Change Management Solved Assignment

Change Management Solved Assignment

Identify a current change in an organization with which you are familiar. Alternatively, identify a current public issue about which “something must be done.” In relation to the change issue, think about what sense-making changes might need to be enacted and how you would go about doing this.

Assess this in terms of the eight elements of the sense-making framework suggested by Helms Mills and as set out in Table 9.7:

● Identity construction

● Social sense-making

● Extracted cues

● Ongoing sense-making

● Retrospection

● Plausibility

● Enactment

● Projection

What ones did you feel you might have the most/least control over? Why? What implications does this have for adopting a sense-making approach to organizational change?

Prepare a 4 pages document with at least eight (8) peer-reviewed sources with your answers and thoughts in APA format.

Learning Theories and Evaluation

Learning Theories and Evaluation

Overview: You are busy working on your upcoming project and feeling good about the progress you have made so far. As you reflect on the latest research you have conducted on learning models, ADDIE, training evaluation, and technology, your boss reaches out to check in once again…


Submit a Word document draft of the learning theories and training evaluation narrative you will use in your presentation due in Unit 7.

Your draft should include the following:

• Two (2) adult learning theories to be used in your program design and an explanation of why you chose each one.

• Detail how you plan to measure training results and provide an explanation as to why this plan is the best choice. Requirements:

• Your draft should be 1 page and written in proper APA format.

• Use at least two (2) references to support your work.

The Wal-Mart Amazon case study details the various ways in which Wal-Mart and Amazon

The Wal-Mart Amazon case study details the various ways in which Wal-Mart and Amazon

The Wal-Mart/Amazon case study details the various ways in which Wal-Mart and Amazon have used new technology and superior management to solve market inefficiencies..
These solutions allowed the two firms to profit immensely and the rivalry between the two has been building.
Wal-Mart is now looking to make its next move to improve its competitive position with respect to Amazon.
Write an essay (maximum of 3 pages) advising Wal-Mart on their next move. Draw on your own experience as a retail customer or employee to come up with an idea for their next move.
In your answer, be sure to detail how this solution will take advantage of existing market inefficiencies. Also, be sure to explain how this will approve Wal-Mart’s competitive position with respect to Amazon.

Collaborative Practice Agreement CPA

Collaborative Practice Agreement CPA

Collaborative Practice Agreements are designed to fulfill state law as a document that describes
and defines specific components and parameters related to the rules and regulations of APRN
and Physician collaborative practice. The assignment you are creating is a quality draft of the
CPA you would like to use in your first position.
Begin by reviewing:
 Literature on collaborative practice agreements.
 Appropriate BON website section on CPAs including all the legal sections (statutes,
rules, & regulations) pertaining to collaborative practice. MO example:
Note: If you would like to use a state other than Missouri or Kansas, you must obtain faculty
permission first and provide all the state’s laws, rules, and regulations governing APRN practice
in that state as part of your submission.
CPA Evaluation Criteria: 50 points total
Grading is based on the quality of effort, understanding of the legal requirements, completeness,
and graduate level writing.
1. Completed CPA (20 points)
2. Professional appearance of the CPA (5 points)
3. Appendix with 2 columns (25 points)
a. Nurse Practice Act requirements for collaborative agreement
b. Describe how each requirement is included/addressed in the CPA and where it is
located using line numbers (line numbering feature is located under Layout).
Alternative Assignment
If you plan to work in a state with full independent practice, you may choose to write a paper on
independent practice in your chosen state. Grading is based on the quality of effort,
understanding of the legal requirements, completeness, and graduate level writing.
1. Summarize your state’s Nurse Practice Act for APRN practice and add the NPA language
as an appendix. (15 points)
2. Compare and contrast independent practice in your state to that of a collaborative state
like MO or KS. (15 points)
3. Include content about what benefits and challenges exist for full, independent practice.
(15 points)
4. Must be in APA format, 5-7 pages, with a minimum of 5 references. (5 points)

As a new company Complete Compost is largely unknown among people interested in composting and compost fertilizer

