Change Management Intervention and Design Proposal

Change Management Intervention and Design Proposal
Change Management Intervention Proposal
The Change Management Intervention Proposal, a signature assignment, measures the Master of Arts in Human Resource Management and Organizational Development, Program Learning Outcome #6: Develop a consulting proposal and course of action for an organization regarding a particular organizational challenge and/or change process.
Papers are to be submitted in APA format (including cover page) and include headings and sub-headings. References are required for both parts of the project. Cover page and references are not included in length requirements.
Change Management Intervention Proposal, Part One (Proposal)

  • Choose the topic for your OD project. Remember, an OD project is not project management, rather, it is Human Change Management. Please do not choose a technical challenge for your OD project unless you identify the underlying human challenges.
  • Choose the organization that will be the client. Use a real organization with real challenges. Identify the problem and diagnostic plan.
  • Submit a five to six-page proposal that describes the organization and the challenge, clarifies the organizational issue (chapter 2), identifies the magnitude of the organizational issue (chapter 2), lists the stakeholders, and identifies the type of change model proposed (chapter 2).
  • Be sure to describe to describe the diagnostic plan. How will you diagnose the organization and the design components (chapter 4)? Describe how the external consultant (you) will be involved in the project. For example, how do you plan to collect data?
  • Use subheadings (left side justified, first letter capitalized) for each of the headings of yourproposal. Include an APA cover page to both parts of the project. Minimum of three references required(outside references must be scholarly).

Change Management Intervention Proposal, Part Two (Intervention Design)

  • Using your topic from Part 1 OD project, design an effective intervention. Submit an eleven to twelve-page paper that describes the contingencies related to the change situation: readiness for change, capability to change, cultural context, capabilities of the change agent, and contingencies related to the target of change.
  • Complete your diagnostic plan. Be sure to describe your process for designing, collecting, and analyzing data. Will you plan to design, collect, and analyze data, include:
  1. Surveys: what questions will you ask?
  2. Interviews: what questions will you ask?
  3. Organizational/Departmental records and reports: how is department and organizational performance measured? Where is improvement needed?
  4. Observation: what/who will you observe?
  • Based on a minimum of two different data collection outcomes, design your intervention(s). Your intervention should include: data summary (how will you analyze the data), intervention recommendations, timeline for implementations, and measurements (chapter 11). In your intervention recommendations, be sure to include the intervention characteristics in Chapter 11, including goal specificity, programmability, level of change target, internal support, and sponsorship.
  • Use subheadings (left side justified, first letter capitalized) for each of the headings of your proposal. Include an APA cover page to both parts of the project. Do not exceed fifteen pages. Minimum of ten references required (outside references must be scholarly).

-12-point Font; New Times Roman; Double Spaced; 1” Margins
-APA Format with regard to citations; Reference page also provided
-Development of Main Points
-Quality of Writing
Grammar, Punctuation, Spelling, and Citations (APA)
Please proof-read your paper before submitting. Contact the Writing Center for assistance with editing.

Strategic Management Lincoln Electric Case

Strategic Management Lincoln Electric Case
Each student is required to hand-in one case write-up of his/her choice every week except the first week, which will account for 40 percent of your grade. Each case write-up should not exceed 2 pages (1.5 spacing, 11 pt font), and is due at the beginning of class on the day the chosen case is to be discussed (listed in the schedule below). Please upload them to Canvas before the due times.
Please write case write-ups in essay form, trying to answer preassigned case questions and seeking to apply the conceptual materials covered in the textbook chapters. Note that a case write-up is not a summary of the case. Please use the information in the case to backup your argument and answers to the questions below. This is an individual assignment, although I encourage you to discuss cases with your classmates prior to class.
Please explain why it was able to prosper because of its capital and why?

  1. How was Lincoln able to grow and prosper for so long in such a difficult commodity industry that forced out other giants such as General Electric, Westinghouse, and BOC? What is the source of Lincoln’s outstanding and enduring success?
  2. Given this outstanding success, why did the internationalization thrust of the late 1980s and early 1990s fail?
  3. What is your evaluation of the company’s new international strategy under Tony Massaro’s leadership? Is it likely to be more successful than the previous offshore initiatives? If so, why?
  4. Should Lincoln go ahead with its investment in Indonesia? If so, what should be its entry strategy with respect to partnerships? Which compensation option would you recommend to Mike Gillespie as he considers the advisability of implementing the company’s incentive management system?

Effectiveness & Efficiency of Time Management

Effectiveness & Efficiency of Time Management  
An argumentative essay based on the added files.
The thesis might be “Time Management, when used efficiently and effectively is crucial in mapping out a more positive direction in life”.
Therefore topic sentences need to build off the thesis and further the body sentences.
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Effectiveness & Efficiency of Time Management

Effectiveness & Efficiency of Time Management  
An argumentative essay based on the added files.
The thesis might be “Time Management, when used efficiently and effectively is crucial in mapping out a more positive direction in life”.
Therefore topic sentences need to build off the thesis and further the body sentences.
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Effectiveness & Efficiency of Time Management

Effectiveness & Efficiency of Time Management  
An argumentative essay based on the added files.
The thesis might be “Time Management, when used efficiently and effectively is crucial in mapping out a more positive direction in life”.
Therefore topic sentences need to build off the thesis and further the body sentences.
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Public Admin

The Director of the Office of Management and Budget has asked you to develop a background paper for the freshman class of newly-elected officials based on questions they have regarding the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government. Be sure to address the following in your paper:

  • Analyze the constitutional powers of the President to prepare and present an annual budget for congressional approval.
  • Evaluate the current budgeting process in terms of policy changes and their consistency with constitutional enumerated powers. Provide examples where appropriate.

Support your paper with a minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Public Admin

The Director of the Office of Management and Budget has asked you to develop a background paper for the freshman class of newly-elected officials based on questions they have regarding the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government. Be sure to address the following in your paper:

  • Analyze the constitutional powers of the President to prepare and present an annual budget for congressional approval.
  • Evaluate the current budgeting process in terms of policy changes and their consistency with constitutional enumerated powers. Provide examples where appropriate.

Support your paper with a minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Public Admin

The Director of the Office of Management and Budget has asked you to develop a background paper for the freshman class of newly-elected officials based on questions they have regarding the separation of powers between the legislative and executive branches of government. Be sure to address the following in your paper:

  • Analyze the constitutional powers of the President to prepare and present an annual budget for congressional approval.
  • Evaluate the current budgeting process in terms of policy changes and their consistency with constitutional enumerated powers. Provide examples where appropriate.

Support your paper with a minimum of five scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.
Length: 5 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

Developing Corporate Effective Performance

Developing Corporate Effective Performance
If you were a PR professional in a multinational corporate, ‘what would you do in order to make
your organization/corporate’s performance more effective?’
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Developing Corporate Effective Performance

Developing Corporate Effective Performance
If you were a PR professional in a multinational corporate, ‘what would you do in order to make
your organization/corporate’s performance more effective?’
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