Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies

Alignment of HRM and Business Strategies

Select a publicly-traded company to research. Evaluate its human resource (HR) and business strategy, HR department job positions, and ways it markets its company regarding human capital. The following are some of the company websites that provide this information:

Allstate: Human Resources Careers.
State Farm: Human Resources & Training Careers.
Ford: Careers.
Aruba Marriott Careers. (You can also search for other companies from the Marriott website.)
In addition, refer to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics website, which identifies detailed roles for HRM personnel and offers you some insight into HRM positions.

Write a 2 to 3 page paper in which you:

Propose how you would ensure the HR strategy is in alignment with the business strategy.
Describe the HR job positions and the responsibilities listed for that HR department.
Determine which HR job positions you would prefer and explain why.
Analyze how the selected company can establish HRM strategies to improve competitive advantages.
Propose three ways that the company can increase diversity.

Innovation and Change Management

Innovation and Change Management

MBA, a critical essay of 6000 words (100%) which integrates theory and practice on ‘Leading Innovation and Change’. The paper is due in 2 parts. 1st part is only 2000 words and is due by February 4th. Then we have to wait 1 to 2 weeks for the professor’s feedback.
After feedback, the final paper, which in total should be 6000 words, is due around Feb 27.

The assignment must include a clear structure with an abstract, a list of references and, where appropriate, appendices and diagrams. You must make appropriate use of journal articles and texts. References should follow the Harvard system.

The assignment should contain:

1. A critical review of theories of innovation and change, including the leadership of innovation and change (50% of the available marks).
2. An evaluation of a successful and less successful innovation / change of which you have personal experience, related to relevant theory (30% of the available marks).
3. A reflection on, and assessment of, your own performance as a leader of innovation and change (20% of the available marks).

Note the mark allocations to each part of the assignment.

To preserve confidentiality, please anonymise the organisation or organisations you discuss in the assignment, eg by calling them Company X, or Governmental Organisation Y, or International Organisation Z. Similarly, where you write about private individuals, call them manager A, or leader B.
We have to use 1 good innovation example from our own experience and 1 not so successful example in the 2nd part of our paper (read the brief on page 2 above).
Please use Social Media Innovation as ‘self examination’/experience where we had success. We can say that I am a women’s independent designer fashion brand that introduced the use of directly selling on Instagram when Instagram started that feature on their platform. We had a successful transition and increased sales bringing this innovative sales feature, targeting directly our Instagram followers.
Perhaps for unsuccessful innovation, we can use outsourcing our social media marketing to a small start up company that proved time wasted and no progress. And that we ended up hiring an inhouse expert to better manage our social media marketing. Something in those lines but with supported theories from our literature review and references listed on this document.
We should make use of new innovation theories comparing and contrasting them to ones mentioned by the university on this document. Arguments should be strong and supported with excellent references please.
(please see attached document)

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions

Mergers and Acquisitions

Your goal for Week is to visit LIRN and locate 4-6 articles and produce an annotated bibliography of the selected journal article and supporting sources using the advice at this link: . The annotated bibliography should contain entries for:

One merger and acquisition-related peer-reviewed journal article you would like to deconstruct.
Three to five articles, from peer-reviewed journals, assisting with the deconstruction of the selected journal article.
The 3 pages doesn’t include covjvzer page and bibliography pages.



Paper details:


-Complete each part as requested
-Total of 1550 words
-Total of 8 slides in Part 8

Safety Auditing

Safety Auditing

Submit a paper that accomplishes the following:
-Describe the facility for which you plan to develop your audit material in the final project
-Define the scope of regulatory requirements that will need to be considered and included in your audit program
-Define the scope of non-regulated topics that will need to be considered and included in your audit program
Can be an office building, distribution center, school, hospital, etc.
Occupational health and safety program

Adler United football club sell pies to fans at their ground

Adler United football club sell pies to fans at their ground. They have found
that their usual attendance on a match day is 63,250 fans. Each fan on average eats
4.6 of their tasty award winning pies that come in a variety of flavours. Analysis of
their catering receipts data shows that some fans were incorrectly given the wrong
pie on some of their orders even though they can only order one pie each
transaction, and that this happened with 3,840 pies.

Using this data, and showing your workings, determine the dpmo of the process and
determine the level of quality that the catering service currently operate to. You may
use any available appropriate table of z value data as required.
(5 marks)

Discuss the significant differences associated with the relevant sample sizes

Discuss the significant differences associated with the relevant sample sizes
and sampling frequency for attributes and variables data. (Maximum 200 words).
(5 marks)

Compare and contrast the quality philosophies of Deming and Juran

Compare and contrast the quality philosophies of Deming and Juran.
(Maximum 200 words).
It has been suggested by some authors that Six Sigma implementation programs are
simply repackaged (and possibly slightly enhanced) versions of previous quality
improvement approaches such as those that originally accompanied TQM initiatives
stemming from the 1980’s. Present arguments that both support and refute this
viewpoint. (Maximum 200 words).
(10 marks)

Watson Wafers Ltd. Manufacture electronic components

Watson Wafers Ltd. Manufacture electronic components. For one of their
manufacturing processes, they have recorded some data that they wish to use
control charts to monitor. They wish to use an x-bar chart to see when their system
may be subject to problems, and need to calculate the control limits for the system
(both the UCL and the LCL).
The company operate a 6 hour working shift (without breaks), and following the start
of the shift a sample measure of the component produced by the process was taken
every 20 minutes. At each sample time 6 component readings were taken.
The company found that in their first shift the data recorded gave the following
∑ = 280.2 and that ∑ s = 8.44
n 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
an 0.798 0.886 0.921 0.940 0.952 0.959 0.965 0.969 0.973 0.975
Table Q4a
Calculate the Upper and Lower Control Limits for the company using the appropriate
constant given in Table Q4a.
Show your workings and any equations used.
Comment upon the values of the constant in the table. (Maximum 100 words).
(5 marks)

The Lestrade & Metropolitan Manufacturing company produce aluminium die

The Lestrade & Metropolitan Manufacturing company produce aluminium die
cast models of famous fictional characters. On the 1st of September they carried out
a stock check and found that they held in their company stores a quantity of 1,100
tonnes of aluminium alloy, which is valued at £5.10 per tonne (as shown in Table
Q3c). The goods received notes and materials requisitions (from production departments) show the following receipts and issues during the month as given in
Table Q3c:
Receipts Issues
(Quantity – tonnes)
Price per tonne £
1 September 1,100 5.10
2 September 1,000 5.50
3 September 750
14 September 750
15 September 950 6.10
16 September 750
29 September 1,000 6.40
30 September 750
Table Q3c
i) – Construct and use a table with columns representing “dates, receipts, issues and
inventory balance” and use the FIFO (First In First Out) and the AVECO (Average
Cost) methods to determine the stock balance in terms of both quantity and value at
the end of the month.
ii) – Identify which of the two methods would give the higher profit for the month in
this particular case, giving your reasons. (Maximum 100 words).
(5 marks)
(Total 25 marks)