As a new company Complete Compost is largely unknown among people interested in composting and compost fertilizer

Situation Background
You are an Account Coordinator at a PR agency which has recently obtained a new client based in Colorado: Complete Compost collects compostable items (food scraps and more) from people’s homes and turns the compostable items into garden fertilizer. Up to 50% of what Colorado residents throw in the trash is compostable and Complete Compost is dedicated to turning this “waste” into fertilizer that helps grow more food. Customers can choose to receive fertilizer or donate it to community gardens, school gardens, and area nonprofits.
The Challenge:
As a new company, Complete Compost is largely unknown among people interested in composting and compost fertilizer. Therefore, one of the company’s goals is to generate awareness of its brand name and services, and get people interested in the product and service with a series of promotional events. The events would give people interested in composting and compost fertilizer a chance to interact with the company and get to know its products. Examples of promotional events are: in store activities, free samples, partnering with other organizations for a special event, music festivals, community events, street fairs.
The client needs to understand its target market more in depth in order to plan their promotional events. Therefore, you need to propose a research recommendation that can provide insights on your client’s target market and its preferences for events.
Research Goals:
With this in mind, your first task is to describe your primary target market and design a research study that generates information in response to two main questions:
What are the main characteristics of your primary target market?
What are the characteristics of your products that are most appealing for your target market?
What are the best ways to create awareness about your product? For example, what type of promotional events would be more appealing for your target markets
IMPORTANT: Your job is to gather information on the opinions and ideas of people interested in composting themselves. You may have your own assumptions and opinions about what your target customers think. BUT the role of research is to find out if your assumptions are actually true or if people interested in composting pay attention to and are motivated by completely different things than what you might expect.
The Research Memo

The memo has two sections: the first section is about your target market and the second section is about your research recommendation.
Section I: Target Market
Describe the target market you chose to study:
Select one specific key target market that you want to study. Be as detailed as possible in your description. Do not simply say that your target market is “people interested in composting.” For example, what may be the gender, age, education, income, and psychographics of the people in this group? What else should we know or find out about them and how is that relevant to your client’s goals? Conduct some secondary research to help define your selected public.
Explain your rationale for selecting this target market:
Why did you choose to focus on this group? How can this group help or hurt the success of Complete Compost? Again, draw on secondary sources to support your rationale.
Note on Secondary Sources:
Secondary sources may include published information about the composting industry and its consumers in the form of industry reports, news articles, statistics, etc. In the DU library system, I recommend using the general search bar for “articles” and the following databases: Mintel, Lexis-Nexis Academic, and Roper Public Opinion Archives.
Article search link: to an external site.Links to an external site., choose “Articles+”
Databases link: to an external site.Links to an external site.
Note on Citations:
Cite your sources both in the text in parentheses (wherever a specific piece of information is mentioned), and also list them at the end of your memo in a bibliography. Use a consistent citation format. Your bibliography does not count toward the memo page-limit. If you have any additional questions on how to cite your sources, please talk to the professor or meet with an adviser at the DU Writing Center ( An APA style reference sheet is uploaded on Canvas, but feel free to use other references style like MLA.

Section 2. Present Your Research Recommendations
Method Choice: recommend one primary research technique (survey, interviews, focus groups) that can be used to study the public you selected and mention how many people you’re planning to include in your sample.
Procedures: How will respondents be recruited to participate in your study? Where will the study take place? How long will it take to complete it?
Questions: What are some specific questions you will ask in the study? Write and include at least 5 different sample questions that you will ask as part of your study. Explain what types of questions these are (e.g., open-ended or closed-ended). Remember your goal is to get insights on events that can raise awareness about Complete Compost and on how to promote those events.
Explain the advantages and the disadvantages of the research technique you chose as compared to the other ones you could have picked from the list. Consider the ease and practicality of using this technique, the type of data it will generate, and the kind of insights you will get from it.
Memo Format and Style:
The memo should be 4-5 pages, double spaced, 12 Times New Roman, normal margins
A professional memo begins with a header stating the recipient, author, date, and subject of the memo. For example:
TO: Jane Smith, Communication Manager at Complete Compost
FROM: Your Name, Account Coordinator
RE: Formative Research Proposal
Write your memo as if addressing your client and state your recommendations in a clear, direct style. Use active voice and write complete
sentences. Do not use “hype” words in the language of your memo – keep in mind that this is a business document, not a promotional text. You don’t need to tell your client how awesome this new product is.
Organize your memo in sections as indicated in the assignment. Use appropriate headings, numbers, and bullet points to help the reader follow your recommendations. For example, use headings such as: Selected Public, Sampling Method, Procedures, etc
Good writing is critical in strategic communication. Make sure to proofread for grammar, spelling, and syntax.
Sample Memo FormatPreview the document
Grading Rubric
This assignment is 15% of your final grade in this class.
This research memo will be graded according to the following criteria:

