Multirisk Management Contracts: Homeowners

Homework – Chapter 13: Multirisk Management Contracts: Homeowners

  1. Bill has a homeowners policy with form HO-3. His home has a replacement value of $80,000, and the contents are worth $45,000 at replacement cost or $35,000 at actual cash value. He has a detached greenhouse with heat and humidity control that houses his prized collection of exotic flowers. The flowers are valued at $11,000, and the greenhouse would cost $7,500 to replace at today’s prices. His policy has the following coverages:


Dwellings $60,000
Unscheduled personal property $30,000
Personal liability, per occurrence $25,000

A property coverage deductible of $250 per occurrence applies. Analyze each of the following situations in light of the above information. Determine all applicable coverage(s) and limit(s), and explain all factors that might affect the coverage provided by the policy.

  1. A windstorm causes $20,000 in repair cost damages to the house, and subsequent wind-blown rain causes damage to the contents of the house—$18,000 in replacement cost or $11,000 at actual cash value. The greenhouse is a total loss, as are the exotic plants. Debris removal of the greenhouse to satisfy the city’s health laws costs $350, and further debris removal to clear the way for repairs costs another $280. Two maple trees valued at $600 each are blown down, and their removal costs another $400. Bill must move his family to a nearby rental home for two months while repairs are made to the house. Rental costs are $600 per month, utilities at the rental house are $150 more per month, and the mortgage payments of $550 per month continue to be payable. It costs Bill another $80 per month to commute to work and to drive his children to school. The telephone company charges him $50 to change his telephone to the rental unit and back to his home again.

Coverage B–Other Structures is ___ percent of Coverage A, which is ___________
Coverage D–Loss of Use is ___ percent of the limit for Coverage A, which is _________
Now, determine whether Coverages A and B losses will be paid on a replacement cost or actual cash value basis.
Coverage A – Dwelling
Replacement cost = _________________
Insured amount = ________________
Replacement Cost or Actual Cash Value? Circle Correct Answer
How much? ____________________
Coverage B – Other Structures
The greenhouse
Replacement cost =__________________
Insured amount = __________________
Replacement Cost or Actual Cash Value? Circle Correct Answer
How much? ____________________
Coverage C – Personal Property
Coverage is for actual cash value, so a maximum of ___________________will be paid for damage to contents. Windstorm is the proximate cause of the wind-blown rain damage, so it is covered/not covered?
Trees Shrubs and Other Plants:
This coverage does/does not pay for losses caused by windstorm or rain. The flowers will/won’t be covered.
Debris Removal:
The cost of removing the two maple trees will/will not be paid because coverage did not apply to the peril (windstorm) causing damage to them. Additional Living Expense:
Covered Additional Living Expenses are:
Rental = ________________________
Utilities = ___________________
Commuting = ____________________
One-time telephone charge =_____________
Total additional living expenses = _________________
The following is the summary of the payment that Bill will receive:

Personal Property  
Debris Removal  
Additional Living Expense  


Contemporary Issues in Corrections Management

Contemporary Issues in Corrections Management 
Select 3 of the following issues to research for this assignment:

  • Overcrowding
  • Gang activity
  • Sexual assault
  • Budget and funding
  • Drug use
  • Officer corruption

For each of your selected issues from above, answer the following questions:

  • What are the primary causes of the issue? Explain in detail, and use research to support your findings.
  • How has the issue impacted individual correctional facility administrations on a local scale? Explain in detail. Be sure to consider and critique existing prison or jail policies.
  • How has the issue impacted the correctional system on a global scale? Explain.

Be sure to consider any federal or state mandates and legislation regarding the issue.
Based on your research, what action do you recommend to help alleviate this issue?
You must fully support your arguments.
Explain the impact of each issue on the administration of the correctional system.
Suggest resolutions based on research, and use examples.
The research should include discussion of state and federal legislative initiatives.

Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the past 5 years

Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the past 5 years

Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the past 5 years have contributed to Caterpillar Inc.’s performance.
Review the Strategic Management Project Background.
Familiarize yourself with the following terms and concepts discussed this week in preparation for completion of this assignment: vertical integration, taper integration, backward vertical integration, forward vertical integration, strategic alliances, global strategy, international strategy, innovation.
Create a 700 to 1,050-word entry in your strategic management research journal. You will use information from this entry in your presentation due in Week 5. Respond to the following prompts in your journal entry:
Identify Caterpillar Inc.’s short-term versus long term goals.
Evaluate how mergers and acquisitions in the past 5 years have contributed to Caterpillar Inc.’s performance.
Assess Caterpillar Inc.’s global strategy (international, multi-domestic, global-standardization, or transnational).
Discuss the types of innovation Caterpillar Inc.’s uses such as radical incremental, disruptive, and architectural innovation. Identify types of innovation Caterpillar Inc. has used over time.
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Change models

Hello Group – you have really engaged in a great discussion about change, how useful the different change models might be, and the difficulties encountered in this type of situation. How can you use spheres of influence held by staff who are being “restructured” and those who are not to bring about positive outcomes of the change? How is your decision influenced by ethical, intuitive, and collaborative decision-making models?

Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases

Read Chapter 7 (Schoeder, R.G., Goldstein, S.M., & Rungtusanatham, M.J. (2013). Operations Management in the Supply Chain: Decisions and Cases (6th Ed). McGraw-Hill Irwin, New York, NY ISBN: 978-0-07-352524-2) and create a Microsoft Word document with your responses to the following questions.
Q3: Why did the concepts, principles, and techniques of lean emerge and evolve in Japan, not in the Western countries?
Q4: State the lean tenets in your own words.
Q8: How do workers and managers in a lean production system differ from their counterparts in traditional non-lean environments?
Q15: Construct a value stream map for the following processes:

  • cafeteria
  • grocery store

Work the following problems, being sure to answer each part of each question completely. As in yesterday’s assignment, the length of the assignment dictates that only the first sentence is included here. Be sure to get the entire question from your text.
Q4: Assume that a plant operates 2000 hours per year and the demand rate for parts is 100,000 units per year.
Q6: A company is in the business of machining parts that go through various work centers.
Q7: Suppose that a lean work center is being operated with a lot size of 50 units.
Q8: A supplier provides parts to a manufacturing company that demands frequent deliveries

Building An Organization

Building An Organization 

  1. How should activities be grouped? (e.g. by activity? by discipline? Etc)
  2. Which parts of the organization should be vertically integrated or laterally integrated?
    1. In the vertical integration business model, your company expands by gaining control of its entire supply chain. This type of integration can move forward toward the end consumer, or bac kwards toward the raw materials for goods production.
    2. Horizontal integration occurs when there is a merger between two firms in the same industry operating at the same stage of production.
  3. What should be centralized and what should be decentralized?
    1. Centralized:
    2. Decentralized:

Building An Organization

Building An Organization 

  1. How should activities be grouped? (e.g. by activity? by discipline? Etc)
  2. Which parts of the organization should be vertically integrated or laterally integrated?
    1. In the vertical integration business model, your company expands by gaining control of its entire supply chain. This type of integration can move forward toward the end consumer, or bac kwards toward the raw materials for goods production.
    2. Horizontal integration occurs when there is a merger between two firms in the same industry operating at the same stage of production.
  3. What should be centralized and what should be decentralized?
    1. Centralized:
    2. Decentralized:

Building An Organization

Building An Organization 

  1. How should activities be grouped? (e.g. by activity? by discipline? Etc)
  2. Which parts of the organization should be vertically integrated or laterally integrated?
    1. In the vertical integration business model, your company expands by gaining control of its entire supply chain. This type of integration can move forward toward the end consumer, or bac kwards toward the raw materials for goods production.
    2. Horizontal integration occurs when there is a merger between two firms in the same industry operating at the same stage of production.
  3. What should be centralized and what should be decentralized?
    1. Centralized:
    2. Decentralized:

Organizational Change: Overcoming and Dealing with Change Resistance

Managing Organizational Change: Overcoming Change Resistance. 
Literature review of overcoming change resistance (6 pages, Harvard Stye, at least 5 sscholarly sources).
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Organizational Change: Overcoming and Dealing with Change Resistance

Managing Organizational Change: Overcoming Change Resistance. 
Literature review of overcoming change resistance (6 pages, Harvard Stye, at least 5 sscholarly sources).
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