How might ethical decision making and ethical goal setting be increased in organizations

How might ethical decision making and ethical goal setting be increased in organizations

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Please read the article “Lessons from the Wells Fargo Scandal.” For this assignment you will answer the following questions.

  1. How does an organization’s values impact decision making for both leaders and employees? Explain.
  2. Which of the ethical decision criteria apply to employees and leaders at Wells Fargo? Why?
  3. How might ethical decision making and ethical goal setting be increased in organizations? Explain

Which of the ethical decision criteria apply to employees and leaders at Wells Fargo

Which of the ethical decision criteria apply to employees and leaders at Wells Fargo

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Please read the article “Lessons from the Wells Fargo Scandal.” For this assignment you will answer the following questions.

  1. How does an organization’s values impact decision making for both leaders and employees? Explain.
  2. Which of the ethical decision criteria apply to employees and leaders at Wells Fargo? Why?
  3. How might ethical decision making and ethical goal setting be increased in organizations? Explain

How does an organization’s values impact decision making for both leaders and employees

How does an organization’s values impact decision making for both leaders and employees

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Please read the article “Lessons from the Wells Fargo Scandal.” For this assignment you will answer the following questions.

  1. How does an organization’s values impact decision making for both leaders and employees? Explain.
  2. Which of the ethical decision criteria apply to employees and leaders at Wells Fargo? Why?
  3. How might ethical decision making and ethical goal setting be increased in organizations? Explain

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Organizational Behavior Assignment

Please read the article “Lessons from the Wells Fargo Scandal.” For this assignment you will answer the following questions.

  1. How does an organization’s values impact decision making for both leaders and employees? Explain.
  2. Which of the ethical decision criteria apply to employees and leaders at Wells Fargo? Why?
  3. How might ethical decision making and ethical goal setting be increased in organizations? Explain

Dell’s Supply Chain Management

Dell’s Supply Chain Management

For this assessment, consider that you work as a business analyst for a consulting firm that specializes in helping clients improve their operations and associated processes. Your manager asked you to write a white paper that they will use to demonstrate how your firm can help clients implement best practices in their supply chains and distribution channels, and you and your manager selected Dell as the subject of the white paper.

Dell has been selling computers for over 25 years with its unique, direct build-to-order sales model.

As part of your research into Dell’s supply chain and distribution strategy, Using the attached article in Materials section as well as another resource article. You and your manager decided your white paper should address the following points:

  • Analyze why Dell’s supply chain strategy is successful.
  • Describe the main supply chain challenges that Dell is now facing and provide strategies to effectively overcome the challenges.
  • Analyze how Dell has changed its supply chain to satisfy its customers. As an example, was Dell’s decision to sell its products via retail outlets a viable solution? Do you agree with this distribution strategy? Why or why not?

Project Communications Plan and Risk Analysis Plan

Project Communications Plan and Risk Analysis Plan

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word Project Implementation Plan for the organization using the Project Charter your Learning Team selected in Wk 2 and which will also be used for the final project due in Wk 5. The Project Implementation Plan must include the following sections:

Project Communications Plan: This plan should include the communications plan for project implementation. Your plan should:

  • Describe the communication models and methods that will be employed and include a Data Flow Diagram.
  • Examine how the project inputs and outputs will be communicated, including performance reports and updates.
  • Describe the tools and techniques that will be used for the project, including information management systems and assets.

Risk Analysis Plan: This plan should include risk analysis and contingency planning for the project. Your plan should:

  • Assess qualitative risk analysis inputs and outputs, including scope baseline, risk register, and environmental factors.
  • Evaluate risk analysis tools and techniques, and include sources of risk, a risk probability and impact assessment, and risk data quality and urgency assessments.

Format your Project Implementation Plan consistent with APA guidelines.




Project Implementation Plan for the organization using the Project Charter

Project Implementation Plan for the organization using the Project Charter

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word Project Implementation Plan for the organization using the Project Charter your Learning Team selected in Wk 2 and which will also be used for the final project due in Wk 5. The Project Implementation Plan must include the following sections:

Project Communications Plan: This plan should include the communications plan for project implementation. Your plan should:

  • Describe the communication models and methods that will be employed and include a Data Flow Diagram.
  • Examine how the project inputs and outputs will be communicated, including performance reports and updates.
  • Describe the tools and techniques that will be used for the project, including information management systems and assets.

Risk Analysis Plan: This plan should include risk analysis and contingency planning for the project. Your plan should:

  • Assess qualitative risk analysis inputs and outputs, including scope baseline, risk register, and environmental factors.
  • Evaluate risk analysis tools and techniques, and include sources of risk, a risk probability and impact assessment, and risk data quality and urgency assessments.

Format your Project Implementation Plan consistent with APA guidelines.




Present a brief summary of the main goals and recommendations of the plan to assist top management to define the company quickly

Present a brief summary of the main goals and recommendations of the plan to assist top management to define the company quickly


Students will begin forming their project groups starting Unit 1. Any student who has not formed or joined a group will be randomly assigned to a group by the Instructor by end of Unit 1. Assume you will be presenting this plan to either prospective investors as a company officer, or as a consultant who is assisting the company to identify areas for growth.

Marketing Plan Outline

The marketing plan must contain but not limited to the following:

  1. Executive Summary (10 points)-

Present a brief summary of the main goals and recommendations of the plan to assist top management to define the company quickly, and envision its projections for the future. A table of contents should follow the executive summary.

  1. The Company Description (10 points)

In one page summary, describe the company’s products/services, their user benefits, and evidence of their acceptance by customers; management’s qualifications and major accomplishments; the amount of and uses for capital required; investor benefits; market size and growth rate; and the identity of the company’s market niche. Include recent history and successes.

III. Organization (5 points) – make this section very short! 

Outline the current organizational chart, including future positions that may be considered as a result of growth. Consider the following:

For each officer of the company, please provide the following information: name, years of experience in the company’s industry, responsibilities/functions of positions with company; salary, bonus, ownership interest in the company; relevant qualities, achievements, track record, and education.

Notefocus your efforts on the two aspects below:

What are the strengths and weaknesses of the company’s management team and its board of directors, and how will they enhance the growth potential of the company?

Explain how the management team will grow and continually improve itself in conjunction with company growth projections.


Project Management Plan Proposal Presentation

Project Management Plan Proposal Presentation

Select an organization in which one of the team members is employed, or one with which the team is familiar.
Identify a project for the organization that must be completed. This project will be used for the remaining Learning Team assignments.
Additionally, the plan will serve as an agreement between the following parties:

  • Project sponsor
  • Steering committee
  • Project manager
  • Project team

Other personnel associated with and/or affected by the project
Create a 17- to 25-slide visual presentation of the project plan proposal for the identified project using the template provided. Be sure to provide a definition of the project, including the project’s goals and objectives.

Healthcare Professional Turnover

Healthcare Professional Turnover

Instructions: Please discuss reasons for healthcare professional turnover and costs of turnover and strategies for increasing retention and preventing turnover.

( Students should analyze course concepts, theories or materials correctly, using examples or supporting evidence. should be supported by at least two references)