Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation

1) Go to the “My Best Segments” portion of the Claritas Web site,
Click on the tab that says ” Enter ZIP Code ” then enter zip code- 43231, to learn which
segments are the top five for Zip Code (43231). Follow the links for each of the five most
common PRIZM segments to obtain a segment description.
Write up a summary of your results. Discuss the extent to which you believe these are accurate
descriptions of the main segments of people who reside in your zip code. (43231).
please use ZIP Code 43231

Employment Relationship OB

Employment Relationship OB

1 page paper over the below topics
Analyze the issues surrounding the formation, duration and termination of the employment
Explain the federal laws and regulations pertaining to employee workplace rights.

Case Study Carlson Corp

Case Study Carlson Corp

Answering 8 questions in the case study
-Using APA format form and reference

Contract Administration and Practice (Quantity Surveying)

Contract Administration and Practice (Quantity Surveying)

As attached

Follow instructions

Career exploration and planning

Career exploration and planning

Career exploration and planning is a continuing theme in our curriculum. Please select the best starting point for this assignment, complete appropriate activities, and prepare a one page report, single-spaced, with double spacing between paragraphs.

1. What is your experience with the UMUC Career Services?

2. Explore the web site as your initial visit or to prepare for this assignment as an update

3. If you are not a job seeker, highlight UMUC Career Quest resources to recommend to others

4. Explain how our course, ACCT 321 Cost Accounting, relates to your academic and career goals, including certifications such as the CMA, CFE, CIA, and / or CPA exam.

Completion of this report illustrates your goals as they relate to our class, in the framework of career exploration and planning.
Course objectives:

• apply cost-accounting concepts to analyze business and financial data
• effectively use technology to prepare concise financial deliverables
• effectively communicate key financial information to financial and non-financial stakeholders
• evaluate business and financial data to make profit-maximizing decisions while considering corporate social responsibility
• analyze, and evaluate the cost and value added of each organizational unit’s impact on the end product

Your report should specifically include our course name and may refer to your experience completing a similar assignment in other courses.


Conflict Management Analysis

Conflict Management Analysis

Synthesize the content of teh four articles ( I will provide) into a two page ( minimum) report to
the preseident of a national healthcare organization of which you are employed. In this
communique , you will try to convince the president that there are strong rationale and numerous
best practices to draw upon in structuring a new company – wide initiative to effectively manage
conflict and dispute resolution. Don’t give me the plan; create the need for creating a new
I will provide you with the articles.
APA format w/ title page and reference page.

Assess Personnel Management Approaches in Public Administration

Assess Personnel Management Approaches in Public Administration

For this assignment, reflect on what you have learned about public administration so far and
incorporate that knowledge with what you have read this week. You will use these results to
prepare an elevator speech for your interview for the position of Director of Personnel
Administration for Public Organization X. An elevator speech is concise, focusing on the most
important aspects of the results of a conversation. Here, that conversation is your interview.

Assume you are now in your hypothetical interview for the position of Director of Personnel
Administration for Public Organization X. The interview question is prompt. Reflect on the
following statement and construct a winning elevator speech based on your combined
knowledge from previous courses and the current week’s readings.
Prompt: The job of a public personnel administrator is to manage human capital within the
Length: 4 pages, with a reference page. It must be an APA 7 Standard.
References: Include a minimum of 5 scholarly resources.
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts
presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your
response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Australian Manager in an American company (P110-112)

Australian Manager in an American company (P110-112)

Read Case study: An Australian Manager in an American company (P110-112). Answer
discussion question 3-11 and 3-12 (A. Complete answers are necessary, and it is also essential
to discuss support. For example, if you argue that the company A has superior financial
performance, show me its financial metrics (i.e., ROA or ROS) to support your argument. Giving
examples and numbers are always good ways to support arguments. APA FORMAT. 12 font.
Must include citations and references where used. Book for course is International Management:
Managing Across Borders and Cultures, Text and Cases
Helen Deresky
Pearson, 9th Edition, 2016
ISBN-13: 978-0134376042

Culture Leadership and Ethics

Culture Leadership and Ethics

After reading the article, write a 500-word article critique by addressing each of the following
Briefly introduce and summarize the article.
Do the author’s arguments support his or her main point?
What evidence supports the main point?
How could the topic of this article apply to your personal or professional life?
How could the topic apply to an organization you have observed?
How would you explain the role of leadership in corporate culture, and how would you describe
leadership styles and how they affect ethical decision-making?
Are there any inherent unethical practices with drug testing, though it is technically legal?
What conclusions can you draw about the ethical issues facing business leaders?
The Unit II Article Critique should be double-spaced, and written in Times New Roman, 12 point

Motivational Strategy

Motivational Strategy

How are you going to take care of yourself as you develop and implement your venture?
In this assignment, create a motivational strategy (motivation plan of action) to keep yourself
focused on the venture and motivate those who are supporting you in the venture. Review the 10
entrepreneurial motivation items and the seven motivation tips for others outlined in our lesson
The assignment should be 2-3 pages (excluding the title, abstract, and reference pages).
All assignments should be written in APA 7th edition format. Use Times new Roman 12 point font
for all assignments.
Provide references.