Evaluate how healthcare policy-making both directly and indirectly impacts the national and global healthcare delivery systems

Evaluate how healthcare policy-making both directly and indirectly impacts the national and global healthcare delivery systems


Strategic and Organizational Management

Evaluate how healthcare policy-making both directly and indirectly impacts the national and global healthcare delivery systems.
Identify the different types of organizations, services, and personnel and their interrelationships across the health care delivery system.
Assigment Instructions

You work for a healthcare system that includes a community hospital, a long-term care facility, a hospice center, a home health agency, and a physician clinic. For each facility create an organizational chart with the departments and a list of types of staff in each department. List staff such as RN, Radiology tech, lab tech, coder, etc. Numbers of staff and specific titles are not needed.

Write a description of the interrelationships across the health care delivery system. For example, the hospital lab department may provide laboratory services for the other facilities and interact with the nurses and medical assistants at those facilities. Are there some departments or staff positions that would function better in a shared services environment, supporting all the different facilities?

Describe how healthcare policy-making impacts the healthcare delivery system. Discuss how you would evaluate the impact of new state, local, and federal policies as well as global impacts.

Please view the videos below on how to create organizational charts in Word

Comments from Customer
Only 1 chart is needed

Conduct a SWOT and PESTLE Analysis on the Organisation

Conduct a SWOT and PESTLE Analysis on the Organisation

Assessment task details and instructions

Your task is to:

1. Study the materials in ‘Assessment 1 brief and supporting information folder’ on the FabLAb (digital maker labs) organisation – this is within the Assessment Section of Blackboard.

2. Then conduct a SWOT and PESTLE analysis on the organisation. Your SWOT and particularly your PESTLE analysis should consider the current and future factors likely to impact the company.

3. Write a short eport of 1,500 words based on your analysis. Your analysis should pay attention to issues covered in weeks 1-5 (organisational types, strategy and business models, HR/employee related strategies and cultural alignment, leadership for innovation).

Note: the reference list and any appendix you might have is NOT included in the 1,500 words. You may be over by 150 words. Being under 1,500 words is not likely to be a sufficiently detailed report.

Your report should follow a business report style and include:
• A title page (Name, Student ID, Organisational Behaviour Assessment 1, Word Count)
• Contents table
• Executive Summary
• Introduction – short introduction to the company and it’s strategy
• Then a main body structured into bumbered sections and sub-sections which have headings (e.g. Stengths, Weakness, PESTLE factors)
• Short conclusion
• Reference list (Use the university’sHarvard APA 6 style of referencing)
• Possibly an Appendix (if you have additional information you wish to include. You may find that you need to focus within your report on the key Strenths, Weakness etc, and key PESTLE factors and include your full SWOT and PESTLE in the Appendix)

You should look at the assessment criteria (rubric) in the Assessment 1 folder in Blackboard to find out what we are specifically looking at in the assessment. Note that assessment criteria are split into 10% bands from ‘extremely poor – 1 to 9%’ thru to ‘outstanding – 90 to 100%’.

Assessed intended learning outcomes

On successful completion of this assessment, you will be able to:

Knowledge and Understanding
1. Examine and discuss the external and internal factors that impact on organisational and HR strategy.
2. Evaluate alternative models of HR delivery, the factors that shape these and the impact of different models on organisational outcomes.
3. Explore different meanings of performance and factors that impact on individual and organisational outcomes.
4. Understand and evaluate the empirical evidence on which the theories and concepts of Organisational Behaviour are based and the criticisms that have been advanced against them.
5. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the main theoretical perspectives that contribute to the study of the behaviour of individual, groups and organisations in public, private and not-for-profit organisations.

Practical, Professional or Subject Specific Skills
1. Seek and value the views of others building effective working relationships with business managers, peers and other HR functions together with relevant external organisations.
2. Be creative, innovative and enterprising when seeking solutions to business problems that are ethical, sustainable and legal and socially appropriate.
3. Plan and manage personal development effectively at an individual level (time, behaviour and motivation) as part of a team (leadership, influencing and project managing).
4. Be flexible, positively adapting to changing work priorities and patterns, ensuring key business and HR deadlines are met in a legal and socially appropriate and responsible manner.
5. Display tenacity, accountability, resilience and proactivity in the way they go about their role, dealing positively with setbacks when they occur.

Transferable Skills and other Attributes
1. Locate, analyse and synthesise information from a range of published literature and electronic sources, with acknowledgement and referencing of sources.
2. Demonstrate a capacity for independent and self-managed learning, as well as working in small groups to clarify objectives, exchange ideas and knowledge, and evaluate data in terms of problems presented.
3. Communicate effectively, both orally and in writing, using a range of appropriate media/technology, and relate skills to future learning needs and employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making.
4. Acquire and develop a range of cognitive and intellectual skills relevant to the understanding and management of organisational behaviour in different types of organisations and work contexts and within different national settings.

