Sustainable development – ethics for engineering

Sustainable development – ethics for engineering

Part I – Sustainable Development – maximum 3 pages – 35 marks
Select one Sustainable Development project – from your own research or from one of the following links:
Provide a short overview/introduction to summarize the project.
Explain how this project satisfies the Brundtland Report’s definition of Sustainable Development.
Discuss how the development of this project relates to two (unique) Engineers Canada Guidelines in Sustainable Development (, by imagining how these guidelines could have informed the development, or how they are reflected in the project’s
Format, Style & References (APA or Chicago format) per requirements; Maximum Length: 3 pages Times New Roman, 12pt, Double spaced, 1-
inch margins, page numbers.
Introduction (2 marks) and description (4 marks) of the project.
How the project satisfies the definition of Sustainability. Define Sustainability (2 marks) and at least 2 examples of how this satisfies the
definition (2 x 5 marks)

Human Resource Management Essay opinion and personal experience

Human Resource Management Essay opinion and personal experience

This is an opinion and experienced based report – it is NOT A RESEARCH PAPER. Students will choose a human resources topic articulating
the principles, concepts, and major functions of the topic to the reader. Students are to integrate their personal knowledge of the subject and
relate it to where they currently work or have worked providing specific examples. The report is NOT intended to be a review of the text.

Organizational Behavior – Decision models

Organizational Behavior – Decision models

Suppose the City of Ottawa needs to build a waste-treatment plant in the region. Mayor Jim Watson asks you for your recommendation about
how he should go about making this complex decision that has many stakeholders with diverse interests. Where would you advise him to start?
What would be the rest of the steps? Which decision model(s) are featuring in the process you are designing for him? What are the pros and
cons of your design?
Note: I have included the professor’s powerpoint showing decision models. Only use one model.

PERT CPM Calculating ES EF LS and LF indicated on the diagram

PERT CPM Calculating ES EF LS and LF indicated on the diagram



This homework assignment is based on Swiss (2011), Chapter 1 – Planning Tools: PERT/CPM.


Application – CPM


For the following problems, show the diagram with ES, EF, LS, and LF indicated on the diagram.



Activities Predecessors Duration
A 3
B 5
C A 2
D B 2
E C, D 1
F E 4
G F 5




Activities Predecessors Duration
A 5
B A 3
C A 2
D A 1
E B, C, D 4
F E 5
G E 6
H E 2




Activities Predecessors Duration
A 2
B 4
C 3
D A, B, C 3
E A, B, C 1
F D, E 4
G F 4
H G 2
I G 3



Application 2 – PERT


For the following problems, diagram and then show ES, EF, LS, LF, and slack on a separate table.



Activities Predecessors Duration
o m p
A 1 14 15
B 4 6 8
C A, B 1 8 15
D A, B 9 9 9
E C 4 9 26
F C 1 2 9
G C 3 4 11
H D 7 9 11
I G, H 2 3 40
J E, F 5 5 5
K I, J 5 6 13


What Poses the Most Danger to Teams: Groupthink or Mismanaged Agreement?

What Poses the Most Danger to Teams: Groupthink or Mismanaged Agreement?

Leaders who collaborate with groups on particular projects are much more capable of
maximizing their productivity compared to working alone. However, there are a couple of
concepts leaders must be aware of and that is both groupthink and mismanaged agreement.
According to Social psychologist Irving (in Johnson, 2016), Groupthink is when a team of people
unanimously agree to a certain idea or behavior in order to save their unity within the group.
Their membership in the group is much more important to them than disagreeing with a certain
idea that may isolate them from the rest of the group. This particular concept is normal and
occurs in many areas of our lives. However, it can become dangerous especially when serious
misconduct occurs, and people refrain from addressing the ethical violation in order to save their
group membership. In contrast, groups that are mismanaged may find themselves participating
in projects, behavior, or even ideas that they disagree with due to the failure of communicating
and expressing their beliefs that may result in misleading assumptions (Johnson, 2016).
According to psychologists, people fall into mismanaged agreements when they are too anxious
or afraid to speak up and/or fear that they will be excluded from a particular group (Johnson,
2016). In my opinion, I believe both aforementioned concepts pose serious risks to teams or
organizations and are very similar to each other. They both require an individual or group to
speak up against ideas that may hurt goals within organizations.

