Organizational Theory and Design

Organizational Theory and Design

Internal Audit Control Practices as a catalyst for Organizational Performance in Multinational Corporatiojvzns – A Case Study of Telecommunication Company.

Propose a plan for an intercultural experience

Propose a plan for an intercultural experience

Propose a plan for an intercultural experience. A “pre-experience outline” is provided
below to assist in the planning.
The proposal describing your cultural experience should address the following questions:
1) Intended contact culture group:
a) What is the identified culture group with which you are planning to have contact? Be
b) Provide a brief description of any contact you have previously had with this group

c) Briefly explain why this target group qualifies as a cultural group.
2) Intended new cultural activity:
a) Briefly describe your new cultural activity.
b) Does your intended activity meet all requirements of the assignment (see expectations
below)? Provide some details to justify your answer.
c) Will this activity allow you to have meaningful contact with members of the intended
target culture group? Briefly explain.
d) What is the planned date, time, and approximate duration of the activity?
3) General:
a) Have you selected a secondary contact group and cultural activity as a backup? Please
describe briefly.
b) Do you have any questions about the project? Please describe.
Here are the requirements—or parameters—of the exercise:
1) Provides information concerning the date(s) and place where this experience will take
2) The selected experience should be novel. The intent of this case is to provide a kind of
“lab” where you can apply your learning in a new setting.
3) The experience must be with a group or culture that is largely unfamiliar to you.
4) You should not be in a position of authority or dominance vis-à-vis the target group.

For example, you should not be a customer in a restaurant, or interacting with individuals who
have lower rank than you in an organizational setting. Power can influence behavior, and
we want to keep power relationships in check to provide the most meaningful type of
5) The experience should allow for meaningful one-on-one contact with members of the
target group. Thus it is recommended that you do not choose an impersonal spectator
event such as a large festival, parade, or sporting event.
6) The experience must be a minimum of 2 hours in length to provide you with enough
material for analysis.
7) The experience must not be illegal or place you at unreasonable physical or
psychological risk.
8) You need to be able to provide evidence of the experience (such as photographs or a
9) Have a second choice experience in mind in case your first choice does not meet the
above parameters and is not approved.

Marketing Analysis and Competition

Marketing Analysis and Competition

See file Canada Goose 3 attached for instructions to complete this paper. Writer MUST be
very detailed and the paper MUST be completed like a subject matter expert. Paper
MUST be properly edited and proofread before delivery. Paper will NOT be approved if
these requirements are not satisfied,
Writer may deliver paper if completed before the deadline, providing that all the
requirements are satisfied. This way I will be able to upload the next order for this writer to
complete then.
Writer may use graphs or columns where appropriate to support his research.

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture

Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture

Read the information below, including the three links to the references, and then answer
the question.
Hofstede’s Dimensions of Culture
The most widely used framework for classifying types of cultures is Geert Hofstede’s
dimensions of culture. Hofstede, a Dutch social psychologist, once worked with IBM
International to become interested in cross-cultural influences on work behavior. In 1980,
Hofstede published his groundbreaking work, Culture’s Consequences. In this work,
Hofstede proposed four cultural dimensions, each forming a bipolar continuum. He argued that cultures can be measured along these dimensions and that cultural differences and
customs can be explained by mapping these dimensions. The original dimensions were:
1) Individualism/collectivism
2) Power distance (high or low)
3) Uncertainty avoidance (high or low)
4) Masculinity/femininity
Although his work has been criticized on methodological grounds and that his dimensions
explain only a small part of the variation in behavior across cultures, it remains popular
due to its value in helping people anticipate, understand, and interpret cultural differences.
The following interactive website offers a quick overview of the original four dimensions.
Gill, C. (2017, March 23). Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and differences across cultures.
Oxford University Press Blog. Retrieved from
and Hofstede, G. (n.d). National culture. Geert Hofstede. Retrieved from
In the years since his first book, Hofstede has expanded his typology to include two
additional dimensions. Hear him discuss his recent work in the following Video:
Hofstede, G. (2013, January 19). Geert Hofstede—Recent discoveries about cultural
differences [Video].
Contrast how the “Decision-making processes” function would most effectively be carried
out according to one of Hofstede’s dimensions. Then, examine the same leadership
function within a culture displaying another of Hofstede’s dimensions.

