Setting Common Goals in the Workplace

Setting Common Goals in the Workplace
Research Paper Instructions
Your paper must be at least eight (8) full pages (excluding cover page, table of
contents, references page, appendices, etc.) but no longer than 10 full pages. All papers
must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch
margins (on the top, bottom, and both sides), and no extra spaces between paragraphs. All
papers must also follow/utilize the APA format. Grammar and punctuation will count
toward your final paper grade so you are strongly encouraged to utilize The Writing Center.
Students will prepare a paper examining an issue related to a topic of leadership we
have covered in this course. The paper will include three components: (1) an extensive
review of the literature on public leadership related to the selected topic; (2) any “lessons
learned” that can be drawn from the relevant literature; and (3) a concluding section with
a discussion of future challenges related to the selected topic. This paper should be
written in your voice and focus on your academic perspective regarding the related
literature. In other words, analyze the literature and use it to convey your perspective on
the topic selected.
Copying and pasting (or paraphrasing) large parts of the relevant literature verbatim
does nothing to convey your original thoughts on the topic you have selected (and may
constitute plagiarism, resulting in a grade of zero, if done without the use of quotation
marks and/or attribution for each idea belonging to the author of the literature). When
incorporating an author’s ideas into your paper, be sure to cite every time you do so. Cite
correctly (APA format) and cite as often as necessary to give proper attribution while
keeping in mind that this research paper is intended to be original, and reflect your thoughts
on the topic selected and the available literature related to that topic. This assignment will
be checked using SafeAssign.
Students are required to use scholarly sources and peer-reviewed articles/journals
for this literature review. Your paper should cite and utilize at least five (5) scholarly
sources (though you are highly encouraged to use more). Please note that online news
articles, Wikipedia, etc. are not scholarly sources. If you need assistance with searching
for scholarly sources, please contact a  reference librarian.

Setting Common Goals in the Workplace

Setting Common Goals in the Workplace
Research Paper Instructions
Your paper must be at least eight (8) full pages (excluding cover page, table of
contents, references page, appendices, etc.) but no longer than 10 full pages. All papers
must be double-spaced and typed in 12-point Times New Roman font with one-inch
margins (on the top, bottom, and both sides), and no extra spaces between paragraphs. All
papers must also follow/utilize the APA format. Grammar and punctuation will count
toward your final paper grade so you are strongly encouraged to utilize The Writing Center.
Students will prepare a paper examining an issue related to a topic of leadership we
have covered in this course. The paper will include three components: (1) an extensive
review of the literature on public leadership related to the selected topic; (2) any “lessons
learned” that can be drawn from the relevant literature; and (3) a concluding section with
a discussion of future challenges related to the selected topic. This paper should be
written in your voice and focus on your academic perspective regarding the related
literature. In other words, analyze the literature and use it to convey your perspective on
the topic selected.
Copying and pasting (or paraphrasing) large parts of the relevant literature verbatim
does nothing to convey your original thoughts on the topic you have selected (and may
constitute plagiarism, resulting in a grade of zero, if done without the use of quotation
marks and/or attribution for each idea belonging to the author of the literature). When
incorporating an author’s ideas into your paper, be sure to cite every time you do so. Cite
correctly (APA format) and cite as often as necessary to give proper attribution while
keeping in mind that this research paper is intended to be original, and reflect your thoughts
on the topic selected and the available literature related to that topic. This assignment will
be checked using SafeAssign.
Students are required to use scholarly sources and peer-reviewed articles/journals
for this literature review. Your paper should cite and utilize at least five (5) scholarly
sources (though you are highly encouraged to use more). Please note that online news
articles, Wikipedia, etc. are not scholarly sources. If you need assistance with searching
for scholarly sources, please contact a  reference librarian.

