Emerging Technology Trends

Emerging Technology Trends


432.01.8: : Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

The graduate evaluates current trends in organizational leadership for applicability within an organization.

432.01.9: : Emerging Principle and Process Trends

The graduate evaluates current trends in emerging principles and processes for applicability within an organization.

432.01.10: : Emerging Technology Trends

The graduate evaluates current emerging technologies for applicability within an organization.


Throughout your professional career you will need to seek out ways to integrate emerging trends in organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies in the field of IT to further the mission/vision of your department or organization. You will read three books, one from each list of publications provided. The lists are organized by topic: organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies. When viewed together, the trends found in emerging organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies allow an information technology professional the ability to perform analysis of their organization’s ability to maximize their current technology and their readiness to embrace beneficial and necessary change in the area of current and emerging technology.

For this task you will reflect on your own experiences while reading each book you have selected related to corresponding topics. You will then write three critical analyses, one for each book you have selected.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.


Critical Analysis for Each Topic


Write a critical analysis for each  of the three books you have selected related to the corresponding topics.

  1. Summarize each  trend and its impact on society as supported by each publication.
  2. Summarize risks described in each  publication that are associated with each trend’s implementation, including the likelihood, severity, and mitigation strategies for each of the risks identified.
  3. Describe how each  trend applies to the experiences you have had in your academic or professional life.
  4. Justify how aspects of each  trend can be implemented in an organization, using research to support your claims.
  5. Identify the indicators of successful application of each  trend, including any organizational strategies, goals, or key performance indicators (KPIs) that would be positively affected if the trend were successfully implemented in an organization.
  6. Evaluate the short-term benefit or long-term application, the level of market applicability, and organizational relevance for each  trend, providing details from each publication to support your claims.
  7. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
  8. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


Emerging Principle and Process Trends

Emerging Principle and Process Trends


432.01.8: : Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

The graduate evaluates current trends in organizational leadership for applicability within an organization.

432.01.9: : Emerging Principle and Process Trends

The graduate evaluates current trends in emerging principles and processes for applicability within an organization.

432.01.10: : Emerging Technology Trends

The graduate evaluates current emerging technologies for applicability within an organization.


Throughout your professional career you will need to seek out ways to integrate emerging trends in organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies in the field of IT to further the mission/vision of your department or organization. You will read three books, one from each list of publications provided. The lists are organized by topic: organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies. When viewed together, the trends found in emerging organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies allow an information technology professional the ability to perform analysis of their organization’s ability to maximize their current technology and their readiness to embrace beneficial and necessary change in the area of current and emerging technology.

For this task you will reflect on your own experiences while reading each book you have selected related to corresponding topics. You will then write three critical analyses, one for each book you have selected.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.


Critical Analysis for Each Topic


Write a critical analysis for each  of the three books you have selected related to the corresponding topics.

  1. Summarize each  trend and its impact on society as supported by each publication.
  2. Summarize risks described in each  publication that are associated with each trend’s implementation, including the likelihood, severity, and mitigation strategies for each of the risks identified.
  3. Describe how each  trend applies to the experiences you have had in your academic or professional life.
  4. Justify how aspects of each  trend can be implemented in an organization, using research to support your claims.
  5. Identify the indicators of successful application of each  trend, including any organizational strategies, goals, or key performance indicators (KPIs) that would be positively affected if the trend were successfully implemented in an organization.
  6. Evaluate the short-term benefit or long-term application, the level of market applicability, and organizational relevance for each  trend, providing details from each publication to support your claims.
  7. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
  8. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends


432.01.8: : Emerging Organizational Leadership Trends

The graduate evaluates current trends in organizational leadership for applicability within an organization.

432.01.9: : Emerging Principle and Process Trends

The graduate evaluates current trends in emerging principles and processes for applicability within an organization.

432.01.10: : Emerging Technology Trends

The graduate evaluates current emerging technologies for applicability within an organization.


Throughout your professional career you will need to seek out ways to integrate emerging trends in organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies in the field of IT to further the mission/vision of your department or organization. You will read three books, one from each list of publications provided. The lists are organized by topic: organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies. When viewed together, the trends found in emerging organizational leadership, principles and processes, and technologies allow an information technology professional the ability to perform analysis of their organization’s ability to maximize their current technology and their readiness to embrace beneficial and necessary change in the area of current and emerging technology.

For this task you will reflect on your own experiences while reading each book you have selected related to corresponding topics. You will then write three critical analyses, one for each book you have selected.


Your submission must be your original work. No more than a combined total of 30% of the submission and no more than a 10% match to any one individual source can be directly quoted or closely paraphrased from sources, even if cited correctly. An originality report is provided when you submit your task that can be used as a guide.


You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect. The rubric aspect titles may contain hyperlinks to relevant portions of the course.


Critical Analysis for Each Topic


Write a critical analysis for each  of the three books you have selected related to the corresponding topics.