Market for Large Commercial Aircraft

Market for Large Commercial Aircraft

Please read page 98-99 and answer the Mini-Case #2 QUESTIONS in the attachment
along with additional attachment to help complete question

Analytical Report – Organisational Strategies in a COVID 19 World

Analytical Report – Organisational Strategies in a COVID 19 World

The Module is: Global Business Challenges
On the basis of this new global business environment, you are required to submit an analytical report (AR) (5,000 words max) which evaluates the “Strategies for a Large Consumer Goods Company in Hong Kong to Ensure Business Continuity under the Covid-19 Epidemic Situation”

This report must address the following (although it is not limited to these).

1. Company background (It should include ownership, the company’s history in Hong Kong, the cost and revenue structure, and industry competition)
2. The company’s business performance amid the economic disruption due to the COVID-19 outbreak
3. Analyse the potential challenges the company is facing. Propose how you would overcome them.

Note: please find the details of “Formatting and Layoujvzt” as per attached file

Signature Assignment: Business Plan: SWOT Analysis

Signature Assignment: Business Plan: SWOT Analysis

The Company I chose is Walmart, so I attached last week paper to help with this weeks paper. In order to lead innovation, every business
requires an evaluation of its current status. Perform a SWOT Analysis and determine the need for change for your selected organization.
Determine the problem and propose a solution (such as the introduction of new or updated process, product, or service).
In a 525- to 700-word document, complete the following in your analysis:
Include the SWOT analysis you constructed and your complete SWOT graphic.
Determine the current challenge(s) or dilemma you will address as part of your Business Plan
Justify how you determined the current challenge(s) or dilemma you will address as part of your Business Plan.
Propose a solution (such as the introduction of new or updated process, product, or service) for your business’s challenge or dilemma.
Justify the implications of your recommended solutions to enhance organizational outcomes.

Service Area Competitor Analysis

Service Area Competitor Analysis

There are 7 steps in a Service Area Competitor Analysis, Please only do step #1 – Review External Analysis of the General Environment, health
care system, and service area.
The service area is Beverly Hills CA, and the topic is IVF ( in vitro fertilization).
Please cite all work. If needed you can go online to research a Service Area Competitor Analysis. Please feel free to send message if anymore
information is needed

Negotiation in Human Resources

Negotiation in Human Resources

Read these 2 articles and Answer these two questions
1. Master negotiator Roger Dawson wrote an article for Harvard’s Negotiation newsletter called “Secrets of Power Negotiating”, from his bestselling book of the same name. (see attached “Never Say Yes.) His strong advice included the admonition “never say yes to the first offer”.
Think of an example when that would be good advice and also give an example of when it’s a bad idea.
2. Assume you are shopping for a late-model used car at a dealership. The salesperson approaches and asks how they may help you, what are
you looking for, etc. You respond by saying a reliable used car, nothing more. The salesperson asks, “how much can you spend?” How should
you respond? From the article “How to Negotiate the Price of a Car” posted in this week’s Supporting Materials and attached, what’s the most
useful strategy to obtain a fair deal?

Strategic Direction – Being Adidas advisor

Strategic Direction – Being Adidas advisor

We are playing the role of strategic advisors to Adidas. we are assessing their general strategy by implementing the following models:
• Ansoffs Matrix
• porter’s model of competitive advantage
• ashridge model
• blue ocean strategy
and we are giving in the conclusion a recommendation for the strategic direction we think adidas should take.
Please prepare an 8 slides presentation illustrating the above, using the following book as a source:
Foundations of strategy, second edition, Robert M. Grant & Judith Jordan
The general plan for the presentation should follow this line:
Strategy development process > mission statement > strategic analysis > strategic option > strategic evaluation > strategic choices > develop
implementation plan.
along with the presentation we expect a written word document for the explanatory narration. This should be only a five-minute-long
Please ensure to reference the presentation at the end slide