Where in each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2

Where in each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2

Where in each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2 would you expect the most failures occur? Why?

For each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2 identify the specific points

For each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2 identify the specific points

For each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2, identify the specific points where client involvement is needed. What specific actions would you task as project manager to ensure that involvement?

Consider a project management methodology that specifies only the six questions stated

Consider a project management methodology that specifies only the six questions stated

Consider a project management methodology that specifies only the six questions stated in the “Understanding the Fundamentals of Project Management” section of Chapter 2. All that is required of the project manager and the client is to provide answers to those six questions. Could this approach be made to work? If yes, how? If not, why not?

Suppose the Scope Triangle presented in Chapter 1 were modified as follows Resource Availability occupies the center and the three sides are Scope Cost and Schedule

Suppose the Scope Triangle presented in Chapter 1 were modified as follows Resource Availability occupies the center and the three sides are Scope Cost and Schedule

Please answer 10 question from attached book

  1. Suppose the Scope Triangle presented in Chapter 1 were modified as follows: Resource Availability occupies the center, and the three sides are Scope, Cost, and Schedule. Interpret this triangle as if it were a system in balance. What is likely to happen when a specific resource of your project is concurrently allocated to more and more projects? As project manager, how would you deal with these situations?
  2. Consider a project management methodology that specifies only the six questions stated in the “Understanding the Fundamentals of Project Management” section of Chapter 2. All that is required of the project manager and the client is to provide answers to those six questions. Could this approach be made to work? If yes, how? If not, why not?
  1. For each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2, identify the specific points where client involvement is needed. What specific actions would you task as project manager to ensure that involvement?
  2. Where in each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2 would you expect the most failures occur? Why?
  3. Where in each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2 would you expect the greatest risk? Why?
  4. For each of the five PMLC models illustrated in Chapter 2, identify a project from your experience that would seem to have a good fit. Would using that PMLC for that project have improved the outcome? Why?
  5. Referring to the PDQ Case Study presented in Appendix C, what PMLC model would you use for each of the six subsystems (Order Entry, Order Submit, Routing, Inventory Management, and Pizza Factory Locator)? Defend your choices.
  1. Strategic planning horizons have changed from 5 years, to 3 years, and even to 1 year. Chapter 3 advocates a continuous process that includes quarterly reviews of projects, programs, and portfolios where changes to the strategic plan can be made at any quarterly review. As your enterprise implements transitioning to a continuous process, what obstacles can they expect? What would you recommend they do to mitigate these obstacles?
  2. A big challenge in implementing the Co-Manager model, presented in Chapter 4, is giving the client equal authority and responsibility in managing the project. The process co-manager has to relinquish authority and the product co-manager has to acquire that authority and responsibility. What specific actions should each co-manager take in order to establish that equality?
  3. As far as your company’s needs for a project management methodology are concerned, are any of the Process Groups, presented in Chapter 5, incomplete? Do any of the Process Groups have superfluous processes that would not be applicable to your company? Which are they and why would they not work for you?

Discuss why reviewing goals is important to effectively deal with conflict. Discuss how to effectively deal with conflict

Discuss why reviewing goals is important to effectively deal with conflict Discuss how to effectively
deal with conflict

Review the assessment checklist to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
Write an initial response (300-500 words) to your assigned discussion question by the end of Day 2. You must use a minimum of two scholarly references.
Your post should begin by clarifying which topic you are covering by rewriting the topic you were assigned. For example:
Topic 100: What is the Mission Statement of Indiana Wesleyan University?
Indiana Wesleyan University is a Christ-centered academic community committed to changing the world by developing students in character, scholarship, and leadershi

Big 5 personality traits attitude questions people’s opinions

Big 5 personality traits attitude questions people’s opinions

Your research rationale (why you believe the topic is important for investigation, supported by scholastic sources)
Your research question which demonstrates a cause and an effect
The specific questions from the survey (GSS) which serves the basis of your dependent variable for the topic