40%: Description of target market is specific and supported by secondary sources and you provide a convincing explanation of why you chose this target market.
30%: Description of Choice of Method and Procedure is clear and questions are well written and related to your research goals.
20%: Advantages and disadvantages of your research technique are discussed thoughtfully.
10%: Writing is clear, concise, and free from typos and grammar errors

Four Motivational Theories

Four Motivational Theories

Motivation in the workplace is one of the biggest challenges managers and directors face. One might be there for a personal interest while others have different factors that motivate them. To understand how to motivate employees, you need to learn about motivation and the theories associated with the concept. Write an explanation of four of the theories of motivation discussed in the texts

Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues

Care Coordination Presentation to Colleagues

Script for care coordination
Develop a 20-minute presentation for nursing colleagues highlighting the fundamental principles of care coordination. Create a detailed narrative script for your presentation, approximately 4–5 pages in length, and record a video of your presentation.
Nurses have a powerful role in the coordination and continuum of care. All nurses must be cognizant of the care coordination process and how safety, ethics, policy, physiological, and cultural needs affect care and patient outcomes. As a nurse, care coordination is something that should always be considered. Nurses must be aware of factors that impact care coordination and of a continuum of care that utilizes community resources effectively and is part of an ethical framework that represents the professionalism of nurses. Understanding policy elements helps
nurses coordinate care effectively.
This assessment provides an opportunity for you to educate your peers on the care coordination process. The assessment also requires you to address change management issues. You are encouraged to complete the Managing Change activity.
Completing course activities before submitting your first attempt has been shown to make the difference between basic and proficient assessment.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the course competencies through the following assessment scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Collaborate with patients and family to achieve desired outcomes.
Outline effective strategies for collaborating with patients and their families to achieve desired health outcomes.
Competency 3: Create a satisfying patient experience.
Identify the aspects of change management that directly affect elements of the patient experience essential to the provision of high-quality, patient-centered care.
Competency 4: Defend decisions based on the code of ethics for nursing.
Explain the rationale for coordinated care plans based on ethical decision making.
Competency 5: Explain how health care policies affect patient-centered care.
Identify the potential impact of specific health care policy provisions on outcomes and patient experiences.
Competency 6: Apply professional, scholarly communication strategies to lead patient-centered care.
Raise awareness of the nurse’s vital role in the coordination and continuum of care in a video-recorded presentation. Script and reference list are not submitted.
Your nurse manager has been observing your effectiveness as a care coordinator and recognizes the importance of educating other staff nurses in care coordination. Consequently, she has asked you to develop a presentation for your colleagues on care coordination basics. By providing them with basic information about the care coordination process, you will assist them in taking on an expanded role in helping to manage the care coordination process and improve patient outcomes in your community care center.
To prepare for this assessment, identify key factors nurses must consider to effectively participate in the care coordination process.
You may also wish to:
Review the assessment instructions and scoring guide to ensure you understand the work you will be asked to complete.