  1. Summarize each  trend and its impact on society as supported by each publication.
  2. Summarize risks described in each  publication that are associated with each trend’s implementation, including the likelihood, severity, and mitigation strategies for each of the risks identified.
  3. Describe how each  trend applies to the experiences you have had in your academic or professional life.
  4. Justify how aspects of each  trend can be implemented in an organization, using research to support your claims.
  5. Identify the indicators of successful application of each  trend, including any organizational strategies, goals, or key performance indicators (KPIs) that would be positively affected if the trend were successfully implemented in an organization.
  6. Evaluate the short-term benefit or long-term application, the level of market applicability, and organizational relevance for each  trend, providing details from each publication to support your claims.
  7. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.
  8. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.


Diversity in the News Assignment

Diversity in the News Assignment

Diversity in the News Assignment
Select a recent article, that is not more than six months old, from a reputable Canadian newspaper or online news source related to the course
content of ‘Managing a Diverse Workforce.’
Please note that any respected news source from Canada can be used. Examples include Toronto Star, Globe and Mail, National Post, CBC,
CTV, Global News, Canadian Business, etc.
Include a link to the article in your submission.
Prepare an essay that is a maximum of 5 double-spaced pages about the article using the following format:
• Write a summary of the article.
• Explain why this article caught your interest.
• Identify and discuss the specific human resource management, economic, or societal issues and implications arising from this article.
• Please relate your discussion to one or more of our readings.
• A reference page is required (this is not one of the 5 pages)
• Use proper APA referencing, grammar, and spelling.
• Evaluation of this assignment will focus on: clear explanation of key concepts/terms; demonstrated ability to integrate content across readings
to form persuasive and well-evidenced conclusions; and a thoughtful and thorough critique. Evaluation of this assignment will also take into
account structure and writing (i.e., spelling, grammar, flow, clarity, referencing, limited use of quotes, adequate paraphrasing, and inclusion of an
introduction and conclusion).

Who is a leader?

Who is a leader?

***MLA style****

See attached file

5 pages long

Difference between leader and manager 

Difference between leader and manager

***MLA style****

See attached file

5 pages long

Leaders and Followers

Leaders and Followers

***APA style****

See attached file

5 pages long

FIFA has just decided for the 2030 World Cup to be co-hosted by Tunisia Algeria and Morocco

FIFA has just decided for the 2030 World Cup to be co-hosted by Tunisia Algeria and Morocco

FIFA has just decided for the 2030 World Cup to be co-hosted by Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. You have been assigned with a preliminary risk management analysis. Identify four main risks and complete the table below. Then write a short paragraph for each of the risks, justifying your choices.


Risk Probability (P) (1-100) Impact (I)



S =


a. Accept

b. Avoid

c. Transfer

d. Mitigate


2. Discuss the six main environmental factors that we must consider in an international project? Provide an example to discuss their impact.

Complete the table
▪Justify your choices (e.g. for a risk plan matrix)
▪Justify your estimation regarding probability and impact and provide details about your response.
▪Why did you choose this response (Avoid/ Transfer/ Mitigate/ Accept)?
▪What do you mitigate? Impact or probability? Or both? How do you mitigate? How do you change your plane to avoid a risk? To whom do you
transfer a risk and how? Do you accept the risk and do nothing or do you accept the risk and have a contingency plan?
– A discussion is needed and support with examples.
– Materials outside those included in the slides will have merit if supported with proper arguments and/or academic references




A Third Eye for the Blind

A Third Eye for the Blind

Do only 3 parts of the business plan Report which are the following;
1- Management/ Operational Plan: Provided organizational chart with member’s roles, and qualifications. Additional stakeholders and solicited
professional services defined.
Qualifications of MGNT team.
Explanation of how things will be done (roles and responsibilities of team/departments).
2- Product &/or Services: Identify and describe all products/Services, explain how your products will be competitive.
3- Marketing Plan: Overall marketing strategy clearly conveyed, and budget provided. Pricing strategies, distribution, promotion, advertising,
media plan, and sales..
Who are your customers, where are they, what do they want?
What is your marketing mix (4 p’s Or S.A.V.E.)?

ICS Ignitia Assignment Solved Example

ICS Ignitia Assignment Solved Example
ICS Ignitia Assignment
Assignment 1
Select a specific system in a program or a project in the UAE (Etihad Rail) ; and provide the following minimum requirements:
1. The name of the program/project and the stakeholders.
2. The estimated cost and timeframe
3. The architecture (Drawing) of the selected system in the program/project
4. Your preferred risk management process that you will use.
5. List the most (5) five important risks you anticipate in the system (Risk realization) and write their risk statement properly as addressed in the
Assignment 2
Start Building your risk management plan delivering the following:
1. Contents assignment #1
2. Identify all risks in the system, their type, and present the categorization of risks in the form of WBS
3. Rank each risk in their category
Assignment 3
Continue using the data of both assignment (1 & 2) and structure a risk assessment chapter to include the following:
1. The risk factor calculation (Rf)
2. Risk Analysis Worksheet (RAW) as explained to you in the lectures
3. Risk handling approaches
4. Risk Assessment Matrix