, had to deal with in order to survive and compete in a highly competitive global market.
During the late 1990s and early 2000’s companies in Korea and Taiwan such as LG and Samsung developed significant innovations in technologies such as the development of advanced LCD screen displays and flash memory, that made Sony’s technologies obsolete. Similarly, in terms of products, companies such as Apple, Nokia and Nintendo were producing digital devices such as ipod and smart phones that were better and more affordable for the customer than Sony’s old-fashioned and more expensive products. Where the other companies worked to reduce manufacturing costs, Sony lagged behind with a bloated cost structure that made it uncompetitive. At that time, Sony’s engineers were churning out up to four new product ideas each day, something attributable to its culture called the ‘Sony way’, which emphasised communication, cooperation and harmony between its product engineers across the company. But this freedom to pursue their own ideas became instead a recipe for rivalry and the resulting accumulation of many different product teams, meant that Sony was actually dealing with a fractured system from within. The fierce internal competition did little for the larger Sony organisation as costs blew out and sales of their high-priced products began to slump.
One problem that became obvious was that Sony’s traditional culture ceased to be compatible with the changing face of the techno-digital world. The top-managers at Sony’s most successful divisions worked to protect the interests of their divisions rather than those of Sony itself. Competition between the managers increased as the different divisions fought to win the funding they felt they needed to develop their particular products. As their focus became increasingly fractured, they failed to recognise the emerging global competition. Gradually, Sony’s performance declined until by 2005, this techno-digital giant had lost it’s position. Something had to be done to rescue the company from self-destruction.
Sony’s Japanese top managers decided to take a revolutionary step and employed a gaijin (non-Japanese) executive to lead the company out of trouble. They chose Sir Howard Stringer, the previous head of Sony’s North American operations who had been instrumental in leading significant changes at Sony’s US division. Stringer’s immediate task was to bring the realities of the global competition to the forefront at Sony, and he knew it had to be done quickly.
Stringer’s first challenges included reducing operating costs which, at that time, were double those of their competitors. He also had to break one of Sony’s traditional policies, which had been a promise of lifetime employment for its workforce. He began to lay-off employees at every level. Within five years, he had reduced the workforce by over 25,000 employees, he had closed 12 factories and removed and replaced divisional managers in order to minimise the power struggles that were so damaging to the company. When some managers ignored Stringer’s warnings, they were removed. Gradually Stringer managed to downsize Sony’s bloated corporate headquarters and slowly change the culture of the organisation. In Stringer’s words ”the business of Sony had been management, not making products”. Sony had to rediscover its strengths in order to once again hold a place in the market.
In 2009, Stringer appointed himself the CEO of the struggling core electronics group and went further by replacing four top executives with young managers who came from outside of Japan and who were familiar with the digital world. Stringer insisted that managers must now prioritise and invest in only those products with the biggest chance of success so that Sony could reduce its out-of-control research and design costs.
Further to that he pushed for changes to how Sony sourced its suppliers. He reduced the number of suppliers from 2500 to 1200, thereby cutting purchasing costs by $5 billion – or 20%. This meant that rather than divisions within Sony competing with each other, that all purchasing was centralised allowing for better negotiations and of course cheaper prices.
By 2010, Sony’s financial results suggested that Stringer’s initiatives were paying off. He had stemmed Sony’s huge losses and its products were selling better. Stinger knew that with Apple, Samsung and Panasonic competing strongly in these markets that global rivalry was likely to remain intense, however, his goal remained clear – for Sony to regain its global leadership in making premium, differentiated digital products that command high prices and result in good profit margins for the company.
[adapted from Waddell, D., Jones, G.R. and George, J.M. (2013) Contemporary management. McGraw Hill. Aust.]


Tendering and post contract stage of the construction cycle

Tendering and post contract stage of the construction cycle

Learning Outcomes

LO1: Develop a critical awareness of the current problems and new insights in the tendering and post contract stage of the construction cycle.
LO2: Develop the ability to use critical thinking and reflection appropriately.
LO4: Apply numerical, statistical and quantitative skills in order to evaluate key issues which impact on successful project performance.


This assignment is based around the approved project to develop a new Birmingham University station at a cost of £56 Million. A brand new fit-for-purpose station with modern facilities will be built. This station will be capable of handling 7.2 million passengers a year.

The station rebuild is in great need as the current 1970s station is one of the busiest in the region and is currently unable to accommodate the four million passengers a year that currently use it and is unable to allow future growth.

Cllr Ian Ward, WMCA portfolio holder for transport and leader of Birmingham City Council said: “This new station will not only provide a magnificent gateway to Birmingham for those visitors coming for the Commonwealth Games, but for the many more who pass through here day in, day out.

The planned renovations and developments have been outlined in a fly-through video, allowing viewers to see an in-depth exploration of what the station will look like. Use the attached link to look at the video. https://youtu.be/pchRClRPcDs


This assignment is concerned with reflective practices including a critical review of past and current Construction Management topics. You will be required to action research and seek to bridge the gap between researchers and practitioners by combining theory with research on practical problems. Reflection is essential to learning in order to convert experience into knowledge, or to put it another way, we learn more from our mistakes than successes.

This assessment will be based on topics within the Construction Management discipline. You will be required to complete the tasks by critically reviewing past or current projects against current research on the particular topic. Your review should conclude in your thoughts on how the issue can be developed so that work on future projects can proceed without the problems of past being repeated.


You are required to present a report and a portfolio of evidence for the project start up meeting detailing how you will manage the project.

The basis of your submission will be the justification of your proposals through the consideration of alternatives and the reasons for the selections in your proposal. Identification and location of appropriate literature including critical analysis and synthesis with relevant theoretical frameworks, tools, ideas and models is required.

Your report should include:

1. The role of the Construction Project Manager is wide and varied; critically review the current issues they have to deal with on a construction project. Include how improvements may be made for future projects.

2. Develop strategies for dealing with risk including health and safety aspects of a busy site. This should also include how sites will cater for those with access challenges.

3. Cost Control is one of the most important aspects of any construction project. Even when a robust cost control system is being used, budgets can get out of control. Evaluate how cost control can be improved of a construction project.

4. Construction is a collaborative activity. Every project relies on teamwork. Discuss how projects are affected by teamwork and how they could be improved for the future.