Emergency Management

Emergency Management

Introduction to Emergency Management, 6th Edition
by George Haddow, Jane Bullock, and Damon P. Coppola
Butterworth-Heinemann; 6th edition (January 11, 2017)
ISBN-10: 012803064X
ISBN-13: 978-0128030646Textbook:
In chapter 1, Haddow reviews emergency management history and the current structure of emergency management administration. McKinney’s book takes a more personal consideration of implications of catastrophic disasters on populations. He implores us in chapter 1, to consider that those catastrophic disasters can really happen.
What elements of the response to COVID-19 are represented in Haddow’s Chapter 1? Please cite examples of news, situational reports, or other items reporting on actions that occurred in COVID-19 response and how they related to the textbook.
Does the magnitude of the danger to millions of persons impacted y COVID-19 help to make McKinney’s point that catastrophic disasters are a realistic possibility?
In your field what is the catastrophic event that realistically could happen and we should be prepared for? (Other than pandemic) What actions, materials, policies, or other methods demonstrate how ready is your field to prepare, respond, and recover from it?
What evidence do you have of the preparations? Examples could be; training, brochures, signs, plans, job aids or any other evidence of effort in preparations.
Is there more that should be done in your field to prepare for that likely catastrophic disaster?
What preparations would you recommend?
Your reply to the forum should be at least 500 words to receive full credit (not including restatement of the question and your bibliography). You may use articles from the media that you choose. However, please include one peer-reviewed article addressing in some manner, the catastrophe you have identified for this forum.

Distribution Improvement Strategy

Distribution Improvement Strategy

You will prepare a distribution improvement strategy for the Hunt Company. Recently, the company began outsourcing its manufacturing to overseas companies. Due to this recent change, they have suffered various issues and problems with their distribution processes.
Instructions: Read the Hunt Company case study on pages 85-88 of the Hugos textbook for additional information pertaining to the challenges, issues, and problems facing the company. Address the following items in your distribution improvement strategy:
1. The major facts of the case study.
2. The main problems or issues facing the Hunt Company.
3. The possible solutions to these problems or issues (1-3 solutions).
4. Rationale for these solutions using concepts, terms, processes, procedures, and/or real-world examples discussed in the course materials.
5. The main steps to implement the new strategy or plan

Lance Wilkins is a retired account manager who used to work in the sales department of a television broadcaster

Lance Wilkins is a retired account manager who used to work in the sales department of a television broadcaster

Lance Wilkins is a retired account manager who used to work in the sales department of a television broadcaster. For decades, he made his living selling television advertising spots. He’d had a successful career, and, looking back at it, he considered himself lucky. During the last few years before retiring, he had witnessed a gradual shift in the viewing habits of the population. People started to watch less TV and spend more time online. TV program ratings took a hit, and advertisers did the logical thing: they cut their ad budgets for TV and increased them for online advertising. That meant that Lance’s job got harder and harder.

Case Study KPIs and Incentives

Lance Wilkins is a retired account manager who used to work in the sales department of a television broadcaster. For decades, he made his living selling television advertising spots. He’d had a successful career, and, looking back at it, he considered himself lucky. During the last few years before retiring, he had witnessed a gradual shift in the viewing habits of the population. People started to watch less TV and spend more time online. TV program ratings took a hit, and advertisers did the logical thing: they cut their ad budgets for TV and increased them for online advertising. That meant that Lance’s job got harder and harder.

Lance retired the day he reached the minimum retirement age. He decided to move on to a new phase of his life: instead of riding quietly into the sunset, he took his retirement savings and invested in something he had been considering for years—he bought a small motel on the Florida coast. Lance was convinced he could easily manage a simple business like a motel without a restaurant, and fancied becoming an owner of a resort motel where he could oversee a business and feel like he was on a perpetual vacation at the same time. The reality proved to be somewhat different from that happy dream, however.

The property that Lance purchased was a 65-room motel called The Windjammer. Lance decided to make no personnel changes and to keep all 20 of the motel’s staff members, who all seemed to be decent, hard-working, reliable individuals. Lance himself had never worked in a hotel or motel before, so he studied the reports and financial statements of The Windjammer carefully in order to develop an understanding of the business.

