A+++ Leadership Essay

A+++ Leadership Essay

1. Complete the readings and view the three short videos before beginning.

2. Go to this website and take a short self-assessment: https://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/newCS_99.htm Total your score and read the
interpretation of the results that is included at the end of the assessment.
3. Take the assessment “How are Your People Skills?” (page 51-52). Total your score and read the interpretation of the results that is included
at the end of the assessment.
5. Write a short analysis of your results, what they mean and how you can use this information in your own journey of development as a servant
leader. Use the characteristics and core competencies of the skilled communicator (page 45) to guide your analysis. Be sure to include at least
one reference to something you learned in one of the videos (cite the video and the time which the reference is made)
Limit your response to 750 words, double spaced, use Times New Roman, font size 12, and submit your assignment below. Link your reactions
to the text citing the referenced page or use other references to support your points. Of course, papers should be organized, thorough, with
proper sentence structure and grammar.
Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar

Case Study on Organizational Compare and Contrast

Case Study on Organizational Compare and Contrast 

This is a case assignment for my MBA class. I have attached to this order the instructions for our case assignment. This case assignment is suppose to illustrate what we have learned thus far in this course. So far, we have studied the following:

-Organization Background & Benchmarking.

-Organization Background, Ethics/Legal, and Current Events.

-Marketing, Financials, and Accounting.

-Organization Culture, People and Diversity.


Boeing Organizational Environment and Behavior

Boeing Organizational Environment and Behavior

For your Research Paper, you will select a well-known company (Boeing) in the aviation community to examine its organizational environment and behavior. Each week, you will apply what you have learned in the Module of study to the company you selected in Module 5 and discuss how the company has accomplished the concept. This will be an ongoing process until you finalize your paper to submit during Module 9.

The paper will include an introduction of the company and discuss the company’s leadership, communication networks, decision making, negotiations process, organizational change, power, politics, organizational culture and innovation, goals and structure, strategy, technology, and organizational design.

The Research Paper Rubric attached to Activity 9.6 will be used to grade your final submission.

• Describe your company’s collaborative work environment, specifically discussing collaboration techniques, the interaction between leaders and followers, and supportive communication.

• Research your selected company’s business environment, using the company’s website or periodicals such as Fortune magazine or The Wall Street Journal.

• Explain the company’s decision-making environment, risk management, and how the organization resolves conflict through the strategic negotiation process.

• Ensure you include this discussion in your paper. In Modules 6 through 8, you will be assigned a topic to research on your selected company. Refer to this Research Paper (PDF) document for detailed research paper instructions.

The following are required components of your research paper:

• The body of the paper will consist of approximately 10-12 pages

• double-spaced

• Times New Roman, 12-point font,

• APA format.

Use the following outline for your paper:

• Title Page

• Abstract

• Table of Contents

• Introduction or Background of Company

• Brief Discussion on the Contents of the Paper

• Body of the Paper Discussing Each Week’s Topic (Questions listed in Modules 5-9 only)

• Summary / Conclusion

• References

For Module 6:

• Examine your selected company’s approach to accomplish team-building and drive innovation.

• Does your company have training programs for teams and a process to improve team communication and decision making? Why or Why not?

• Ensure you include your work in your paper.

For Module 7:

• Identify something you believe should be changed about the way your selected company operates.

• Analyze how this change could be managed using the three-phase model of planned change.

• Discuss the viability of using force coercion, rational persuasion, or shared power to achieve the planned change in the company.

• Identify potential sources of resistance and ways to overcome the resistance for the planned change in your company.

• Analyze the selected company’s observable culture, shared values, and common cultural assumptions.

• Identify the company’s process of innovation.

• How do the leaders of the company reinforce and support a strong culture that promotes innovation?

• Ensure you include your work in your paper.

Side note: Suggest you look at the website http://www.change-management-coach.com (Links to an external site.). It is free and it has some interesting information that you may apply to your personal and professional lives. Change-Management-Coach.com. (n. d.) Unfreeze, change, freeze. Retrieved on April 10, 2010, from http://www.change-management-coach.com/kurt_lewin.html (Links to an external site.) Lewin, K. (1997). Resolving social conflicts: field theory in social science. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association.

For Module 8:

• Examine your selected company’s mission statement, code of ethics, and organizational chart.

• Describe the institution’s strategic objectives in light of the mission statement. Identify the company’s structure and focus on why the company is organized as it is.

• What does it accomplish through this organization form?

• Also, give attention to how this structure reflects the institution’s strategy.

