Risk assessment PESTLE SWOT analysis on MGM resorts

Risk assessment PESTLE SWOT analysis on MGM resorts

Please include both MGG resorts as well as its online gambling. This is a group project and my
part is to do the analysis so please straightly start with the analysis, no need of background
Please focus on Risk Assessment, PESTLE, Porter’s 5 Force and touch a little bit about financial
if it is possible, and please emphasis on covid19 and regulations for online gambling.
Please include some appendix, thank you so much!

Assume you were on Damario’s RM team

Assume you were on Damario’s RM team

Read the key concept case study on page 347.
1. Assume you were on Damario’s RM team. Since the property’s room rates are below the
competitive set’s, what specific additional data would be required to convince you that it would be
a good time to raise your rack rates?
2. Assume you were in favor of increasing the RevPAR target next year by 8 percent. Would you
be in favor of increasing rack rates, reducing discounts offered, or increasing the number of
discounted rooms available for sale? What specific additional data would you want to see before
making your decision?

Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence

Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence

Mini-Case of Diversity and Cultural Competence

A 36-year-old pregnant Orthodox Jewish woman who has ten children visits her female gynecologist, a Reform Jew, because she has large and painful vulvar varicose veins. The women’s husband remains in the room during the examination and answers the physician’s questions for the woman. At length, the woman asks what she can do to prevent this problem in the future. The physician responds that the reason she has the varicose veins is that the hormones of pregnancy cause increased blood to the region. The problem will go away when the patient is no longer pregnant. The husband becomes enraged and tells the physician she has no right telling them how many children to have.

What are the known facts in the scenario? What else may be going on? What cultural differences might explain the misunderstandings in this case?
What organizational behavior problems does this case illustrate?
What ethical dilemmas, if any, does this case illustrate?
Was the physician insensitive to the pregnant woman and her husband? How could she have managed the situation differently? What should she do now?
What principles of power and influence, if any, are at play here?

Scholar Practitioner Project: Public Health Leadership Theory

Scholar Practitioner Project: Public Health Leadership Theory

For this paper, refine and develop your Public Health Leadership Theory based on
leadership theories and a systems approach learned in this course.
Write 18 pages paper
Section 1 — Abstract and Introduction (2 pages)

Section 2 — Revised Literature Review and Problem Statement (7pages):
• Literature Review to include:
o A synthesis of the literature of 15–20 peer reviewed, scholarly resources
o A description of theoretical gaps in the research
• Problem Statement to include:
o An explanation of the specific problem that addresses identified gaps within the literature
o An explanation of how your problem statement incorporates implications for positive
social change.
Section 3 — Personal Public Health Leadership Theory (3 pages):
• An articulation of your personal Public Health Leadership Theory
Section 4 — Revised Visual Representation of Your Public Health Leadership Theory (4
Your visual representation should include:
• Your personal Public Health Leadership Theory to address the gaps identified in the
• A visual representation of the theory (e.g. table, graph, matrix)
• A explanation on how the theory addresses the literature gap identified in Week 5
• A description of how your theory incorporates aspects of systems thinking
Section 5 — Empirical Evaluation Plan for a Public Health Leadership Theory (3 pages):
You will assess if the newly developed leadership theory addresses the problem you have
been working on. What methodological steps will you use? How will you collect data?

Suggestion – start with how theories in our text are evaluated. It does not have to be
detailed, but it must include the methods, measures and analytic techniques.
If the assignments are done correctly, there should be an alignment from the topic of
choice to the evaluation:
• The topic is researched in the literature
• The literature review points out a theoretical gap that needs to be addressed by
• The gap is turned into a problem statement
• A leadership theory to address the problem proposed
• The theory is depicted in a visual; and finally
• An evaluation plan describes how the newly developed theory resolves the problem
identified in the literature
Section 6 — Conclusion (1pages)
Section 7 — References
Required Readings
Nahavandi, A. (2014). The art and science of leadership (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Pearson.
• Chapter 1, “Definition and Significance of Leadership”
• Chapter 6, “Current Era in Leadership”
• Chapter 7, “Other Leadership Perspectives”
• Chapter 9, “Leading Change”
• Chapter 10, “Developing Leaders”

Avolio, B. J., Walumbwa, F. O., & Weber, T. J. (2009). Leadership: Current theories,
research, and future directions. Annual Review of Psychology, 60(1), 421–449.
Best, A., & Holmes, B. (2010). Systems thinking, knowledge and action: Towards better
models and methods. Evidence & Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate & Practice, 6(2),
Koh, H. (2009). Fostering public health leadership. Journal of Public Health, 31(2), 199–


