Organizational Culture And Structure

In  this project, you will view a video and discuss the organizational  culture and organizational structure of the assigned organization.
Outcome Met by Completing This Assignment

  • organize human, physical, and financial resources for the effective and efficient attainment of organizational goals

How to Set Up the Paper
Create  a Word or Rich Text Format (RTF) document that is double-spaced using  12-point font.  The final product will be 3-4 pages in length excluding  the title page and reference page.  Write clearly and concisely.
Provide a title page with a title, your name, course and section number and the instructor’s name.
You  have been hired as an associate for a software company that offers  support solutions and customer service to more than 500 businesses in  the United States.  The company has recently started to experience  significant growth and will need to hire many new associate positions.   Your manager, Jack Nyugen, has asked you to help create a recruiting  video for the company that emphasizes the company as having a positive  corporate culture in which employees live the company’s core values and  like coming to work.  Jack provides you with a recruiting video for  Zendesk, a favorite company of his, and has asked you to view the video  to gain an understanding of the concepts, organizational culture and  organizational structure.  Jack knows the value of seeing is believing  but also knows the value in a person who is able to articulate what is  seen.
Jack has asked you to view the video on Zendesk:   (You may need to right click on the link and open in a new window.)
You  will write a report addressed to Jack and will use only the Zendesk  video and course materials.  If external sources are used, the  information will not be included in the grading.
Use the following headings and instructions to complete the project:

  • Write an Introduction paragraph. The  Introduction paragraph is the first paragraph of the paper and  describes to the reader the intent of the paper explaining the main  points covered in the paper using a thesis statement.  This intent  should be understood prior to reading the remainder of the paper so the  reader knows exactly what is being covered in the paper.

Organizational Culture

  • Discuss the seven dimensions of organizational culture
  • Describe  what ZenDesk’s organizational culture look like by presenting examples  for each dimension descriptor.  Use the specific facts from the video  and use the course material to support your description of ZenDesk’s  organizational culture.  This means you will use the video facts and  make connections to organizational culture as it relates to each  dimension descriptor.

Competitive Advantage

  • Discuss  how ZenDesk uses its corporate culture to create a competitive  advantage.  Make sure to correctly make connections between the video  information and the course materials.

Organizational Structure

  • Identify  and discuss ZenDesk’s organizational structure from what you see in the  video and use the course material to support your description of the  structure.  Make sure to use examples from the video.


  • Create a concluding paragraph.  The Conclusion summarizes the main topics discussed in the paper.

Staffing Needs – centralized staffing or decentralized staffing

Use attached document to answer questions. 150-200 words.
1. If you were a supervisor or manager, would you prefer to manage in on a unit with centralized staffing or decentralized staffing.  Explain your choice.
2. As a supervisor or manager you are considering implementing a scheduling system that combines 8 hour and 12 hour shifts. What considerations would you need to address with this type of scheduling?

Managing cultural diversity / Cultural differences

Cultural differences, while difficult to observe and measure, are obviously very important. Failure to appreciate and account for them can lead to embarrassing blunders, strain relationships, and drag down business performance. While some organizations are able to make cultural diversity a source of advantage, others do not.  Identify a recent situation in the news in which an organization failed to consider the various cultural norms of stakeholders. Where did they fail and what would you recommend based on your readings, research, and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions?

Managing cultural diversity / Cultural differences

Cultural differences, while difficult to observe and measure, are obviously very important. Failure to appreciate and account for them can lead to embarrassing blunders, strain relationships, and drag down business performance. While some organizations are able to make cultural diversity a source of advantage, others do not.  Identify a recent situation in the news in which an organization failed to consider the various cultural norms of stakeholders. Where did they fail and what would you recommend based on your readings, research, and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions?

Banking And Finance (Role Of A Bank In Our Economy)

Banking And Finance (Role Of A Bank In Our Economy)
Each student will do a 7-page research paper (double spaced, 12 point font) on any topic which I have presented in class during the semester. You can use my class material, but you must also use 5 additional sources for your paper. Make sure to reference these sources in your paper and at the end of the paper in the bibliography. The paper is worth 20% of your final grade (200 points), and is due on the day of the final exam or sooner. You can email me the paper as an attachment.

Banking And Finance (Role Of A Bank In Our Economy)

Banking And Finance (Role Of A Bank In Our Economy)
Each student will do a 7-page research paper (double spaced, 12 point font) on any topic which I have presented in class during the semester. You can use my class material, but you must also use 5 additional sources for your paper. Make sure to reference these sources in your paper and at the end of the paper in the bibliography. The paper is worth 20% of your final grade (200 points), and is due on the day of the final exam or sooner. You can email me the paper as an attachment.

Change management in healthcare

Change within the healthcare setting is inevitable and as a nurse leader understanding how change occurs and strategically determining the change process or model needed to best suit the needs of the change is a valuable skill to possess.  In this situation a change is needed surrounding the current organizational structure at a facility.  This situation indicates that there is an in-proportionate number of leaders to staff creating a “top heavy” environment where multiple people are in charge of a single unit(s).  This type of a change consists of organizational restructuring and can create threats to decision-making strategies, including information flow, relationships, and priority setting (Spiers, Lo, Hofmeyer, & Cummings, 2016).  Restructuring the organizational structure will create a feelings of uncertainty among staff and this type of change should be mapped out and well communicated to ensure a smooth transition.  With a top heavy scenario the goal of the organizational restructuring is to ultimately create a more streamlined and direct line of authority, eliminate any duplicate leaders and flatten out the line to reduce the expense.
The three change models discussed could theoretically all be used in this scenario however the one I opted to implement is the PDSA model of change.  This scenario requires a rapid change in organizational structure and Kotter and Roger’s are by design a more slow measured change process.  This organizational restructure requires a plan of action which is restructuring the leadership or reducing the number of leaders within each unit/department.  The plan is then implemented by restructuring leadership or by eliminating excessive leadership in order to create a more direct line of authority and lessen the redundancy of leaders.  If a alteration of the plan is needed upon further eval then the cycle continues.  Flattening out the leadership or reducing the number of leaders is difficult but must be done in a precise manner, enacted upon evaluated and then adjusted if needed.  Kotter and Rogers change models could be applied here but in my opinion the PDSA model and the quick four cycle process works best to implement a rapid change in leadership that is needed in this scenario.