Quality Management and Control

Quality Management and Control

SLMC has a continuous commitment to delivering the highest quality care by addressing crucial
issues, such as patient safety, technology, and expanding services to meet community needs. As
the nurse administrator, you determine an audit of elderly patient readmissions would be helpful
data to be gathered. Discuss some of the specific information you would include on this tool and
how specifically you would proceed with this project and your rationale for including them in the
tool. Whom would collect the data?
After reading about Deming’s 14 Total Quality Management principles, state one management
principle you would apply to assist in delivering the highest quality care?

Employee Rights and Discipline

Employee Rights and Discipline

1. Read Ch. 13
2. Read case study 1 in chapter 13 called Discharged for off-duty behavior.
3. Use Ch. 13 and Case study 1 to answer the questions in case study 1 NO OUTSIDE

Target Corporation-Strategic Direction

Target Corporation-Strategic Direction

The company I have chosen for this assignment is Target Corporation.
Assignment 5 – Target Corporation – Strategic Direction
The Strategic Direction assignment is the fifth part of your project.
Part A
Construct a Strengths-Weaknesses-Opportunities-Threats (SWOT) matrix. You can locate a
SWOT matrix through information literacy (Best resource is Google the word: SWOT Matrix. You
will find alot of variations – choose one and enter your Organizations information. and Next,
complete the following two matrices (examples of these Matrices will sent to you in the Content
area.) Include 5 factors in each of the four sections. Be detailed in the descriptions. You must duplicate the format of these (2) two matrices and apply your Organizations related items.
Part B
Construct a Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Matrix with products or services for each quadrant
associated with your Fortune 500 company and provide a written analysis of the findings to
support your position of the location on the BCG matrix.
Part C
Construct an Internal-External (IE) Matrix with the calculations from your past IFE matrix and
EFE matrix. If your matrix was incorrect or incomplete, you will need to complete these two
matrices prior to constructing your IE Matrix. Provide a written analysis of the findings to support
your IE matrix.
Resource Information: Based on the three matrices created, you will need to develop a detailed
qualitative written analysis of each of the three matrices. (You should include any term, figures,
or calculations in your written section to support your analysis to enrich the information.) identify
what kind of strategic direction (e.g. aggressive, grow and build) the firm should follow and
potential specific strategies the firm should pursue within this strategic direction (e.g. M&A, new product development). *Please make sure that you include all aspects of the instructions
including strategic direction etc.
Your assignment should be in APA format. Title Page, Table of Content, Body of Written Analysis,
Reference Page and Appendix section. Please use the templates in the course content. Submit
the APA format in one (1) Word document. Cite all sources used in the assignment.

Whole Foods Company/ SWOT Analysis

Whole Foods Company/ SWOT Analysis

Select 1 global company from Business Source Complete: SWOT Analyses to use for the next 5
weeks (this will sometimes be referred to as “your company”).
Create a chart or outline that conveys the following information:
Whole Foods
A brief history of company
At least 3 milestones from the company’s history
3 resources (in addition to Business Source Complete) where you can locate company
information in future weeks. This may include company websites, current employees, journals,
Define 1 new unique business opportunity the company can do to increase their competitive
Identify a function of management that is needed for this opportunity.

What Makes ____ the Best Place to Work and Why?

What Makes ____ the Best Place to Work and Why?

What Makes ____ the Best Place to Work and Why?
Choose one company (other than Google, Facebook, or Verizon) that you believe would be an ideal company to work for based on working conditions, salary, opportunity for advancement, and work involved. Use Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library for your research.

Write a 4–6 page paper in which you:

Evaluate the fundamental driving forces that shape the organizational environment of the selected company. Be sure to address competing in a global marketplace, workforce diversity, ethics and morality, and technological innovation.
Examine the organization’s specific practices or policies and the influence of these practices on individual and organizational outcomes.
Determine which practices related to work attitudes in U.S. organizations are most strongly affected by diversity and how those effects could be addressed.
Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.

The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

Evaluate the forces that shape the organizational environmejvznt of a given company.