Impact of Training, Job Rotation and Job Enrichment on Employee Performance

Impact of Training, Job Rotation and Job Enrichment on Employee Performance 
Please ready carefully 6 articles which will be attached and write a roughly 2 pages of literature
review with references of these 6 articles
Preferred language style Simple (Easy vocabulary, simple grammar constructions)
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Research how the cruise ship industry implements the 5 phases of emergency management : mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery

Research how the cruise ship industry implements the  5 phases of emergency management : mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.
I am asking you to research and write another structured paper ( 4 pages min). This assignment I trust you will find enormous information about and I hope find interesting and concerning as well.
The travel industry is experiencing unprecedented declines economically. However,  It seems one travel industry business in particular — the cruise ship / passenger cruise ship industry seems to be dealing with the corona virus in ways where people may have little rights and furthermore maybe subject to international laws. There are many interesting facts I hope you will share in your research paper on how the cruise ship industry leads the nation in notifying governments of a pandemic event aboard a cruise ship in any part of the world.
Research how the cruise ship industry implements the — 5 phases of emergency management : mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. In considering how to focus on any one industry to request you write a paper on and how the business or industry has become intensely effected by the corona virus, I have chosen the passenger cruise ship business/industry to focus on. Many of you may not know that Brevard county Florida has the 2nd largest cruise ship port in the world. I want you to share information in your paper about events past, current and possibly events in the future regarding how cruise ships are working with a pandemic event aboard a confined passenger cruise ship. I think you will find that a cruise ship may be the first of any industries to encounter and confront a pandemic event. In your paper mention about the cruse ship that in Brevard county wanted to come to land but was told to stay in the sea due to passengers on board having the virus, research what you find most concerning and of interest to you about how the cruise passenger ship industry and how it has experienced first hand the difficulties of managing an on board pandemic/disaster event.

Internal relationships that develop inside the organization

Ethics in business relationships include both the external  and internal    relationships that develop around the organization. For this  assignment, you    will  focus on the internal relationships that develop inside the organization.    Studies have indicated the more positive the environment within the    organization, the more productive the employees.
Research one or a combination of these job-related topics  found within    organizations: job discrimination; sexual harassment; bullying or  unsafe    working conditions.

  1.   Briefly describe the issue.
  2.  Analyze the impact on overall morale,   relationships within the          organization and ultimately overall productivity   levels.
  3.  Research a minimum of one company that was caught   up in this type of          issue.
  4.  What best practices might a company implement to   avoid negative          behavior within their organization?
  5.  How would you rate the ethical practices of the   company that you chose          (excellent, fair or poor)? Explain.

Your response should include an introduction, thesis  statement, and a clear    discussion of the questions/topics above. It should be a  minimum of two    double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least two credible references.    All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have    accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

Internal relationships that develop inside the organization

Ethics in business relationships include both the external  and internal    relationships that develop around the organization. For this  assignment, you    will  focus on the internal relationships that develop inside the organization.    Studies have indicated the more positive the environment within the    organization, the more productive the employees.
Research one or a combination of these job-related topics  found within    organizations: job discrimination; sexual harassment; bullying or  unsafe    working conditions.

  1.   Briefly describe the issue.
  2.  Analyze the impact on overall morale,   relationships within the          organization and ultimately overall productivity   levels.
  3.  Research a minimum of one company that was caught   up in this type of          issue.
  4.  What best practices might a company implement to   avoid negative          behavior within their organization?
  5.  How would you rate the ethical practices of the   company that you chose          (excellent, fair or poor)? Explain.

