There are 4 questions. Answers don’t have to be long. Two to three sentences are fine. I uploaded the article which you have to read and answer the questions based on the reading. The powerpoint can help in understanding the business concept of it. Please stick to the powerpoint and article when answering DONT GOOGLE.
In analyzing a business’s success (failure), we typically examine its strategies in three domains
1. Vertical scope: strategies used in the same industry; the strategies are those that firms decide to whether vertically integrate or outsource the upstream (downstream) value-chain activities in the same industry.
2. Horizontal scope: strategies used for diversification across different industries; the strategies are those that firms decide how much and where they diversify via multiple products or stay focused.
3. Geographical scope: strategies used for expanding across countries; the strategies are those that firms decide how many and where they globally expand beyond their domestic country markets.
Nokia was ranked as one of most global valuable brand in the world in 2007. How did Nokia do right in (1) vertical scope (2) horizontal scope (3) geographical scope?
In analyzing a business’s success (failure), we typically examine its strategies in three domains
1. Vertical scope: strategies used in the same industry; the strategies are those that firms decide to whether vertically integrate or outsource the upstream (downstream) value-chain activities in the same industry.
2. Horizontal scope: strategies used for diversification across different industries; the strategies are those that firms decide how much and where they diversify via multiple products or stay focused.
3. Geographical scope: strategies used for expanding across countries; the strategies are those that firms decide how many and where they globally expand beyond their domestic country markets.
As a mighty company, Nokia fell from a leader position so fast. How did Nokia do wrong in (1) vertical scope (2) horizontal scope (3) geographical scope?
How did Nokia do wrong in technology? Think more critically about this question. Considering the following facts:
– Nokia was leader of smart phone market in 2006-08
– Nokia started the app business very early (OVI); even Stv Jobs didn’t see the apps revolution in the beginning of iPhone.
– Nokia was good at managing the 1G/2G ecosystems
– For operation system (OS), it is better to control your own destiny when you are still in strong position, which is why Nokia embraces MS-OS, instead of Android.
Combing your thoughts on Question 1-3 and other factors, what is the root cause of rise-and-fall of Nokia (the root of problems)?

Conflict And Management And Team Dynamics

MT340: Unit 7 Assignment Details and Rubric This Assignment assesses the following Course Outcome. MT340-5: Develop creative and critical thinking in teams. Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items. Scenario: You, your spouse, and your two siblings and their spouses, need to get away as you all have extremely high pressure jobs. In order to really get away from technology, cell phones, etc., you rent an island home from Rene (who owns the island) that is only accessed by small plane 45 minutes away from the mainland for one month. The rent is prepaid. The small plane will come back in exactly one month to pick you up. You have all the groceries you need for one month which came on your flight over. The house is located on a steep cliff overlooking the ocean and receives water through a cistern (an open storage cement box open to the rain) on the roof, which is then filtered. After two days there, the six of you realize that the house has almost no water left, but you all agree you want to stay. The island has three other homes owned by Rene, which all happen to be vacant right now, but there is no town. You have a landline phone that communicates with the small landing strip station at which they only speak French, which none of you speaks. Checklist:  Explain why creative and critical thinking are important to the team.  Explain how you as a leader or group member will develop creative and critical thinking in the team of six (6).  Analyze what factors might affect creative and critical thinking in this team. How can the group avoid groupthink?  Identify some common fallacies in reasoning.  Summarize the tools you would use to enhance creative and critical thinking skills to resolve the problem.  How can you the team evaluate the viability of a proposed solution? Make sure your essay includes the following. ● Introduce your topic. ● Respond to the checklist items in this Assignment and provide support for your responses as appropriate. ● Provide a conclusion. ● Write your paper in a clear and articulate manner using Standard English. ● Ensure it is well-organized, logical, and unified, and that your work is original and insightful. ● Use APA formatting and citation style for your paper. ● Respond in a 2–3-page paper with a separate title and reference page. ● Provide at least two quality references in addition to the textbook, for a total of at least three. Submit your Assignment to the Unit 7 Assignment Dropbox. Submit by Tuesday 11:59 Eastern Time. 1              Unit 7 Assignment Grading Rubric Criteria: Points Possible: Points Earned Content and analysis based on the scenario:  Explain why creative and critical thinking are important to the team.  Explain as a leader or group member how to develop creative and critical thinking in the team of six (6).  Analyze what factors might affect creative and critical thinking in this team. Explain how the group can avoid groupthink.  Identify some common fallacies in reasoning.  Summarize some tools to be used to enhance creative and critical thinking skills to resolve the problem.  Explain how the team can evaluate the viability of a proposed solution. 45 Writing and Mechanics: Make sure the essay addresses the following: ● Introduce the topic. ● Respond to the checklist items and questions in this Assignment providing support where appropriate. ● Provide a conclusion. ● Respond in a 2–3-page essay with a separate title and reference page. ● Provide at least two quality references in addition to the textbook, for a total of at least three. ● Write the essay in a clear and articulate manner using Standard English. ● Ensure it is well-organized, logical, and unified, and that the work is original and insightful. ● Use APA formatting and proper citation of references where applicable. 35 Total Assignment Score: Total Points Possible: 80 Total Points Earned: 2