Written Assignment for Project Engineer Job Position application

Written Assignment for Project Engineer Job Position application

The ministry regulates activities that impact the environment through a number of statutes
including the following:
I. The Environmental Assessment Act and its associated regulations,
II. The Environmental Protection Act and its associated regulations,
III. The Ontario Water Resources Act and its associated regulations,
IV. The Safe Drinking Water Act and its associated regulations.
Please describe how the ministry administers the above statutes for actual physical works
or systems in one of the categories below:
a. Sewage Collection
b. Stormwater Management
c. Equipment for the Management of Air Contaminants
d. Waste Management Systems
that is located within five (5) km of your place of residence (I live in 6444 Torre Drive,
Mississauga, Ontario, Canada). For Waste Management Systems, you may select a
system within the boundaries of your municipality. If you live outside Ontario or in a rural
area, please use 40 St. Clair Avenue West, Toronto, Ontario as the default location.
Choose one topic from the above (either a, b, c or d) to:
1. Describe the works or system, and the purpose from the environmental and health
protection perspective.
2. Identity the physical location of the works or system through street

addresses or geo-referencing, and the distance from your residence.
3. Identify which of the statutes listen in items I-IV above apply to the works in question,
and what approvals or permissions the ministry issues for the establishment or alteration
of each. Include the specific legislative reference, and if available, identify the specific
approval or permission including reference number and date of issue.
4. Identify the engineering principles/design criteria that are used by ministry engineers
prior to making a decision to approve or deny the approval for the establishment or
alteration of the works or system. What are the environmental protection principles that
these codify?
5. Provide references for all sources of information used in 1-4, and describe how you
organized the completion of this task.
Evaluation Criteria (MUST include all points in the written assignment). The above
responses MUST include the following:
1. Knowledge of engineering principles and environmental regulations,
2. Written communications skills,
3. Project management and organizational skills,
4. Demonstration of problem-solving skills,
5. Proficiency in the application of computer software.

Final Project Submission: Task Force Report

Final Project Submission: Task Force Report

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Introduction: In this section, you will discuss the KPIs of the hospital’s HIM department
and the relationship of these KPIs to enterprise-wide revenue.

A. Summarize the current environment of the HIM department, using the SWOT analysis
that you developed in Module Three to support your
B. Briefly explain the connection between the three KPIs of the HIM department and the
hospital’s overall revenue.
II-Milestone One: Coding Errors and Fraud-Order # 332908675-COMPLETED
III-Milestone Two: Reimbursement Strategies-Order # 334130116-COMPLETED
IV Milestone Three: Claims Management-Order # 334130253-COMPLETED
Conclusion: In this section, you will discuss how you will measure the success of your
recommendations and how those initiatives will affect enterprise- wide revenue.
A. Determine the specific benchmarks needed to evaluate the success of your proposed
strategic initiatives, and explain how they will be used.
B. Summarize how your proposed initiatives for the HIM department support the hospital’s
goal of increasing revenue.
Community Hospital Healthcare System: A Strategic Management Case Studyhttps://search-proquest-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/docview/1037992039?accountid=3783

Project Management Project Plan for ongoing project topic

Project Management Project Plan for ongoing project topic

From week one and week two – utilize the project topic you selected;
Based on the risk assessments, prepare a project management plan for the selected
project. Select an appropriate framework for the project plan. The project plan should
address specific controls resulting from the risk assessment, as well as measurement and
communications requirements for the progress of the project.
The project management plan (PMBOK pg 82) describes how the project will be executed,
monitored, and controlled. Please include the main elements of a project management
plan including scope management plan, cost management plan, change management
plan, stakeholder management plan, schedule management plan, risk management plan,
quality management plan, procurement management plan, human resources
management plan, integration management plan and communication management plan.
You must include major activities of each of the elements and monitoring activities of each
of these management elements.

Supply Chain Management Logistics Case Study Essay

Supply Chain Management Logistics Case Study Essay

Use references it has to be only from UK. Any website, article, book
and etc. Only UK .

Develop a portfolio configuration and release management plan using your Project

Develop a portfolio configuration and release management plan using your Project

This week students will:
Develop a portfolio configuration and release management plan using your Project.*If your
project from week 1 is not a technology project, focus on a system or application you may
use in your day to day life or at work.
Ensure plans include how fixes AND new features for the project will be addressed.
Submit completed written plan must include graphical illustrations. Components of grades
include: Life Cycle Models, Presentation of Results, and Structured Approach.
Note: The project/product may include a mixture of off-the-shelf and custom modules.

The configuration and management release plan should take into account maintaining
currency for off-the-shelf components.
Providing adequate content, background information and research in your own words.
The background of the business or organization and the details of the project will be
determined by you by using information you know, performing general research, and/or
developing the details on your own. All information for the project must be developed by
you only for the individual assignments and by you and your team for team assignments.
YOU MAY NOT COPY PROJECT INFORMATION from any other sources except if you
are substantiating a topic with data or facts.
Document Formatting
APA Formatting and Style. Must cite sources in reference section of document (-3)
Must include Title Page, Table of Contents, Reference Page and body content. (-2)

Conflict Theory of Classism in the Workplace

Conflict Theory of Classism in the Workplace

Watch the video below and write a 500 abstract paper stating your opinion on how the conflict theory of classism in the workplace may lead to conflict between managemejvznt and staff.

Video to watch