Your response should include an introduction, thesis  statement, and a clear    discussion of the questions/topics above. It should be a  minimum of two    double-spaced pages. You are required to use at least two credible references.    All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have    accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

The Management Consultant: Mastering the Art of Consultancy Author

Please use this Textbook for reference:
Newton, R. (2010) The Management Consultant: Mastering the Art of Consultancy Author: Richard Newton Publisher: FT Press ISBN: 978-0273730873 
I have also posted tips if incase you don’t have a textbook.
1. Start with an understanding of why you are buying consultancy.
2. Take time clarifying the scope and deliverables of the engagement.
3. Don’t forget you always have a choice – not to buy or to use someone else.
4. Check the proposal matches your needs and expectations.
5. Agree the billing arrangements up-front.
6. Clarify who is the client.
7. Decide how much freedom you will give the consultants.
8. Expect a lot – but don’t expect miracles!
9. Confirm precisely who is in the consulting team.
10. Read the small print in the contract.
11. If you don’t trust the consultant, don’t buy.
12. Before saying yes, be clear about what happens when they finish.
13. Plan check points in the engagement.
14. Prepare for the consultants’ arrival.
15. Keep an eye on who the consultants are talking to within your organization.
16. Pay for work, not for sales activity.
17. Delivery is a partnership.
18. Check back against the proposal.
19. Check the deliverables – don’t just accept them.
20. Only pay the bill if you are happy with the work and the invoice is reasonable.
In Chapter 14 of our text, the author discusses 20 consulting tips for clients busying consultancy. After reaching chapter 14 and reviewing the tips, I’d like for you to choose at 5 – 7 tips that you found the most beneficial. Remember that you are in a different mindset than last week, this is for a client-centric approach.
For EACH tip you choose, answer the following:

  • 1. Why do you feel this tip is more beneficial than others? 
  • 2. If you were working as a consultant how would you implement these tips to improve your work for a client-centric approach?
  • Don’t forget to follow the outlined expectations for your initial discussion post and peer replies.

The Management Consultant: Mastering the Art of Consultancy Author

Please use this Textbook for reference:
Newton, R. (2010) The Management Consultant: Mastering the Art of Consultancy Author: Richard Newton Publisher: FT Press ISBN: 978-0273730873 
I have also posted tips if incase you don’t have a textbook.
1. Start with an understanding of why you are buying consultancy.
2. Take time clarifying the scope and deliverables of the engagement.
3. Don’t forget you always have a choice – not to buy or to use someone else.
4. Check the proposal matches your needs and expectations.
5. Agree the billing arrangements up-front.
6. Clarify who is the client.
7. Decide how much freedom you will give the consultants.
8. Expect a lot – but don’t expect miracles!
9. Confirm precisely who is in the consulting team.
10. Read the small print in the contract.
11. If you don’t trust the consultant, don’t buy.
12. Before saying yes, be clear about what happens when they finish.
13. Plan check points in the engagement.
14. Prepare for the consultants’ arrival.
15. Keep an eye on who the consultants are talking to within your organization.
16. Pay for work, not for sales activity.
17. Delivery is a partnership.
18. Check back against the proposal.
19. Check the deliverables – don’t just accept them.
20. Only pay the bill if you are happy with the work and the invoice is reasonable.
In Chapter 14 of our text, the author discusses 20 consulting tips for clients busying consultancy. After reaching chapter 14 and reviewing the tips, I’d like for you to choose at 5 – 7 tips that you found the most beneficial. Remember that you are in a different mindset than last week, this is for a client-centric approach.
For EACH tip you choose, answer the following:

  • 1. Why do you feel this tip is more beneficial than others? 
  • 2. If you were working as a consultant how would you implement these tips to improve your work for a client-centric approach?
  • Don’t forget to follow the outlined expectations for your initial discussion post and peer replies.