Strategy, Planning, and Selection 

Assignment 1: Strategy, Planning, and Selection 
Due Week 3 and worth 170 points
Assume for this assignment that you are being highly considered for a director-level HR management position for a best-in-class national retailer. You are in the final phase of the interview process and must respond to the interview panel regarding specific questions and scenarios that will help them determine if you are a good fit for the new role. The company’s culture is centered on the effective development of strategy, plans, and selection criteria aimed at building and sustaining a competitive and profitable organization. It will be extremely important that you respond with a strategic mindset in order to convince the organization you are able to help them ensure the execution of the business strategy.
Write a six to seven (6-7) page paper in which you:
Analyze different types of strategies (cost leadership, differentiation, and focus/niche) and select which one you would deem more appropriate for an “efficiency-minded” retail organization and explain your rationale. How would the selected strategy ultimately affect how HR does its job?  Examine the four (4) approaches to job design/redesign and provide an example (not a definition) of each. Then, make a case to the interviewing panel on the importance of effective job design applications in supporting the overall strategic goals of the organization.  Consider challenges and constraints associated with recruiting workers and identify and discuss at least two (2) issues. What advice would you give to ease your selected issues? Be specific.  List and describe 2–3 candidate selection process ideas that might add value and overall effectiveness to the process. HINT: Also, what problems should HR and management teams avoid during the selection process?  Use a minimum of 3 academic quality references at least 1 being the assigned course textbook (required). Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements: Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.  Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment (with running head), the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.  Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. Use the Strayer University Library at to locate additional sources to support your work.

Managerial Decision-Making

Managerial Decision-Making

This week, we examined a managerial activity that spans all four functional areas: decision making. Our exploration included managerial ethical dilemmas and the specific decisions faced by managers in business today. Address the following:

  1. Select a manager. This can be someone you know or someone you have learned about through the news, reading, etc.
  2. Assess his or her strengths in decision making based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  3. Assess that same manager’s decision-making weaknesses using the assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  4. Assess the manager’s track record for making ethical decisions including at least one example of either an ethical or unethical decision made.
  5. Defend 2–3 recommendations for management performance improvement in decision making based on sound, academically credible concepts and theories from assigned reading and academically credible research.

Submission Details:

  • Present your analysis as a 2–3-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
  • Support your responses with examples and research.  Cite any sources in APA format.
  • Name your document MGT2037_W2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Managerial Decision-Making

Managerial Decision-Making

This week, we examined a managerial activity that spans all four functional areas: decision making. Our exploration included managerial ethical dilemmas and the specific decisions faced by managers in business today. Address the following:

  1. Select a manager. This can be someone you know or someone you have learned about through the news, reading, etc.
  2. Assess his or her strengths in decision making based on assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  3. Assess that same manager’s decision-making weaknesses using the assigned reading concepts/theory. Research can also be supplemented from (but not solely based on) other information from academically credible resources.
  4. Assess the manager’s track record for making ethical decisions including at least one example of either an ethical or unethical decision made.
  5. Defend 2–3 recommendations for management performance improvement in decision making based on sound, academically credible concepts and theories from assigned reading and academically credible research.