Organization operational excellence – case study

Select an organization that has a Global platform (they operate in more than one country), that has demonstrated operational excellence.  In this paper, perform the following activities:

  • Name the organization and briefly describe what good or service they sell and where they operate.
  • Note how they are a differentiator in the market.
  • Note the resources used to ensure success in their industry (remember resources are comprised of more than just people).
  • Explain what actions the company took to achieve operational excellence.

The above submission should be three pages in length.  Remember the total length does not include the APA approved cover page or the references.  There should be at least three APA approved references to support your work.
This assignment must be submitted by 11:59 PM on Wednesday, April 15, 2020 (No Exceptions).  As per the syllabus, no late assignments will be accepted.
Please understand that Plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a zero grade. Please review the Academic Dishonesty Policy outlined in the syllabus and in your student handbook.
Your paper will be submitted to SafeAssign, which is a plagiarism prevention service and detects unoriginal content in student papers.

School Information Of Management

School Information
You receive an email from a student at your former high school, asking about life at your college. Read the message below, then write a response.
To: ______
From: Penny Garzon
Subject: Questions About College Life
Hello _____,
I’m a sophomore at ______ high school, and I’d like to know more about California State University, San Bernardino. You might remember my sister, Marguerite Garzon, who graduated with you. She went to Ohio State University, but I’m looking at other options.
Will you please tell me how you like school and answer a few questions for me:
How difficult is the work? Is the workload much more than what we have in high school? Is it manageable if I also have a part-time job during school?
How accessible are the instructors at your school? Do they have time for you one-on-one?
What’s the social life like at your school? Are fraternities and sororities popular? What do people do for fun?
Does your school have a debate club? I’m on the debate time in high school, and I’d like to join a club in college. What are my options?
Thanks for giving me your perspective. This will help me make a decision about whether to apply to your school.
Penny Garzon
Remember that you’re writing to a high-school student. For example, when Penny asks about the workload, tell her more than just credit load. Help her understand the difference between high school life and college life by including the hours/week requirements for a typical class load (including lectures, homework, etc.).
To help Penny understand college life, be as specific and detailed as possible. Share stories and experiences that will help her gain a better perspective of life at college. For example, if you’ve scheduled an appointment with a Professor during office hours, describe it to Penny. On the other hand, if you don’t have any experience with CSUSB fraternities or sororities (and many students don’t), be sure to explain that.
Penny’s email included four bullet points in the body of her email. Answer all of her questions. Your response should include at least six paragraphs: introduction, four body paragraphs, conclusion. Your body paragraphs should be in the same order as her questions.
Be personal. Penny is a family friend. Choose a friendly, informal writing style.


There are 4 questions. Answers don’t have to be long. Two to three sentences are fine. I uploaded the article which you have to read and answer the questions based on the reading. The powerpoint can help in understanding the business concept of it. Please stick to the powerpoint and article when answering DONT GOOGLE.
In analyzing a business’s success (failure), we typically examine its strategies in three domains
1. Vertical scope: strategies used in the same industry; the strategies are those that firms decide to whether vertically integrate or outsource the upstream (downstream) value-chain activities in the same industry.
2. Horizontal scope: strategies used for diversification across different industries; the strategies are those that firms decide how much and where they diversify via multiple products or stay focused.
3. Geographical scope: strategies used for expanding across countries; the strategies are those that firms decide how many and where they globally expand beyond their domestic country markets.
Nokia was ranked as one of most global valuable brand in the world in 2007. How did Nokia do right in (1) vertical scope (2) horizontal scope (3) geographical scope?
In analyzing a business’s success (failure), we typically examine its strategies in three domains
1. Vertical scope: strategies used in the same industry; the strategies are those that firms decide to whether vertically integrate or outsource the upstream (downstream) value-chain activities in the same industry.
2. Horizontal scope: strategies used for diversification across different industries; the strategies are those that firms decide how much and where they diversify via multiple products or stay focused.
3. Geographical scope: strategies used for expanding across countries; the strategies are those that firms decide how many and where they globally expand beyond their domestic country markets.
As a mighty company, Nokia fell from a leader position so fast. How did Nokia do wrong in (1) vertical scope (2) horizontal scope (3) geographical scope?
How did Nokia do wrong in technology? Think more critically about this question. Considering the following facts:
– Nokia was leader of smart phone market in 2006-08
– Nokia started the app business very early (OVI); even Stv Jobs didn’t see the apps revolution in the beginning of iPhone.
– Nokia was good at managing the 1G/2G ecosystems
– For operation system (OS), it is better to control your own destiny when you are still in strong position, which is why Nokia embraces MS-OS, instead of Android.
Combing your thoughts on Question 1-3 and other factors, what is the root cause of rise-and-fall of Nokia (the root of problems)?