Module Aims
1.Equip students with an understanding of external factors that impact on organisational strategy and performance as well as internal environments and factors that contribute to success.
2. Expose students to alternative value sets as well as alternative models of HR delivery, including debates about the role of the HR function
3. Develop skills in the use of tools for analysing the organisational environment and developing strategies.
4. Develop an understanding of the interdependency of organisations and workers and the role of group dynamics.

Word count

Your report should be 1,500 words.

The reference list and any appendix you might have is NOT included in the 1,500 words.

You may be over by 150 words, but note that being under 1,500 words is not likely to be a sufficiently detailed report.



Aligning Talent Development with Business Operations

Aligning Talent Development with Business Operations

A core theme in our readings this week is the importance of a close relationship between HR and the operation of the business. In The Talent Masters, Conaty and Charan illustrate this with the example how GE dealt with the unexpected resignation of a senior executive. In Powerful, McCord emphasizes that every single employee has to understand the business.
• Does your organization have any practices similar to “C Sessions” to support succession planning and strategy execution? If so, explain how these are implemented and what is and is not working well. If not, what value would such sessions add?
• How can companies with talent development practices that are significantly different from the C-Session model ensure strong alignment between the HR function and the Mission, Values, and Strategy of the business?


Conaty, B.l & Charan, R. (2010). Talent Masters: Why Smart Leaders Put People Before Numbers. Crown Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-307-46026-4*

McCord, P. (2017). Powerful: Building a Culture of Freedom and Responsibility. Silicon Guild. ISBN 978-1-939714-09-01

Select a method for combining predictor scores Discuss its strengths and weaknesses

Select a method for combining predictor scores Discuss its strengths and weaknesses

Please read and follow all the instructions carefully. Make sure all the information needed has been addressed in a precise manner following all the guidelines. Support your decisions ” WHY”. References must be less than 5 years. No maximum number of references. US scholarly references must be used, Avoid plagiarism. Thanks

Unit 8: Discussion Questions

  1. Select a method for combining predictor scores. Discuss its strengths and weaknesses.


  1. What is the most practical issue you have learned from this course?


Below is a course that I am taking and book overview listed for your information. Will help to answer 2nd discussion question for you. Thank you so much for your hard work!


PPT Ch 1 – Introduction to Selection

PPT Ch 2 – Job Performance Concepts and Measures

PPT Ch 3 – Job Analysis in Human Resource Selection

PPT Ch 4 – Legal Issues in Selection

PPT Ch 5 – Recruitment of Applicants

PPT Ch 6 – Human Resource Measurement in Selection

PPT Ch 7 – Reliability of Selection Measures

PPT Ch 8 – Validity of Selection Procedures

PPT Ch 9 – Application Forms and Biodata Assessments, Training and Experience Evaluations, and Reference Checks

PPT Ch 10 – The Selection Interview

PPT Ch 11 – Ability Testing for Selection

PPT Ch 12 – Personality Assessment for Selection

PPT Ch 13 – Simulation Tests

PPT Ch 14 – Testing for Counterproductive Work Behaviors

PPT Ch 15 – Strategies for Selection Decision Making



Emergency Management Strategy

Emergency Management Strategy

Tthis final assignment is intended to familiarize you with Emergency Management theory and its associated literature. Thus, when completing this assignment, you are required to research that literature and complete a traditional term / research-based paper. For this course, the overall theme of the term paper will be your assessment of the history, present status, and future of some aspect of emergency and disaster management law that is significant to today’s world (in other words, a relevant issue) and that interests you.

You can choose some policy, law, or regulation that promotes or hinders sound emergency and disaster management. You can choose to present your work as a case study, presenting the issue with your analysis and predictions supported by illustrative (case) examples. Or you may complete your work as a formal research paper with an articulated thesis statement and defense. In either case, you may support the law, policy, regulation or issue you choose, or disapprove it; but either way, you must give your related logic and evidence to support in support of your position in doing so.

This final course project will be due by the end of the course; Week 8. By Week 2, you must submit your topic and proposed approach to it through the link on the Assignments page for the Week 2 assignment. You need to obtain your instructor’s approval before proceeding to develop and submit your work for a grade. Topics that are significantly similar to concepts covered in the course, or in the forums and/or in other assignments will not be accepted in fulfillment of this final paper. There is no stipulated maximum length for this paper, but I expect the paper to be complete.
Typically, a term paper in this level course should have between 10-15 double-spaced pages in the body of its text not counting the title page and References page(s). You must include at least 10 sources. Work not attaining at least 10-pages or having at least 10-sources will be considered as non-responsive and will not attain a sufficiently passing grade.