Strategy Management Final Assignment

The Final Assessment is a 4500 words paper divided into two parts. It is strongly advised to start working on it early in the course.
The aim of the Final Assessment is for you to demonstrate your understanding of key concepts in strategic management and your capacity to craft a professional document. It will be very good preparation for your dissertation.
Part One (approx 3000 words)
1. Choose a concept/model in strategic management. You can choose the concept from the ones discussed in the course or you can choose another one. Examples of concepts are: core competencies, generic strategies, mergers and acquisitions, alliances, CSR, blue ocean strategy, etc. 
2. Critically examine the concept: define the concept; identify when it was first discussed and what the arguments were for its creation; discuss how the concept then evolved by identifying the arguments for and against it over time and by noting any adaptations.
3. Explain how the concept fits today with other concepts of strategic management, and discuss how/if the concept is relevant or not to today’s business challenges.
In Part One you must demonstrate you can research and develop a deep understanding of a concept by identifying, examining and challenging different views of it. You should reference a minimum of 10 academic sources: academic books and/or articles from academic journals that are peer-reviewed. This excludes textbooks, articles from business magazines and ‘popular’ books you may find in airport bookstores, but you can use these as additional supporting references if needed.
All sources should be correctly referenced using the Harvard system, as for any professional academic document.
Part Two (approx 1500 words)
4. Present a real life case study of the concept that you chose in Part One ‘in action’. You can use your own organisation or an organisation of your choice – we recommend you use an organisation you are personally familiar with as it will be easier for you to ‘see inside’ the organisation
Part Two should be like a mini-case study where you will present the situation of the organisation you choose, the issues faced, and how the concept was or is being used to solve the issues and raise the general performance of the organisation.
In Part Two, you must show you can integrate theory and practice. You do this by giving examples of the theory in action, and by evaluating the approach taken and how effective it was in delivering the desired results. By reflecting on events, you may even challenge the theory itself – From the events you describe, is the theory valid? How can it be improved?
Your report for the Final Assessment will be graded using the University’s grading criteria of: Knowledge and Clarity of Reasoning; Interface between Theory and Practice in the Professional Context; Use of literature; Organisation of Material.
Scripts that are excessively long (i.e. exceeding the 4500 word limit of the main report by more than 10%) will not be read beyond the point of the word limit; there is no minimum word limit. Do not put your name on the paper.
The overall structure should be as follows:
1. Cover Page (1 page)
2. Table of Contents/List of Exhibits (1 page)
3. Executive Summary
4. Main Report (within the 4,500 word limit as above)
5. Exhibits (if any)
6. List of references
Submissions should be machine readable and in MS-Word format only; submit only one file.
The university is committed to fight plagiarism and we use extensively anti-plagiarism software. Do not use external sources without referencing them. Do not cut and paste the work of others. Do not copy the work of others.

Outlining a Marketing Plan and Staffing Plan

Course Project: Part 3— Outlining a Marketing Plan and Staffing Plan

In Week 1, you described a program for the health problem and identified the right division for the program. In Week 2, you provided factual information for understanding the health problem.
Marketing Plan Creation
This week, you will outline a marketing plan for the proposed program. The purpose of the marketing plan is to raise awareness about the proposed program and educate and motivate the public to utilize the proposed services or adopt healthy behaviors. The marketing plan should identify the goals of the proposed program and summarize the strategies that will be used to accomplish the stated goals.
Click  here to review sample marketing plans.
Using the sample marketing plans as guides, create a marketing plan that includes:

  • The following headers:
    • Introduction and Goals
    • Target Audience Profile
    • Communication Objectives and Strategies
    • Evaluation Plan
  • Strategy recommendations for marketing the proposed program to your target audience.

Your marketing plan can be in an outline form. A detailed work plan with a timeline for completion is not required for this assignment.
Staffing Plan Creation
This week, you will also develop a staffing plan for the proposed program. Hiring and retaining qualified employees is the single most critical determinant of your program’s success. Your staffing plan should identify positions that are key to the success of your program, delineate the roles and responsibilities of each position, and determine the characteristics of the ideal or best qualified candidates.
Using the readings for the week, the South University Online Library, and the Internet, complete the following tasks:

  • List the staff members required to deliver the proposed program.
  • Describe the roles and responsibilities of each staff member.

Continue with the previous week’s report and add 3–4 pages to it to complete this week’s assignment tasks.
Submission Details:

  • Support your responses with appropriate research, scholarly references, and specific examples.
  • Cite all sources in APA format.