Dynacorp Analysis Paper

Dynacorp Analysis Paper

Use Attached Case Study plus instructions file

Market Research Essay

Market Research Essay

Market research can show us what is true about our target markets, or the populations to which we’d like to sell our products(s). Choose a real-life firm and product, and identify one research problem (or “question”) you could use to guide a marketing research study.

At minimum, identify your research methods, the type of data you’d like to collect, why your study would be meaningful to the firm, and what kind of evidence-based decision the firm could make based on the results of your study.

Write a 750- to 1 000-word summary of recommendations to your manager

Write a 750- to 1 000-word summary of recommendations to your manager

Business Communication Skills

Write a 750- to 1,000-word summary of recommendations to your manager.

Complete the following in your summary: Identify the potential challenges around collaboration this group might experience.

Describe collaborative skills you would use to create a more positive atmosphere.

Explain what would comprise effective communication for this group.

Cite any references to support your assignment.

Sustainability at Holland America

Sustainability at Holland America

  1. Central Facts And Assumptions Of The Case
  2. Major Over-Riding Issues Include;
  3. Sub-Issues That Need Considerations And Discussions
  4. Stakes Of Shareholders In This Case Include;
  5. Economic, Legal, Ethical And Philanthropic Responsibilities Of The Company;
  6. Company’s Action And Its Effects
  7. Recommendations To The Company.
  8. What are the most significant environmental issues facing Holland America Line (HAL)?
  9. In what ways has HAL gone “beyond compliance” in its environmental initiatives?
  10. Do you consider HAL an ecologically sustainable organization (ESO), and why or why not? What additional steps would HAL need to take to become an ESO?
  11. What are the advantages and disadvantages to HAL of its sustainability practices?
  12. What action would you recommend Morani take with respect to the wind turbine initiative? If you are not sure, what additional information would be helpful?




Becoming a Training and Development Manager

Becoming a Training and Development Manager

I. Background

  1. Products &/or services of this industry (and company, if appropriate)
  2. History of this industry & its life cycle status
  3. Industry revenues and profitability indicators during the previous 3 years
  4. Strategic issues & questions that could influence the future problems and opportunities of firms in this industry

II. Objectives of this study

  1. Motivation or purpose for the study (To determine if Training and Development is a good career choice)
  2. Research question (“What are the likely future advantages or disadvantages for becoming a Training and Development Manager?”)
  3. Strategic issues
  4. Intended scope of research results

III. Literature Review

  1. Introduction: Students are to illustrate the major topics that are included in the Literature Review along with rationale for using them.
  2. Body of the review: This section should contain information that has been captured from secondary sources that will create value for the understanding of this topic and analysis of same. This information should be relevant to the study and enhance the understanding of the issues of importance that are contained in this outline and other issues as deemed necessary by the student and instructor. This section will not replace the information contained in IV of this paper, it will serve to supplement and clarify other issues of relevance.
  3. Review: A review of the main points that were discovered in a format that is focused and that offers a quick understanding of the information presented in the Body.

IV. Findings: Include all that apply

  1. Driving forces of change
  2. Relevant economic trends & forecasts
  3. Market trends & forecasts (“Markets” are sources of demand for an industry’s products &/or services.)
  4. Industry analysis
  5. Major competitors
  6. Is the industry concentrated or fragmented? ¬ Herfindahl¬Hirschman Index (industry concentration)
  7. BCG matrix & explanation (advise if applicable or not applicable)
  8. Ansoff’s matrix & explanation (advise if applicable or not applicable)
  9. Five forces analysis
  10. Critical success factors
  11. Summary of findings

V. Conclusions & Recommendations

  1. Resolutions of research question and strategic issues (See section II.B & C.)
  2. Industry attractiveness for stakeholders (employees, investors, society)
  3. Near¬term action priorities for aspiring employment candidates

Porters 5 Forces Analysis

Porters 5 Forces Analysis

You will perform an external analysis using the Porter’s Five Forces Model (watch Porter’s Five Forces video) to think through a logical set of reasons for strategic expansion into a foreign market.

Organizational Behavior-Job Satisfaction

Organizational Behavior-Job Satisfaction

This review is worth 15% of your overall grade. The review should be 4–5 pages in length, 12-point font, Times New Roman Font, and double-spaced. This page count does not include the title page, tables, graphics, or reference pages. Do not submit an abstract. In addition, submit the final copy as a .doc, not .pdf.

Additional Details:

You must select three peer-reviewed journal articles (http://lib.fit.edu/) to read and analyze. These articles must cover a topic in Organizational Behavior that you have either read about or discussed within the class. Select a topic that interests you. You will take the main points or themes from each of these articles and integrate them into paper. The paper is not a literature review and should not be a simple listing of each article. These articles must be from peer-reviewed journal articles; do not use trade magazines, books, newspapers, and similar.

These articles cannot be any older than 5 years old. Your articles need relevant and current data

The three articles must be sourced and cited within the paper

No more than 15% of your paper should be from direct quotes

The 4–5 page paper must be arranged as a single-read with paragraph transitions. Do not simply discuss each article and paste it together as your paper

All sources must be cited in APA format within the reference page and in-text citations

The current edition of the APA is the guiding manual for form and style for this project. Each student is expected to find relevant, recent, and credible research. Under no circumstances will references from dictionaries or encyclopedias be accepted as references, including online sources such as Wikipedia

Submit your paper to Turnitin.com through the digital drop box to have it checked for any plagiarism issues

Some areas of focus for your article review (These are just suggestions)

Why did you select the article?

What are the reasons for the research?

Do you agree/disagree with the author’s hypotheses?

Any assumptions within the article?


Any additional data you find relevant to the topic

Why are salaries not the sole motivation for staff to stay employed at a company

Why are salaries not the sole motivation for staff to stay employed at a company

Class: Organization Behavior

Submit a written Expanded Research Proposal containing the following:

2. Documentation of at least three initial scholarly sources from the library.

3. Expanded introduction to the organization

4. Expanded description of your chosen problem

5. Preliminary solution options (can be bullet points)

6. Preliminary analysis of leadership and organizational behavior concepts addressed in the paper


Initial Scholars have to be from the website listed on number 2. Please contact me if you have questions or further explanation is needed.

Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

Crafting a Compensation and Benefits Plan

Create a compensation and benefits package using this business proposal format (see the attached format). The package must be consistent with the objectives of job satisfaction for the valuable employees in an organization of your design.

The compensation package must include the following:

Compare and contrast salary and benefit packages of at least three comparable organizations in the same industry.

Examine what 21st-century employees consider to be benefits.

Consider what helps to keep employees engaged in their work.

The business proposal must be formatted according to APA style. The proposal must be three pages in length (not including the title and references pages) and must include citations and references for at least five sources (including the text and at least four other scholarly sources.