Determinants of demand and the elasticity of demand Apple product

Determinants of demand and the elasticity of demand Apple product

Review the determinants of demand and the elasticity of demand for the product(s) of your company (Apple) . Relate the projection of future demand to the strategic plan of your company, and any other previous sections of the paper being produced.

Writing Best Project Proposal

Writing Best Project Proposal
For this assignment, you need to create a project proposal based on a fictional project. Review the Unit II Lesson for additional insight on the purpose of a project proposal and for assistance in compiling a project proposal. You may base your project on one of the following topics or a topic of your choice approved by your professor:

  • Training seminar,
  • Construction project,
  • Department retreat,
  • New product development,
  • Software development project, or other.

When you create the proposal, you should take into account the technical considerations, management considerations, and pricing considerations. However, you do not necessarily need to include these within your project proposal, as you will be performing a more extensive project later in the course. As for now, follow the model of a simplified project proposal, which will include the following sections:
Statement of Customer’s Needs: Communicate customer needs that will be fulfilled through this project.
Assumptions: Identify and briefly explain all assumptions associated with this project.
Project Scope: Explain the project using specific details as it fulfills customer’s needs.
Deliverables: Include specific deliverables expected by the completion of this project. This should include an analysis of the measures of performance.
Resources: Identify resources necessary to complete this project.
Schedule: Include a schedule that has real dates.
Price: Establish pricing strategies.
Risks: Identify the risks associated with the completion of this project. This should include an explanation of risks and rationale for continuing with this project. An analysis of the measures of performance through a look at the context of triple constraint should be reviewed in the risk section.
Expected Benefits: Clearly identify the benefit to be received by the completion of this project. This should include an analysis of the measures of performance.

Your proposal should be a minimum of three pages in length, and each section should be properly labeled using the subheadings above. If another person were to read your proposal, he or she should know exactly what is expected and what direction the project will take. This should be a general document with the intent of providing more details on these sections during Unit III and Unit VI.
Make sure you use appropriate APA-style writing and citations as you create your proposal. Also, make sure that you use 12-point Times New Roman font and that you double-space.

Course Project Proposal

Course Project Proposal
For this assignment, you need to create a project proposal based on a fictional project. Review the Unit II Lesson for additional insight on the purpose of a project on one of the following topics or a topic of your choice approved by your professor:

  • Training seminar,
  • Construction project,
  • Department retreat,
  • New product development,
  • Software development project, or other.

When you create the proposal, you should take into account the technical considerations, management considerations, and pricing considerations. Howeve be performing a more extensive project later in the course. As for now, follow the model of a simplified project proposal, which will include the following sections
Statement of Customer’s Needs

Communicate customer needs that will be fulfilled through this project.


Identify and briefly explain all assumptions associated with this project.

Project Scope

Explain the project using specific details as it fulfills customer’s needs.


Include specific deliverables expected by the completion of this project. This should include an analysis of the measures of performance.


Identify resources necessary to complete this project.


Include a schedule that has real dates.


Establish pricing strategies.


Identify the risks associated with the completion of this project. This should include an explanation of risks and rationale for continuing with this projec
constraint should be reviewed in the risk section.

Expected Benefits

Clearly identify the benefit to be received by the completion of this project. This should include an analysis of the measures of performan

Your proposal should be a minimum of three pages in length, and each section should be properly labeled using the subheadings above. If another person was to read it he/she can easily know the direction the project will take. This should be a general document with the intent of providing more details on these sections during Unit III and Unit VI.
Make sure you use appropriate APA-style writing and citations as you create your proposal. Also, make sure that you use 12-point Times New Roman font

Quality Control Theory

Quality Control Theory

Prepare a 5-6 page report (excluding the cover page, the reference page, and any tables and graphs), which applies the quality control theory (SPC) introduced in the textbook. You need to apply this model to a real world example. Please follow the steps for Statistical Process Control analysis to present your final findings. You may use hypothetical numbers to illustrate your analysis if you cannot find the actual data. However, you have to use some number to demonstrate your ability to apply SPC to a real world situation. APA format and appropriate use of section headings are required.

On the technical contents, you need to provide either a real or a hypothetical example with numbers that involves quality control of either the mean or the range. It is preferred that you could analyze the control of both and compare the implications of the two. But, if not, you are required to at least include one in your analysis. You may follow the example and use of Excel QM to complete your project. Please be aware that there are usually more than one samples collected in a real world example. A verbal description by itself will not receive any credits. Please copy, paste and explain your results in your paper, AND attach your Excel Worksheet, which is a must to receive credits for statistical analysis. You do need to analyze your own data and cannot simply cite the statistical result published else where.