• Is it a mechanistic structure, an organic structure, or a hybrid structure?

• What controls are used in the company?

• Ensure you include your work in your paper.

Why different people are motivated by different things

Why different people are motivated by different things

Explain why different people are motivated by different things.


The goal of this exercise is to give students practice aligning individual and organisational goals, and thinking like a manager in managing employee motivation. Imagine that you are the management team of a new retail clothing store named Threads. Your company’s business strategy is to provide high-quality customer service and to provide high-quality products. You are not the cheapest store in town, but you expect your employees to create a service-oriented atmosphere that customers will be willing to pay a little extra for. You recognise that your sales staff will be essential to your store’s success, and you want to create a system that motivates them to help create a competitive advantage for your business. Because this is the first store you have opened, you have the opportunity to decide how to best motivate your staff. Market-competitive starting salaries have already been established, but you have decided to allocate 10 percent of the stores’ profits to use to motivate your sales staff in any way you see fit.


  1. What behaviours would you want from your sales staff?
  2. What goals would you set for your sales staff, given your answer to Question 1?
  3. What type of system would you set up to reward these behaviours?
  4. What challenges would you be on the lookout for? How would you proactively address these potential challenges to prevent them from happening?

Assignment Specifications:

Required Structure/Format of the report

  • Executive Summary – This should be a concise synopsis of the whole report.
  • Table of Contents – This should be well formatted with numerical sub headings
  • Main Body of the report contains Section Headings for each paragraph listed
  • Sub-sections are numbered.
  • Appropriate paragraphing must be used.
  • Introduction – Briefly introduce the purpose of the report. Within the introductory paragraph, you need to address the key topics you will address in the body paragraphs.
  • Body Paragraphs – With headings/sub-headings: Please remember to support your claims/arguments with in-text scholarly references.
  • Conclusion – The conclusion must briefly summarise the key points in the body paragraphs.
  • Reference List – Please include all in-text references in the list of references formatted in Harvard style. A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed academic articles is required.
  • The report must be within the 3,000-word limit.

Motivating Your Sales Staff Learning Objective

Motivating Your Sales Staff Learning Objective

Motivating Your Sales Staff Learning Objective:

 Explain why different people are motivated by different things.


The goal of this exercise is to give students practice aligning individual and organisational goals, and thinking like a manager in managing employee motivation. Imagine that you are the management team of a new retail clothing store named Threads. Your company’s business strategy is to provide high-quality customer service and to provide high-quality products. You are not the cheapest store in town, but you expect your employees to create a service-oriented atmosphere that customers will be willing to pay a little extra for. You recognise that your sales staff will be essential to your store’s success, and you want to create a system that motivates them to help create a competitive advantage for your business. Because this is the first store you have opened, you have the opportunity to decide how to best motivate your staff. Market-competitive starting salaries have already been established, but you have decided to allocate 10 percent of the stores’ profits to use to motivate your sales staff in any way you see fit.


  1. What behaviours would you want from your sales staff?
  2. What goals would you set for your sales staff, given your answer to Question 1?
  3. What type of system would you set up to reward these behaviours?
  4. What challenges would you be on the lookout for? How would you proactively address these potential challenges to prevent them from happening?


Assignment Specifications:

Required Structure/Format of the report

  • Executive Summary – This should be a concise synopsis of the whole report.
  • Table of Contents – This should be well formatted with numerical sub headings
  • Main Body of the report contains Section Headings for each paragraph listed
  • Sub-sections are numbered.
  • Appropriate paragraphing must be used.
  • Introduction – Briefly introduce the purpose of the report. Within the introductory paragraph, you need to address the key topics you will address in the body paragraphs.
  • Body Paragraphs – With headings/sub-headings: Please remember to support your claims/arguments with in-text scholarly references.
  • Conclusion – The conclusion must briefly summarise the key points in the body paragraphs.
  • Reference List – Please include all in-text references in the list of references formatted in Harvard style. A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed academic articles is required.
  • The report must be within the 3,000-word limit.

Kotter Lewin Organizational Change Management Theory Essay

Kotter Lewin Organizational Change Management Theory Essay

The Task
You have just being promoted to head a new division or department of your organisation wherein the
performance over the past 3 years based on the Balance Scorecard metrics had been less than average
compared to other department or division in your organisation.
The top management had directed you to spearhead and bring about the desired changes to improve
the department’s overall performance based on measurement using the Balance Scorecard.
Changes in various areas will need to be identified and managing and leading a successful change
management is critical.
1. Detail the types of changes required for your department or division after having undertaken a
problem identification.
2. Identify who are the main stakeholders and change agents you need to work with to successfully
affect the change initiatives you are planning and strategizing?
3. What change model or models will you find appropriate to be used in your change initiatives?
4. What strategies will you use to overcome resistance to change that you are planning to introduce?
You should use the web, media, books and journals, library and other resources to write the
assignment in a Management Report format. Where applicable and relevant, you are also encouraged
to conduct fieldwork and interviews of the organization or individuals to collect relevant information
for your report.