Submission Details:

  • Present your analysis as a 2–3-page report in a Microsoft Word document formatted in APA style.
  • Support your responses with examples and research.  Cite any sources in APA format.
  • Name your document MGT2037_W2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc
  • Submit your document to the Submissions Area by the due date assigned.

Quality Management

  1. (20 points) Brake systems are purchased in large lots. A brake system is conforming if it stops the car traveling at 50 mph within 45 feet. Design a sampling plan which has the following characteristics

α, producer’s risk = 0.03
β, consumer’s risk  = 0.11
“good” lot  has 0.04 proportion non-conforming
“bad” lot has 0.15 proportion non-conforming
Standard deviation of the population of brake systems’ stopping distance is 5 feet. (applies to all lots)
Steps: (support all of your calculations by drawing appropriate normal curves)

  1. The mean stopping distance for good lots
  2. The mean stopping distance for bad lots
  3. Expression for finding the critical value
  4. Find the sample size after finding Z value corresponding to producer’s and consumer’s risks, and applying the formula 10-24 on page 545.
  5. the critical value (cutoff value) for sample average which directs that if a random sample of size n has an average stopping distance of less than or equal to the cutoff value, the lot is accepted and if it is more than the cutoff value the lot is rejected.
  6. Verify that the critical value is the same when you calculate it from µg or from µb


  1. (10 points) Consider a sampling plan with n = 30 and c = 1. If n is increased to 60, (other things remaining the same) what would happen to producer’s risk, consumer’s risk and AOQL? (Other things remaining the same.) Briefly explain why.

Producer’s risk:
Consumer’s risk:

  1. (10 points) Prior probability for the proportion defectives produced by a newly designed robot is given below. Suppose that you had a chance to collect a random sample of 10 units produced by this robot and found 0 defective. What are the revised probabilities for the Robot being a 1%, 2% or 3% defective Robot?
%defective Probability  Col:(1) (2) found by using Binomial distn (3)=(1)*(2) (4) = each value in (3)/ total of col. (3)
1.0 .2      
2.0 .5      
3.0 .3      


  1. (15 points) Number of dissatisfied customers of LFT Airlines during the past 12 weeks, (starting from 1-1-2020) is given in the table below using a sample size of 100. Use the data to set up an attribute control chart. Comment on whether there are assignable causes and how to use the chart going forward from April 1, 2020. Set the control limits such that α – risk is 0.05.
    1. Standard error is ______________
    2. UCL for the control chart of dissatisfied customers is ________
    3. LCL for the control chart of dissatisfied customers is ________
    4. Plot the control chart.


Week # # of dissatisfied customers Proportion of dissatisfied customers Center line UCL LCL
Jan 06, 2020 2        
Jan 13, 2020 1        
Jan 20, 2020 3        
Jan 27, 2020 2        
Feb 03, 2020 3        
Feb 10, 2020 1        
Feb 17, 2020 2        
Feb 24, 2020 3        
Mar 02, 2020 2        
Mar 09, 2020 12        
Mar 16, 2020 15        
Mar 23, 2020 26      


  1. Revise the chart, assuming special causes for points outside the control limits, revise the chart and the revised LCL is __________
  2. Revised UCL is _________


  1. (15 points) Draw a standardized control chart for proportion defectives for the following problem with variable sample sizes. Comment on the performance of the billing department. Assuming out of control data are due to assignable causes, revise the chart and report on new control limits. Use graphs as appropriate.


Sample number Sample size Bills with error proportion defective SE corresponding to the sample size UCL LCL Center line
1 400 8          
2 400 6          
3 400 4          
4 400 9          
5 400 7          
6 400 5          
7 300 5          
8 300 7          
9 300 4          
10 300 15          
11 300 6          
12 300 7          
13 300 4          
14 300 3          
15 500 5          
16 500 8          
17 500 9          
18 500 12          
19 500 8          
20 500 7          
21 500 8          
22 500 4          
23 500 3          
24 500 7          
25 500 6          

Risk Management And Insurance / Answer Questions

Chapter 14 : Application Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 305