Lance noticed that on most nights the motel had a large number of unsold rooms. It intrigued him that 25 to 30 units frequently stayed vacant while the other rooms were sold successfully. Why couldn’t all or almost all of the rooms be sold? He decided to do something to address that question, and, being a former salesman, he understood the importance of motivation. He talked to Barbara, who was in charge of the front office. It was Wednesday of the first week in March. He offered her an incentive in the form of a performance bonus for each sold-out night for the rest of the month.

“I think it’s possible to fill the motel, provided I have the flexibility to use different price points,” suggested Barbara. Lance told her he wanted to sell out on as many nights as possible and authorized Barbara to use whatever tactics she saw fit—after all, she was the one with the industry experience. They agreed to discuss the March results early in April.

One day in the first week of April, Lance and Barbara reviewed the motel’s reports for March over cups of coffee in the back office behind the front desk. The Windjammer’s occupancy rate showed a record high for the whole month. The motel had produced a monthly occupancy of 86 percent! Lance could hardly contain his satisfaction. Fourteen sold-out nights! They came really close to a full house on a number of other nights as well. Lance congratulated Barbara on a job well done and handed her an envelope with a check. The performance bonus was well deserved, he thought.

Lance kept studying the monthly reports after Barbara returned to her post at the front desk. He was pleased with himself and couldn’t stop smiling—until he saw the report on room rates. He cleaned his glasses and took a closer look at the printout, because he didn’t believe his eyes at first. The motel’s posted room rate was $75 in March. After all group discounts, senior discounts, and agency commissions were factored in, Lance expected the average net rate for March to be at least in the high $50 range. Anything over $56 would have been fine with him. However, The Windjammer’s net rate was only $32.18. Lance couldn’t believe it. Clearly, Barbara had discounted frequently and heavily to sell out.

After some time for reflection and more coffee, Lance realized that March’s incentive for Barbara had involved only one key variable, which could account for the problem. He wanted to be a shrewd hotelier, and, after a chat with Barbara, she accepted the new challenge for the new month. Lance would pay her a performance bonus for April if the motel’s ADR reached $60 or more.

April was a month of softer demand, but as far as Lance was concerned the motel had a good chance to keep its rates up. A competitor motel in the area started an extensive renovation project and closed down half of its rooms as well as its outdoor pool. Also, the new highway sign for The Windjammer was finally put up, and Lance had high hopes for that as well.

April was not as busy as March had been. Anyone could see that by simply looking at the number of cars in the motel’s parking lot, which Lance had a habit of doing each night. He also noticed that the vehicle models were somewhat different in April: he saw old, beat-up cars less frequently than he had in March and noted more new-looking SUVs and import autos. He prepared for the end-of-the-month meeting with Barbara with eager anticipation.

At the meeting, Lance was impressed by the increased ADR for April. He congratulated Barbara for reaching a record ADR of $67.48, and handed her another bonus. Clearly, Barbara had stopped the practice of indiscriminate heavy  discounting; this change had resulted in a dramatic ADR turnaround. In fact, she had not made any rooms available to OTAs, so the ADR was also the net rate.

Unfortunately, it was not only the ADR that changed dramatically in April. The motel’s monthly occupancy took a nose dive, dropping to 41 percent—less than half of the occupancy in March!

Lance scratched his head. He was learning the lodging business the hard way, he thought ruefully. He considered reading up on room statistics and hotel data analytics. He had recently heard about a key performance indicator called RevPAR that he needed to investigate further, and he also had read about the importance of monitoring variable costs. He knew it cost him, on average, $16 to clean one guestroom. He decided he’d better run some financial reports and look them over before discussing the next performance bonus with Barbara.

Discussion Questions

Question 1

  1. Which RevPAR is better for a hotel owner and/or a hotel manager: the one in March or the one in April? Is there a meaningful difference?
  2. Take the March hotel data (rate, occupancy, variable cost per room) and calculate it: what occupancy would be required in April with the new increased ADR to generate identical net room revenue?
  3. Take the April hotel data (rate, occupancy, variable cost per room) and calculate it: what occupancy would be required to generate identical net room revenue with the lower ADR of March?
  4. What did Lance learn after he developed the first and second performance incentives for Barbara?