Please use text book attached as one of the sources, as well as Investopedia.

Bunch oBalloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees

Bunch oBalloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees

Ethics Case Studies 

150 Points

Report on Two Ethics Case Studies (Using Prezi)

Referring to the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9, each team will be creating a ‘Prezi’ evaluating two independent ethical situations.

Case 1: Retainer Fees as Sales (Chapter 9)

Bunch o’ Balloons markets balloon arrangements to companies that want to thank clients and employees. Bunch o’ Balloons has a unique style that has put it in high demand. Consequently, Bunch o’ Balloons has asked clients to establish an account. Clients are asked to pay a retainer fee equal to about three months of purchases. The fee will be used to cover the cost of arrangements delivered and will be reevaluated at the end of each month. At the end of the current month, Bunch o’ Balloons has $43,900 of retainer fees in its possession. The controller is eager to show this amount as sales because “it represents certain sales for the company.”


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from using the second appraisal? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?

Case 2: Inside Information (Chapter 11)

Jim Brock was an accountant with Hubbard Inc., a large corporation with stock that was publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange. One of Jim’s duties was to manage the corporate reporting department, which was responsible for developing and issuing Hubbard’s annual report. At the end of 2017, Hubbard closed its accounting records and initial calculations indicated a very profitable year. In fact, the net income exceeded the amount that had been projected during the year by the financial analysts who followed Hubbard’s stock.

Jim was pleased with the company’s financial performance. In January 2018, he suggested that his father buy Hubbard’s stock because he was sure the stock price would increase when the company announced its 2017 results. Jim’s father followed that advice and bought a block of stock at $25 per share.

On February 15, 2018, Hubbard announced its 2017 results and issued the annual report. The company received favorable press coverage about its performance, and the stock price on the stock exchange increased to $32 per share.


Use the Ethical Decision Framework in Exhibit 1-9 to complete the following requirements:

  1. Recognize an ethical dilemma: What ethical dilemma(s) do you face?
  2. Analyze the key elements in the situation:
    1. Who may benefit from Jim’s action? Who may be harmed?
    2. How are they likely to benefit or be harmed?
    3. What rights or claims may be violated?
    4. What specific interests are in conflict?
    5. What are your responsibilities and obligations?
  3. List alternatives and evaluate the impact of each on those affected: What are your options in dealing with the ethical dilemma(s) you identified in (1) above?
  4. Select the best alternative: Among the alternatives, which one would you select?


Each team will create a Prezi to present their final project. If you have not already done so, sign up for a ‘Basic’ free account at https://prezi.com/ . Click ‘Get Started,’ then choose the ‘Basic’ tab at the top. On the next screen (the one that asks you to tell more about yourself) select ‘Student.’

  • Collaboration:

You are able to collaborate as a team on the same Prezi. One person from the team will need to be the ‘owner’ and set up the initial Prezi presentation. There are several ways to add collaborators.

From the dashboard, hover over the presentation you created. Click the three dots. On the next page, to the right there is a blue ‘Add Collaborators’ button.


From the dashboard, click the down arrow on the presentation. A menu pops up; choose ‘add collaborators.’


Once in the presentation, in the upper right-hand corner is a collaboration icon. Click on it and then click ‘Total collaborators’ to add the members of your team.

*Make sure to give them editing rights.

  • Help resources for starting a new presentation, adding content, etc.:


  • Sharing:

Once the presentation is complete, you will need to create a sharable link. You will need to upload this link to the assignment drop box in Blackboard for grading. Follow the same steps described under Collaboration above and select option for ‘create new link.’

Additional Instructions:

  • You can either do a separate Prezi for each case OR present both cases in one Prezi.
  • Each team member must upload the link to the Prezi. (If you don’t upload the link; you don’t get a grade for it.)
  • This is designed to be a team project. Any member who does not contribute to the project is to not have their name on the presentation. Each team member will evaluate their other team members by using the text submission box when uploading the report.


Evaluation Criteria for: Team Project – Case Studies
Team Project

Part II – 150 points


135 to 150 Points


105 to 134 Points


104 Points or lower

Content (80%)

120 points

Presentation addresses all required elements. Analysis is clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Presentation addresses most of the required elements. Analysis is somewhat clear and draws on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research. Overall presentation lacks clarity. Two or more of the required elements are not addressed. Analysis does not draw on topics presented in the textbook and/or other scholarly research.
Creativity, design and use of graphics (10%)


15 points

The Prezi is interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi is somewhat interesting and easy to read/follow. The Prezi lacks clarity and is not easy to read or follow. Lacks overall organization.
Grammar, Spelling (10%)

15 points

Clearly uses proper grammar and spelling. Has more than three errors in spelling or grammar. Has more than four errors in spelling or grammar.