  1. Although both immediate and variable annuities can provide lifetime income to annuitants, they differ in important ways. Compare and contrast (1) an immediate annuity with (2) a variable annuity with respect to each of the following:
    1. Determining how the premiums are invested
    2. Stability of income payments after retirement
    3. Death benefits if the annuitant dies before
  2. A fixed indexed annuity and a variable annuity are both similar and different in many respects.
    1. Explain the major similarities between an fixed-
      indexed annuity and a variable annuity.
    2. Identify the major differences between a fixed
      indexed annuity and a variable annuity.
  3. Mario, age 65, purchased an immediate annuity for $120,000 that pays a lifetime monthly income of $1,000. The annuity has no refund feature. Based on the IRS actuarial table, Mario has a life expectancy of 20 years. If Mario receives 12 monthly payments of $1,000 the first year, how much taxable income must he report on his tax return?
  4. Travis, age 25, graduated from college and obtained a position as a tax accountant. He is ineligible to participate in his employer’s retirement plan for one year.
    a. Assume that Travis has a starting salary of$60,000 for 2018 and does not participate in the employer’s retirement plan. Is Travis eligible to establish a traditional tax-deductible IRA? Explain your answer.
    b. Assume the same facts in (a). Is Travis eligible to establish a Roth IRA? Explain your answer.

Risk Management And Insurance / Answer Questions

Chapter 14 : Application Questions 1, 2, 3 and 4 on page 305

  1. Although both immediate and variable annuities can provide lifetime income to annuitants, they differ in important ways. Compare and contrast (1) an immediate annuity with (2) a variable annuity with respect to each of the following:
    1. Determining how the premiums are invested
    2. Stability of income payments after retirement
    3. Death benefits if the annuitant dies before
  2. A fixed indexed annuity and a variable annuity are both similar and different in many respects.
    1. Explain the major similarities between an fixed-
      indexed annuity and a variable annuity.
    2. Identify the major differences between a fixed
      indexed annuity and a variable annuity.
  3. Mario, age 65, purchased an immediate annuity for $120,000 that pays a lifetime monthly income of $1,000. The annuity has no refund feature. Based on the IRS actuarial table, Mario has a life expectancy of 20 years. If Mario receives 12 monthly payments of $1,000 the first year, how much taxable income must he report on his tax return?
  4. Travis, age 25, graduated from college and obtained a position as a tax accountant. He is ineligible to participate in his employer’s retirement plan for one year.
    a. Assume that Travis has a starting salary of$60,000 for 2018 and does not participate in the employer’s retirement plan. Is Travis eligible to establish a traditional tax-deductible IRA? Explain your answer.
    b. Assume the same facts in (a). Is Travis eligible to establish a Roth IRA? Explain your answer.

Global Production and Supply Chain Management 

Chapter topic is  “Global Production and Supply Chain Management ”
Starting Chapter 12, our focus is on more micro level issues. So the article you will find for your assignment should reflect this and be on companies doing business in the country you chose earlier (ex: Microsoft in India) or on the global business of the companies from the country that you chose earlier (ex: Tata, an Indian company, in Europe)
You are to find and briefly summarize and analyze an article that is related to the main topic of each chapter we are covering in this unit. Your analysis should reflect a good understanding of the concepts in the chapters up to this point. You are required to use reliable media sources (ex: The Economist, Business Week, scholarly articles, etc.; Wikipedia is NOT acceptable) and cite them in the APA style.
You cannot post the same news about the same country that a classmate posted earlier in the week. Several students may choose the same country and/or company, just make sure you do not post the same article.
You are welcome to comment on each others postings and enhance your learning experience.

Global Production and Supply Chain Management 

Chapter topic is  “Global Production and Supply Chain Management ”
Starting Chapter 12, our focus is on more micro level issues. So the article you will find for your assignment should reflect this and be on companies doing business in the country you chose earlier (ex: Microsoft in India) or on the global business of the companies from the country that you chose earlier (ex: Tata, an Indian company, in Europe)
You are to find and briefly summarize and analyze an article that is related to the main topic of each chapter we are covering in this unit. Your analysis should reflect a good understanding of the concepts in the chapters up to this point. You are required to use reliable media sources (ex: The Economist, Business Week, scholarly articles, etc.; Wikipedia is NOT acceptable) and cite them in the APA style.
You cannot post the same news about the same country that a classmate posted earlier in the week. Several students may choose the same country and/or company, just make sure you do not post the same article.
You are welcome to comment on each others postings and enhance your learning experience.