Hollate Manufacturing Fraud Risk

Hollate Manufacturing Fraud Risk

1. Step back, how did Jack/Hollate end up in the situation described in the case? In your assessment, which individuals and or systems are to blame for the current problems?
2. Thinking long-term, what, in your assessment, are the most important conditions to mitigate the likelihood of a Hollate-like situation? consider the COSO framework here

Hotel Sustainability Campaign for Guests

Hotel Sustainability Campaign for Guests

Topic: Hotel Sustainability Campaign for Guests
Format: 2 page summary + Poster design ( I will do the poster design)

Referencing style for this assessment is APA6. Please note: Any reference that is used to support your work should be put at the end of the summary. References are excluded in the page limits.
Environmental issues and green initiatives are very important to hotel operations. Accommodation providers can reduce the burden of their operations on the environment in several ways. Hotels can take supply-sided measures, such as equipping the hotel building with features that minimize the use of resources; or working with employees. They can also take demand-side measures, such as trying to convince hotel guests upon arrival to behave in an environmentally friendly manner. However, there are many challenges in engaging hotel guests in sustainability and eco-friendly initiatives. For example, many guests who behave in an environmentally-friendly way at home do not demonstrate similar behaviour towards sustainability when on vacation (Juvan & Dolnicar, 2014). Second, many hotels manage poorly in delivering an understandable and clear message to their guests about their sustainability initiatives.
You are required to study hotel sustainability. Design a campaign poster to motivate hotel guests to be less wasteful of food or to reduce energy consumption, i.e., air conditioning, lighting, (hot) water etc. This can be what they use in room or what the hotel uses in servicing their rooms, i.e., washing linen, water/detergent, amenities, etc. In addition, you may consider awareness of how guests contribute to waste and ways to ensure waste is recycled and diverted from landfill, i.e., single-use plastic items.
Provide a 2-page summary for the hotel management team to:
1) Describe the hotel indicating its location, size, source market, and other features that are relevant to sustainability (e.g., hotel vision, past contribution in promoting sustainability);
2) Explain why the hotel sustainability initiative is important for the selected hotel;
3) Justify your poster design (use an evidence-based approach considering theories in consumer behaviours, environmental psychology, peer pressure and communication);
Briefly discuss how to deliver your campaign poster to the hotel guests (e.g., where, when, what type of guests, and how).

*You do not have to do the following part, but have to give me an idea
Follow the steps to develop a poster for hotel guests:
1) Select one hotel
2) Promote one hotel sustainability initiative (note: choose one environmental initiative only, e.g., reduce food waste, water consumption, or plastic items);
3) Illustrate what actions you encourage guests to undertake to achieve the sustainability initiative.
4) You can use Microsoft PowerPoint, Adobe InDesign/Illustrator or other poster design software to make your poster. Save as a PDF/JPG file and submit the electronic version to blackboard.

Briefly discuss how to deliver your campaign poster to the hotel guests (e.g., where, when, what type of guests, and how).

Cocal Cola Case Study Financial Analysis

Cocal Cola Case Study Financial Analysis

Company History

SWOT Analysis





Industry Planning Assumptions

Economic Environment

Political Environment

Legal/Regulatory Environment

Technological Environment

Social Environment


Competitive Environment (Be sure to use Porter’s Five Forces Model and illustrate)

Analysis of Coca Cola’s Strategies


Analysis of (company) Financial Performance

Sales and Revenue

Current Ratio

Quick Ratio

Return on Equity

Debt-to-Equity Ratio

Recommendations for Future for Coca Cola



Organizational Ethics and CSR

Organizational Ethics and CSR
Module 4: Organizational Ethics and CSR
Discussion: Social Contract Theory
Discussion: Social Contract Theory
After reviewing the background section, discuss social contract theory and apply social contract theory to a business situation you are familiar with. To what extent does SCT help to explain differences in ethics and ethical perspectives in a culturally diverse setting?
What is the efficacy of SCT in describing issues related to business ethics?
In each discussion forum, students are expected to respond to the prompt by providing an informed, rigorous, and professional post. The initial post should be at least 150 or more words