Instructions for the Management Report:
Your report (not exceeding 4000 words) should incorporate the following:
(a) Executive Summary ( 5%)
200-300 words, not to be included in the word count.
(b) Introduction ( 10%)
You should clearly identify the selected organisational change programme or initiative to be
investigated and providing the background as to why it was introduced ( its objectives), the nature or
types of change involved.
(c) Main Body( 65%)
You should identify suitable theories, frameworks or models to use in the report and be organised
under appropriate sub-headings on the requirements listed as follows:
1. Detail the types of changes required
2. Identify who are the main stakeholders and change agents
3. What change model or models will you find appropriate to be used
4. What strategies will you use to overcome resistance to change
(d) Conclusion( 10%)
Direct the end of your report to the Group CEO to convince him of your findings and
(e) Citations and References( 10%)
Harvard-style reference system with in-text and end text referencing list.
Have a minimum of 10 references.

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics 25 pages term paper

Corporate Governance and Business Ethics 25 pages term paper

Paper Instructions:

  • A short informative title containing the major key words. The title should not contain abbreviations
  • The full names of the authors with institutional affiliations where the work was conducted, with a footnote for the author’s present address if different from where the work was conducted;
  • Acknowledgments;
  • Abstract; 250 words
  • Up to seven keywords;
  • Main body: formatted as introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion,
  • conclusion
  • References;
  • Tables (each table complete with title and footnotes);
  • Figures: Figure legends must be added beneath each individual image during upload AND as a complete list in the text.

Pepsi Cola War Assignment

Pepsi Cola War Assignment

In this case study assignment, you will be analyzing the Cola Wars case study in your Harvard Coursepack. The case study is a classic one that Porter refers to illustrate the benefits of the Five Forces analysis. We use case studies in this course because of the managerial lesson that transcends time rather than “newness”.
1. Read the case study twice. Once to get a broad understanding of the issues. The second time for evidence to help understand the five forces.
2. Write a 1-page response to the question in the syllabus,
Why, historically, has the soft drink industry been so profitable?
Note, the question has identified a particular industry and a time-period for you. The soft drink industry is the concentrate producers (CP). The
period of time for your analysis is from 2000 to prior to 2010 when soft drinks were at their most profitable.
Name each of the five forces in your analysis and address the key questions for each of the forces for full points.
Write your answers in full sentences so that I can follow your reasoning.

Ethics application HOB elevation

Ethics application HOB elevation


Provide a brief outline of the project describing in everyday, jargon-free language the key aspects of the research (e.g., who will be participating, what information will be collected and by what means, what participants will be required to do, etc.) and the key research aims. (300 words max.)


State the aims, key research questions, and significance of the project. Also provide a brief description of the relevance of your proposed project to current research, supported by the literature. (500 words max.)


Provide an outline of the proposed method, including details of data collection techniques, tasks participants will be asked to do, the estimated time commitment involved, and how data will be analysed. (500 words max).


Participant Details

Describe your proposed recruitment strategy to source target participants. Provide the number and age range, giving a justification of your proposed sample size. (100 words)


This section raises the issue of your duty of care toward research participants. To what risks are participants subjected? What will you do should an emergency occur, or should a participant become upset or distressed? What is your risk management strategy?
Refer National Statement: Section 2.1 Risk and Benefit

Identify as far as possible all potential risks to participants (e.g., physical, psychological, social, legal, economic) associated with the proposed research. Explain what risk management procedures will be put in place, along with contact details of an appropriately qualified organisation for participant reference in case of distress, eg: Lifeline (200 words)


Please check that the following documents are included in your application by writing in the box below (300 words)

Are the following research tools are included in this application? Yes No N/A
Questionnaire Draft
Interview Questions Draft




General Quality Concepts and Theories in Business

General Quality Concepts and Theories in Business

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you discuss the following items:
Discussion about quality concepts and theories for supply chain management.
Definition of process driven and customer driven quality and provide real-life examples.
Explanation of how different quality theories impact various industries, such as manufacturing and the service industries. Please provide